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gidzzz 2014-09-20 19:17

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player
Before I start writing an essay on why I don't like this idea (I'd prefer to spend that time working on OMP, for example), tell me if you would be satisfied by "Search lyrics" dialog invoked from lyrics' context menu in Now Playing (later maybe also from each track's menu, but less invasive changes first), where you can enter tags for the current song, because that's what I'm planning for the next release anyway.

TomJ 2014-09-21 14:17

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player

Originally Posted by gidzzz (Post 1439851)

Ooh, I must have missed that. Splendid!


I don't have a Bluetooth headset, so I don't know what it takes to turn it on, but enabling the FM transmitter is IMO pretty quick (thus not slow enough to justify a new entry in the menus).
I'm not looking for a new menu entry, rather a button on (one of) the now playing screen(s). The most obvious use is in-car, so perhaps the in-car screen. You must, of course, work on whatever you consider most important, but I think it would make life somewhat easier.

marmistrz 2014-09-21 14:20

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player

Originally Posted by gidzzz (Post 1439870)
Before I start writing an essay on why I don't like this idea (I'd prefer to spend that time working on OMP, for example), tell me if you would be satisfied by "Search lyrics" dialog invoked from lyrics' context menu in Now Playing (later maybe also from each track's menu, but less invasive changes first), where you can enter tags for the current song, because that's what I'm planning for the next release anyway.

This might be an option, provided that the dialog has the current song's tags after showing up.

Any reason apart from spending the time? What if someone did it on their own?

gidzzz 2014-09-24 09:05

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player

Originally Posted by TomJ (Post 1439954)
I'm not looking for a new menu entry, rather a button on (one of) the now playing screen(s). The most obvious use is in-car, so perhaps the in-car screen.

Thanks for clarifying, I forgot about QML views. For the car view it makes sense, I even have it somewhere on my to-do list.


Originally Posted by marmistrz (Post 1439955)
This might be an option, provided that the dialog has the current song's tags after showing up.

Sure, this a natural thing to do.


Originally Posted by marmistrz (Post 1439955)
Any reason apart from spending the time? What if someone did it on their own?

Yes, questionable gains at the cost of increased complexity. You can create your own plugin if you want -- drop it in "/opt/openmediaplayer/lyrics/" and OMP should pick it up.


Originally Posted by marmistrz (Post 1439863)
Why? A couple of situations in which overrides are extremely useful:

Misnamed tags (on our or the provider's side). This includes the mentioned wikia problem, capital/small letters issues (no redirects here if name is Cyrillic [1]) or situations where the band changed its name.

The fix for bad tags is to fix the bad tags, not to accumulate overrides in a file. If the problem is on your side, edit the audio files. If the problem is on LyricWikia's side or it's moot, add a redirection for everyone to benefit. The broken example in [1] is against LyricWikia's page naming policy, as all words should start with a capital letter. I expect that song to work in the next release of OMP, because LyricWikia plugin will 1) capitalize names and 2) handle artist redirections. There will also be a search dialog to deal with refractory songs when in haste or lazy.


Originally Posted by marmistrz (Post 1439863)
Live tracks. Suppose you have a track "I Am The Law (Live)". You can override it and have the lyrics for the real track loaded. Ideally, you would use a regular-expression-based override, but specifying the overrides in a per-track manner is better than no lyrics

Unfortunately there are lots of exceptions when it comes to lyrics and when you fix one thing, you can break another. An example would be a live recording having a hidden track at the end ( This is why there are multiple plugins and why I prefer to leave as much of name processing as possible to the provider -- if one fails, maybe others can get it right (in case of "I Am The Law (Live)" ChartLyrics works, returning lyrics for the studio version, because it has a search engine behind the API).


Originally Posted by marmistrz (Post 1439863)
Another reason to use it: if we know that artist "Эпидемия" is in fact "Эпидемия_(Epidemia)" we load 1 page instead of 3 per track.

But each user would have to enter each such artist manually... and no, I am not going to ship a huge file with exceptions just to speed up LyricWikia.


Originally Posted by marmistrz (Post 1439863)
The 3-page strategy would work great if being supplemental but on its own is merely a workaround.

No, it is an implementation of the LyricWikia page naming policy (which requires non-latin names to have a transliteration appended). Unfortunately it depends on the artist page having a redirection (although I believe the overwhelming majority has it), but the only automatic alternative seems to be the search box (which is risky, maybe a bit less with a good heuristic). A file with manual overrides is what I would call a workaround.

marmistrz 2014-09-24 15:27

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player
Well, the complexibility increase is not really big, it's a couple of lines (sole override code, neglecting the UI code for configuration - there might be no UI as well for it)

And you misunderstood me, probably. I don't expect you to create all the overrides for each possible band - it's impossible! My suggestion was to create a tool, so that a user can configure any override himself. We don't listen to more than 50 bands, do we? But the number of bands listened by anyone here is much more than 1000, I guess.

I might do a little code for handling an override - it's a couple of lines as I said. But it would only be the code handling it and no UI.

gidzzz 2014-09-26 22:00

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player
Open Media Player 20140926 is ready:
  • Support for MAFW source plugins.
  • Added FM transmitter button to the car view.
  • Allow notification popups in the video window when not playing or when the overlay is visible.
  • Added an option to search for lyrics with manually entered song info.
  • Fixed the inability to load lyrics for the current song after changing settings.
  • Fixed parsing in the LyricWiki plugin and improved compatibility with the site.
  • Fixed the AZLyrics plugin, which apparently stopped working some time ago.
  • Rewrote MAFW source browsing internals and FM transmitter support (lots of cleanups, fixed some memory leaks and bugs waiting to happen).

You can install to get additional plugins (but YouTube and SHOUTcast appear to be broken). They can be accessed from main window's top menu, just like in the stock player.

pali 2014-09-28 12:49

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player
@gidzzz: here is my merge request for new slovak strings:

In future if there are only few new strings ping me and I can update slovak file before releasing new version.

marmistrz 2014-11-04 20:17

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player
After a full reflash I loaded my whole music collection with a local album art in the folder. OMP has problems loading the cover for the first time (the old one is still being displayed)

sixwheeledbeast 2014-11-04 21:43

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player

Originally Posted by marmistrz (Post 1445872)
After a full reflash I loaded my whole music collection with a local album art in the folder. OMP has problems loading the cover for the first time (the old one is still being displayed)

I have had issues with album art after resetting the tracker, I assumed it was thumbnailerd/trackerd playing up but maybe it's related to the last OMP update?

ste-phan 2014-11-05 12:16

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player

Originally Posted by gidzzz (Post 1440731)
Open Media Player 20140926 is ready:
  • Added FM transmitter button to the car view.
  • Rewrote MAFW source browsing internals and FM transmitter support (lots of cleanups, fixed some memory leaks and bugs waiting to happen).

Finally tried this software after it popped up in active topics and I read about an FM button update.

-Open Media Player sticks to the stock player interface and shares the bookmarks for streaming audio: great.

-there is an option "on exit: pause playback" That is very useful for audiobooks continuation.
My scope of interest goes to a stock media player enhanced with audiobook functions, but I guess I am a minority here.

Audiobooks functions:
-play applicable formats
-user indicates a separate folder for audiobooks in setup options
-player software keeps track of position for audiobook files, seperate from music / video playback, also after program restart or playback of other media.
-multiple bookmarks with comment option

As it stands, OMP can remember the playback position (pause on exit) but this "bookmark" is lost once user decides to listen to radio or another audio file.

Using OMP for books and stock media player for music together is also not practical (as with Panucci) since you need to close one to use the other (both use same MAFW component I guess)

I am always ready (to pay) for a media player that unites both music and books and the FMTX functionality of the N900.

Sure, there is Panucci that has not forgotten to include the FMTX and features a bookmark function but it seems to be very sensitive to multitasking operations during playback (lock / unlock phone interrupts audio and it is easy to provoke small hickups). Also, it can't read audio files from the SD card.

Further feedback on OMP:

-OMP seems to use slightly higher +/- 20 CPU% / RAM compared the stock Media player.

-Car mode interface with easy FM button: this feature is only available for music file playback mode and not available in streaming (internet radio) mode.

tip for car mode:

-car mode access should be presented as an easy button like FM mode in car view mode. (But I guess closed interface code of the audio playback screen restricts such button placement)

-car mode window -> upper right "back" arrow -> return to normal player interface -> -> to the multitasking overview, IMO is one step too much.

-seperate the FM button. IMO car mode's enlarged big buttons are less important than the recently added easy FM on/off button on, integrated in the car mode file playback control pannel.
As it is now, we have to navigate to the car mode via the complex menu in order to access my easy FM button , again one step too much.
This FM button would be a welcome addition to both file and streaming playback window.

Many thanks to the maintainers of this software for the continued support and to stick to the maemo 5 interface style.

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