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ylsf 2008-03-31 03:32

Re: Canola2 Updates - Beta7, Themes, and YouTube Plug-in
Thanks for the response. I found out that the "resume" function is there now as I was playing around with some media files. The thing is I need to still "browse" through to find it and load up that file. It would be nice to be able to set an option to "re-open previously playing file on startup" or something like that....

briand 2008-03-31 13:46

Re: Canola2 Updates - Beta7, Themes, and YouTube Plug-in

Originally Posted by iliaden
Also, a few questions regarding the youtube plugin (works great, btw)
1) where does it store saved files?
2) what format does it save video files?
3) the filename of the saved files (if there is something in particular)
4) how does it index those files? along with the rest of audio, video & images or does it just recall the previous settings?
5) is there any way of modifying the location (from internal flash, as I figured it out) to memory card (either mmc1 or mmc2...)?

. 1) /home/user/.canola/youtube/videos
. 2) Flash Video (*.FLV)
. 3) the name sent along with the video from YouTube
. 4) it appears to index them when the rest of the media is indexed
. 5) as root, in the xterm shell:
. a) mkdir /media/mmc1/youtube (or /media/mmc2/youtube if you want them in your internal n800 SD slot)
. b) cd /home/user/.canola/youtube
. c) mv videos/* /media/mmc1/youtube
. d) rmdir videos
. e) ln -s /media/mmc1/youtube videos
. f) there is no step 'f'

handful 2008-03-31 14:53

Re: Canola2 Updates - Beta7, Themes, and YouTube Plug-in
hei briand :) thanks for the answer to illiaden :) better than that? impossible!


briand 2008-03-31 14:59

Re: Canola2 Updates - Beta7, Themes, and YouTube Plug-in
heh. :) np -- happy to help.

Laughing Man 2008-03-31 16:10

Re: Canola2 Updates - Beta7, Themes, and YouTube Plug-in
Hmm, does anyone want to investigate this possibility. I haven't looked at how Canola stores the youtube videos (besides the directory). But if it's possible, could mYTube and Canola's Youtube share the same directory. Thus any videos that one downloads could be seen by the other program?

handful 2008-03-31 18:07

Re: Canola2 Updates - Beta7, Themes, and YouTube Plug-in
Well, as I said this next release places the video on a "downloads" folder inside a disk that you choose. This download folder will hold podcast youtube and in the future pictures or other medias.

You can point mtube to it I think.

The path to a "configurable" folder is already in canola, you can also make a simlink to the mtube folder if you want with no problem.



e-motion 2008-03-31 18:44

Re: Canola2 Updates - Beta7, Themes, and YouTube Plug-in
A little late to the parade, my Canola tablet :) hasn't seen much use since I started promoting my european tour, but just wanted to congratulate you again for the outstanding work : upgraded without a hitch.

handful 2008-04-01 03:28

Re: Canola2 Updates - Beta7, Themes, and YouTube Plug-in
hi E-motion :) nice!!!! you know we suffered a lot in the beginning so it's quite nice to read that :)

talmage 2008-04-02 01:25

Re: Canola2 Updates - Beta7, Themes, and YouTube Plug-in
(Hope I didn't miss this in all the previous posts.)

It would be nice if Canola and the built-in media player could share their collections of internet radio stations. If I select a link to a station's playlist file, the web browser offers to add it to my media library. I have to copy and paste to get Canola to know about it.

Btw, Canola doesn't recognize this as a valid pls but the built-in media player does:

handful 2008-04-02 03:13

Re: Canola2 Updates - Beta7, Themes, and YouTube Plug-in
Hi, if you install canola-tuning (is going to be default in next release) you add the support to your browser to either do like you do today, or to add to canola without copy paste :)

this is on the manual :

Thanks for the URL we will take a look in what's happening.



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