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GeraldKo 2009-05-12 19:33

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories

Originally Posted by Den in USA (Post 286860)
GeraldKo - The same thing happened to me the first time I ran the new google satellite, except it showed England instead of US. After scrolling over to US and exiting it kept my US map.

Nope, not for me. Even after restarting, Google Satellite insists on deporting me to Russia. But I'm fine with VE Satellite.

bousch 2009-05-12 21:20

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories

Originally Posted by Matan (Post 272790)
Also for google satellite this URL appears to work:

This is indeed working perfectly for me too.

mfortner 2009-05-23 04:11

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
I never use satellite. I'm not able to download sqlite3map tiles using street view tiles now. I'm using:
Is that not current?

Saturn 2009-05-24 00:57

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories

Originally Posted by mfortner (Post 289358)
I never use satellite. I'm not able to download sqlite3map tiles using street view tiles now. I'm using:
Is that not current?

I have the same problem. does it work for anyone?

bunanson 2009-05-24 02:12

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
Maemo Mapper with Google map is down for me too. None of the URL work. I got GoogleMapMobile works on my GVM. Sigh...


Laughing Man 2009-05-24 21:14

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
Do you mean Google Street bun? If so it's down for me too...I was just about to download some maps for my trip to a friend's graduation party tomorrow too.

Edit: GF tells me Google is having issues (she has problems with Gmail).

Haha I guess I could call up my friend interning at Google this summer and yell at her for breaking Google.

bunanson 2009-05-25 01:16

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories

Originally Posted by Laughing Man (Post 289626)
Do you mean Google Street bun?..

No. All googles for the maemo mapper is DOWN for me, including whatever other URLs people are posting, none whatsoever works. I am using the palm/gvm, that GoogleStreetMobile is working like a charm. It is not any mapper, it is a googlemobile app thing. It works. One of the few time, the palm/GVM save my day.

Just in case you have not been interested in palm/gvm before;
On your winPC, google garnet VM beta for nokia, put in your email address, gvm will send you a dl link to dl gvm.deb, very straight forward, dl into your tablet, click on the gvm.deb, it will install via app manager (absolutely NO dependence problem :0) ). somehow on your winPC, go google mobile home>products, there is a map there, dl into your gvm desktop, it is called googlemap.install, click it, it will install googlemapmobile in a few seconds. You are done. Basically it is a map for the mobile phone. I use pocketlink in gvm and dl directly into gvm desktop and click and install. It is very basic, very user friendly, but it gets the work done, give you a route/direction and nearby business. Cant remember whether it works with BT GPS.

Back to mameomapper, openstreet and yahoostreet works. Yahoostreet is, somehow, a lot faster than openstreet, not quite sure why.

If you goin to yell at the Google summer intern for breaking google even before showing up to work, add my share too :-),


Laughing Man 2009-05-25 01:44

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
Haha, it's just a joke. She graduated with a 4.0 in Computer Science and she's also interned at Microsoft for a summer too (they offered her a job but she turned it down since she's returning to Maryland for a Masters in Fall).

But wait Google vs. Microsoft, that might be why *gasp*

bunanson 2009-05-25 02:02

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories

Originally Posted by Laughing Man (Post 289658)
Haha, it's just a joke. She graduated with a 4.0 in Computer Science and she's also interned at Microsoft for a summer too (they offered her a job but she turned it down since she's returning to Maryland for a Masters in Fall).

But wait Google vs. Microsoft, that might be why *gasp*

My daughter is a 1st yr grad student this summer and FAILed to find any paid summer internship. She is going to accept a 'volunteer' internship at NY and I have to pick up the tab for an apartment in NY for couple month :( , sounds like a joke to me. I guess its the econonmy? Maybe I should bring to her attention about Microsoft?


SmokyBG 2009-05-25 12:25

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
Here's a working Street Map URL:

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