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hawaii 2010-08-25 13:40

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
It's top notch. Coupled Matan's patched hildon-desktop package, you can quite easily turn this into a "global search by typing on the home screen instead of contacts only" type thing.

Helmuth 2010-08-25 14:22

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by nicolai (Post 797749)
My missing skills in graphical design :-)

Okay, in this case perhaps the community are able to help. :)
I'm also not a designer. But perhaps it's good and big enought.

apvanloo 2010-08-25 17:18

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
Fantastic! Search seems a lot faster, which is not weird considering the fact you can limit the amount of data to be investigated now.

Thanks again Nicolai!!!

Mail search would make Scout perfect, but apparently that is difficult to create.

nicolai 2010-08-25 22:40

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars

Originally Posted by Helmuth (Post 797716)
If I click a Filter Button on the right side while the search is still running I got a segmentation fault.



pietgispen 2010-08-26 12:19

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
I love Scout, but seem to have a problem. It does not find all occurences of a phrase. E.g. in my contacts list I have 20 contacts in the city of New York and one named Hotel New York in the city of Rotterdam. When I search using the phrase 'York' it only finds the one in Rotterdam and none in New York. How come?

Thanks in advance,


nicolai 2010-08-26 12:29

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
Hi pietgispen,

thank you for reporting this.

Can you export one of the contacts that isn't found
as vcf and send this to my email-address?
Than I can try to find out why it can not be found.
(If you are afraid to send this "private" information,
you can edit the vcf-file (rename the persons name
and change the phone number...)

pietgispen 2010-08-26 13:45

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
sure, I'll be glad to. Nonen of the records have 'sensitive' data (shops and hotels etc). Where can I find your e-mail address?



pietgispen 2010-08-26 14:01

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
I have just e-mailed you three sample contact items, including the one that Scout does find (see my mail)



zimon 2010-08-26 14:14

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
Sometimes (always why not) I would (just) want to see number of hits. For example if I put a word "swim" in the calendar every time I was swimming, searching over some period would tell how many times I have swimmed during that time.

oved_etzot 2010-08-26 20:25

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
thanks for this great app,
could you also add search for pictures using the tag system provided?

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