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sixwheeledbeast 2013-07-23 21:55

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser by jrocha
Had an issue with Seriesfinale, it has lot all of my programs from the list after losing internet connection during an update.
Does anybody know were the data is stored or if I can recover it?

sixwheeledbeast 2013-08-06 19:21

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser by jrocha

Originally Posted by sixwheeledbeast (Post 1361528)
Had an issue with Seriesfinale, it has lot all of my programs from the list after losing internet connection during an update.
Does anybody know were the data is stored or if I can recover it?

Bump. Hopefully someone can help?

s4br0s0 2013-08-07 00:44

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser by jrocha

Originally Posted by sixwheeledbeast (Post 1361528)
Had an issue with Seriesfinale, it has lot all of my programs from the list after losing internet connection during an update.
Does anybody know were the data is stored or if I can recover it?

Try this: /home/user/.osso/seriesfinale/series.db


sixwheeledbeast 2013-08-07 07:15

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser by jrocha

Originally Posted by s4br0s0 (Post 1365403)
Try this: /home/user/.osso/seriesfinale/series.db


Thanks, never expected it to be in .osso

It is blank so I must have lost all the data, hopefully I have a partial backup somewhere.

tmi 2015-07-05 20:39

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser by jrocha
Since Ovi Store is gone I could not find an installable deb file for Harmattan anywhere. Any chance to get it put up somewhere, say OpenRepos, please?

ginggs 2015-07-06 21:24

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser by jrocha

Originally Posted by tmi (Post 1475779)
Since Ovi Store is gone I could not find an installable deb file for Harmattan anywhere. Any chance to get it put up somewhere, say OpenRepos, please?

I found the source on github:
N900 version in master, N9 version in meego_handset.

I've compiled it,but don't have a spare device to test it on.
PM me if you want to try it and I'll upload to OpenRepos if it works.


I've labelled this version as as it includes changes by Juan A. Suárez on 2012-09-23 that were not in 0.6.9-1 on Ovi.

Split the 'busy' signal between 'updating' and 'loading', so when loading a big indicator is shown.

This avoid showing "No shows available" when loading them.

tmi 2015-07-09 01:08

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser by jrocha
Thanks to ginggs, SeriesFinale for N9 is in OpenRepos!

I have been testing the not-yet-uploaded v0.6.9.1-2, that has one more fix by ginggs:
- Show 'No episodes to watch' instead of 'Completely watched' if a season's unwatched episodes do not have air dates.

In no relation to that I've found 2 bugs that are also in the OpenRepos version (ginggs is aware of these):
After marking/unmarking individual episodes the search may stop working and the app needs to be restarted to be able to search for new shows

Sometimes (but not always) after marking/unmarking individual episodes the X episodes to watch or X seasons completely watched lines' formatting gets mangled to:
X episodes to

or with continued marking/unmarking to:
to watch

or if all episodes are selected:
X seasons
ely watched

Steps to reproduce:
- Remove all existing shows & restart app
- Add the show Boardwalk Empire
- Go to Season 5 and mark episodes 5x01-04 and unmark 04
- Go to all shows and try to add a new show by searching
- See 1), also with other shows mark/unmark episodes randomly, last season is a good start.

With 1) I have tried different combinations and ATM the method above seems to be one sure way. Usually, I can also reproduce this with e.g. Halt and Catch Fire (if it's not the first show in the list) by marking episodes 2x01-06 and unmarking 06.

Still, I have not really figured out what's the actual logic behind the bug(s). So if anyone has some ideas that could make sense, do share :)

EDIT: typos

ginggs 2015-07-13 19:10

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser by jrocha

Originally Posted by sixwheeledbeast (Post 1240938)
Having been a happy user of the stable version (0.6.9-1)
I decided to test out the latest testing version (0.6.10-1)
To my suprise it will not open.

Terminal says...

~ $ /usr/bin/seriesfinale
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/seriesfinale", line 30, in <module>
    from SeriesFinale.gui import MainWindow   
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/SeriesFinale/", line 36, in <module>
    from lib.portrait import FremantleRotation
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/SeriesFinale/lib/", line 24, in <module>
    import osso
ImportError: No module named osso

Does this happen to anybody else or just me.

SeriesFinale 0.6.10-1 for N900 is missing a dependency on python-osso.

To fix:

sudo gainroot
apt-get install python-osso

sixwheeledbeast 2015-07-14 11:52

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser by jrocha

Originally Posted by ginggs (Post 1476544)
SeriesFinale 0.6.10-1 for N900 is missing a dependency on python-osso.

To fix:

sudo gainroot
apt-get install python-osso

Somehow I fixed this issue a while ago.
Can't remember if I discovered the dependency issue or it got pulled in with something else.
Thanks anyway.

Could someone upload a new version with fixed dependencies?

ginggs 2015-07-14 16:21

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser by jrocha

Originally Posted by sixwheeledbeast (Post 1476602)
Could someone upload a new version with fixed dependencies?

I could do that.

I'll try to make contact with upstream first.

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