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gidzzz 2015-01-31 14:15

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player
I have finally found some time to look into the reported issues and release OMP 20150131-1.
  • New shortcut: Ctrl+F to focus the search box and select its contents.
  • Do not show the search box when Fn alone is pressed.
  • Alow scrolling using PgUp, PgDn, Home and End.
  • LyricWiki plugin works again.
  • Fixed a problem with missing album art not always being looked for.
  • New translation: Slovenian by sponka.
  • Updated translations.


Originally Posted by marmistrz (Post 1446001)
And would it be possible to batch load all album arts in a file front.jpg?

I think this is a job for Tracker.


Originally Posted by xes (Post 1455750)
@gidzzz while trying omp with a minidlna server i have discovered that is not possible to seek a video to start playback from a random position. The result is that if something hangs, you can only restart the playback from the beginning. (Even if it is a 2 hours presentation...)
Do you think you could add this functionality?

But does MiniDLNA even support it? Surely this is not a problem with OMP, because MAFW renderer says that seeking is not supported. I tried ignoring that and seeking regardless of what the renderer says, but then nothing happens (besides an error being reported).


Originally Posted by sixwheeledbeast (Post 1457385)
Having the odd issue with OMP lately.
It's a bit of a vague bug report, as I haven't had time to try and pin it down.
It seems to be related to removing the headset, I'll be listening to music and then remove the headset (this pauses the track). I'll then do other things maybe get a phone call (so OMP gets minimized). On reinserting the headset the music will sometimes not play automatically and even if you poke, play nothing happens.
The now playing screen appears to get stuck. The track title is still displayed in the menu bar instead of "Now Playing". The only way to get the music playing again is to close OMP, or start a new playing session.

I use headphones almost every day, but I have never seen anything like that.

pali 2015-01-31 15:40

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player

Originally Posted by pali (Post 1440875)
@gidzzz: here is my merge request for new slovak strings:

In future if there are only few new strings ping me and I can update slovak file before releasing new version.

@gidzzz: you still did not look at merge request ^^^

gidzzz 2015-01-31 18:01

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player
I forgot to push changes to Gitorious and close the merge request, but it is included in today's version.

xes 2015-01-31 21:23

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player

Originally Posted by gidzzz (Post 1459034)
But does MiniDLNA even support it? Surely this is not a problem with OMP, because MAFW renderer says that seeking is not supported. I tried ignoring that and seeking regardless of what the renderer says, but then nothing happens (besides an error being reported).

Yes, minidlna supports seeking (just checked again).
I supposed it could be managed with MAFW_METADATA_KEY_IS_SEEKABLE in mafw-upnp-source.

One more question:
I have some problem opening video and audio files starting from hamsterfiller or command line. Files can't be opened or OMP starts playing something else.
Is it doable without using a dbus-send command? Am i missing some command line switch to queue or play?
In the detail, filenames with spaces seem to be part of the problem.

biketool 2015-02-02 12:30

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player
Just a bug report, N900/Maemo5, KP, CSSU-thumb.
Since replacing Nokia's mediaplayer a few months ago large and small MP3s files and m4a/AAC files generated by cutetube almost always crash OMP when opened from file manager.
Audio file loads when launched cold from the command line it also works OK if loaded from file manager if OMP is already open.
Other than this bug I love OMP.

nokiabot 2015-02-19 10:13

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player
omp working nice here and that carmode is really handy while commuting bad thing is it does not rotate properly only half screen it should be more handy if front size could be configured and one more screen added to it before the now playing screen which would contain configurable shortcuts for dailer maps home button etc

nokiabot 2015-02-19 10:16

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player
omp working nice here and that carmode is really handy while commuting bad thing is it does not rotate properly only half screen it should be more handy if front size could be configured and one more screen added to it before the now playing screen which would contain configurable shortcuts for dailer maps home button playlists etc also while in potrait mode the stratus bar looks ugly maybe option to fullscreen it or make it like the maps one the biggest gripe is scrolling as i got a long playlist its hard scrollbar is a no go insted insted a quick flick should scroll continously fast or a button should appear to take to top or bottom at wrap speeds
the most nifty feature i found is fit to screen

princefakhan 2015-05-01 14:56

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player
Guys! When can we have the browse by folder option in Videos (and Music too if possible).

dy1ng 2015-05-01 15:49

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player

Originally Posted by princefakhan (Post 1469118)
Guys! When can we have the browse by folder option in Videos (and Music too if possible).

Access for sleep timer from now playing would be nice too.

KotCzarny 2015-05-03 14:10

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player
@princefakhan: if you prefer play by folder(s) you can try my oscp player

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