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princefakhan 2015-05-04 05:44

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player

Originally Posted by KotCzarny (Post 1469257)
@princefakhan: if you prefer play by folder(s) you can try my oscp player

By the popularity it has gained, I think I will give it a try anyway. Didn't know it had that feature.

pali 2015-05-04 06:34

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player
@gidzzz: I have some patches for OMP. Where to put them? Gitorious is not working anymore...

pali 2015-05-21 21:01

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player
@gidzzz: ping!

Where to put patches for OMP?

L29Ah 2015-05-29 06:52

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player
‰ git clone
Клонирование в «qt-mediaplayer»…
fatal: unable to access '': The requested URL returned error: 500


marmistrz 2015-05-29 06:56

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player

Originally Posted by L29Ah (Post 1471802)
‰ git clone
Клонирование в «qt-mediaplayer»…
fatal: unable to access '': The requested URL returned error: 500


Gitorious was migrated to gitlab

L29Ah 2015-05-30 02:55

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player
The first post or wiki entry doesn't reflect this. Anyway it got fixed itself.

openmediaplayer pulls libplayback which is binary-only. Are there plans to make it work using only open-source deps? Otherwise, are there other good open-source touch-friendly players?

L29Ah 2015-06-14 01:50

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player
It crashes if i tap "shuffle" button of the main menu more than once in a row.

Wikiwide 2015-06-14 02:27

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player

Originally Posted by L29Ah (Post 1471906)
openmediaplayer pulls libplayback which is binary-only. Are there plans to make it work using only open-source deps?

Some links for reverse engineering:

It's a good practice to remain integrated with the operating system, even if there are closed blobs within the OS. Don't like closed-ness of blobs? Reverse engineer them, make them open-source.

Best wishes.

freemangordon 2015-06-14 07:08

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player
hmm, libplayback is some 20k ARM binary, might look at it

gidzzz 2015-06-18 08:05

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player

Originally Posted by princefakhan (Post 1469118)
Guys! When can we have the browse by folder option in Videos (and Music too if possible).

You can get a minimalistic file browser by installing this plugin pack:


Originally Posted by pali (Post 1471192)
@gidzzz: ping!

Where to put patches for OMP?

Sorry for the delay, I am still alive, just buried under a truckload of work. :( The new repository is here:


Originally Posted by L29Ah (Post 1473511)
It crashes if i tap "shuffle" button of the main menu more than once in a row.

I tried furiously tapping the shuffle button, but I could not reproduce that. The main window should be locked immediately after the first tap, until you return from the now playing window, so I have no idea where this crash could be coming from. If you know how to obtain a backtrace, there is openmediaplayer-dbg package in the repositories.

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