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zlatko 2010-04-02 22:06

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
I updated from 0.0.5-3, which was not working for me as well. I do not had /user/home/.config/CallNotify.conf.txt file with 0.0.5-3, but I created it following your advice. It consists of "y;y;y;5.0". I have not killed status menu yet, but during installation I can tell the app is doing this by the sound it produces.

zail 2010-04-02 22:11

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by omeriko9 (Post 593152)
I mean display them persistently along with the sound & vibration, in the same interval as they are triggered, perhaps with the number of caller or sms, or maybe some of the sms content or something like that.
This enhancement might also be unnecessary, this is why I consult you guys.

I like the idea of the persistant yellow notifications.. they're more eye catching.. if they had the number of sms/ calls missed that would be very very cool...if it displayed the name that would be even better. Just a thought though, would displaying those items have an impact on battery usage or would it be negligible?

omeriko9 2010-04-02 22:25

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by zlatko (Post 593163)
I updated from 0.0.5-3, which was not working for me as well. I do not had /user/home/.config/CallNotify.conf.txt file with 0.0.5-3, but I created it following your advice. It consists of "y;y;y;5.0". I have not killed status menu yet, but during installation I can tell the app is doing this by the sound it produces.

Right! zlatko! sorry for forgetting, I was confused by the new shiny avatar you have... (just don't tell me you had it earlier as well :o )

yes, I remember now, we created the config file manually...
Also, I ignored a very important part - you said the configuration window fails only when you press the "save" button - that raises my suspicion that you have a write permission issue with the config directory.

Can you please post here the results for the following commands?

ls -ld /home/user/.config
ls -ld /home/user/.config/CallNotify


rmerren 2010-04-02 22:29

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Love the app..thanks for writing it! Who would have thought just a few years ago that I'd have a phone so open that a guy could add features to it with some Python scripting? Keep up the good work.

By the way: Imagine if Toyota had open sourced their electronic accelerator code to let folks look for bugs like with the Maemo apps...

omeriko9 2010-04-02 22:30

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by zail (Post 593168)
I like the idea of the persistant yellow notifications.. they're more eye catching.. if they had the number of sms/ calls missed that would be very very cool...if it displayed the name that would be even better. Just a thought though, would displaying those items have an impact on battery usage or would it be negligible?

So i'll combine this with the work on refining the clearing of SMS notifications according to viewing that particular SMS enhancement.

Regarding clearing the call notification after viewing the call log - well I'm not sure the clearing of the notification should be drilled down to that (aka only by viewing the call in the log, not by closing the yellow notification window), for the reason people sometimes just view the yellow window and close it, as they can see the number of the caller and that's enough for them (me included...).

By the way, the same scenario I've described in the last paragraph might apply to the SMS yellow window as well - sometime it's enough for some to view the window and close it, and it might be trouble for them to click on it and open the conversation app, especially if they don't want to answer the SMS (perhaps if it's a message from the bank about the balance for example, or if it's a commercial. Just don't ask me to distinguish between those kind of messages as well :D ).

About the battery issue - I must admit that my knowledge of the "under the hood" of the N900 is very little, and is not enough to answer this kind of question. I'd leave it to someone smarter on this subject to answer.

BTW- perhaps the "battery eye" application might come in handy here, to analyze the effect on battery life with these kind of notifications?

zlatko 2010-04-02 23:05

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
ls -ld /home/user/.config/
drwxr-xr-x 13 users user

ls -ld /home/user/.config/CallNotify/
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root

I changed permission for CallNotify to 777.

Now settings are exited without error and I can see changes are saved in conf.txt file.

I can remove directory and let app create it itself? Anyway I am not getting notifications neither in status menu, nor as sound or vbra.

PS. Don't worry - avatar is from few minutes ago ;-)

omeriko9 2010-04-02 23:30

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by zlatko (Post 593223)
ls -ld /home/user/.config/
drwxr-xr-x 13 users user

ls -ld /home/user/.config/CallNotify/
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root

I changed permission for CallNotify to 777.

Now settings are exited without error and I can see changes are saved in conf.txt file.

I can remove directory and let app create it itself? Anyway I am not getting notifications neither in status menu, nor as sound or vbra.

PS. Don't worry - avatar is from few minutes ago ;-)

Thanks -You reminded me to create a directory if it doesn't exists!!
I totally forgot about that when I created the control panel applet.
(edit: Oh, I'm already doing that.... :o )

Ok, so regarding the fact you don't have notification -
Maybe the python file itself needs permissions?

try as root:
chmod 755 /usr/lib/hildon-desktop/

(edit: and after restart or killall twice with +9 and without)

zail 2010-04-02 23:31

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by omeriko9 (Post 593192)
About the battery issue - I must admit that my knowledge of the "under the hood" of the N900 is very little, and is not enough to answer this kind of question. I'd leave it to someone smarter on this subject to answer.

BTW- perhaps the "battery eye" application might come in handy here, to analyze the effect on battery life with these kind of notifications?

True.. maybe Battery Eye could be useful here - I'd be up for monitoring via it and giving you some feedback :)

jer006 2010-04-03 00:31

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Is it possible to have a configuration option for the yellow notifications? I do like the way it is currently - The flashing icon in the taskbar with additional audible alert on my set schedule is perfect.

omeriko9 2010-04-03 00:37

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by jer006 (Post 593305)
Is it possible to have a configuration option for the yellow notifications? I do like the way it is currently - The flashing icon in the taskbar with additional audible alert on my set schedule is perfect.

Do you mean this would be optional and not mandatory?
I havn't thought differentely :)

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