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maacruz 2011-03-01 19:40

Re: ANNOUNCE: Diablo-Turbo first beta available

Originally Posted by jstokes (Post 957283)
That still uses MPlayer (well, come to think of it, MPlayer "talks" to BlueZ which uses the DSP with dsp-sbc installed). There's no escape!

IMHO and (referring to seem promising

Thanks for pointing this. I'll add those improvements to DT, so people with BT headsets benefits from them.

auouymous 2011-03-01 23:59

Re: ANNOUNCE: Diablo-Turbo first beta available

Originally Posted by maacruz (Post 958317)
That is correct. It's a remaining issue I still haven't fixed because... only happens at shutdown and it is really hard to debug since there is no console to dump messages at.

I've shutdown a lot the last week and haven't had any freezes but probably will now that I've said this. Can't you dump the messages to a rotating log file?

Line 1148 opens the log and line 400 writes to it. Just change the prefix so you don't overwrite my log file, add a setting to enable the log and have everyone with the shutdown problem enable it and send in their logs after it happens.

sondjata 2011-03-02 01:49

Re: ANNOUNCE: Diablo-Turbo first beta available
i do have the shutdown crash. My install is as of yesterday.

Addison 2011-03-02 15:52

Re: ANNOUNCE: Diablo-Turbo first beta available
This is abso freakin' lutely fabulous!

I'll test MPlayer later and post any noticable changes since I encode my videos beyond what my N800 can usually handle (720x480 *lol*).

So many thanks for this Mac! :swoon:

Addison 2011-03-02 17:58

Re: ANNOUNCE: Diablo-Turbo first beta available
Hey Mac, I've been using this cute little script extensively for quite some time. It always worked 100% of the time.

Since installing DT now, many times it just goes back to the same screen I was on.

It's almost like my hardware keys are automatically doing a double tap or something.

Can you explain this?

maacruz 2011-03-02 21:35

Re: ANNOUNCE: Diablo-Turbo first beta available

Originally Posted by Addison (Post 959052)
Hey Mac, I've been using this cute little script extensively for quite some time. It always worked 100% of the time.

Since installing DT now, many times it just goes back to the same screen I was on.

It's almost like my hardware keys are automatically doing a double tap or something.

Can you explain this?

There is nothing in DT that would affect X or key mappings, and in fact, I've run a couple of tests with xev first and xbindkeys later and found no repeated key events, as expected.
xbindkeys is very tricky with its xbindkeysrc file format, and any error like a missing/extra space means both scripts get executed at the same time, producing the observed behavior.

By the way, a simpler and cleaner way to achieve the same would be this .xbindkeysrc

"matchbox-remote -next"

"matchbox-remote -prev"

Addison 2011-03-03 08:46

Re: ANNOUNCE: Diablo-Turbo first beta available
Thanks Mac!

I'll try your suggestion and see if that cleans up the behavior.

But yeah, it always, always worked before, every single time.

Now, there are times when I'll have to press the key like 4 times before it actually changes the screen... so something is definitely different now.

Hopefully your new coding for this will take care of the issue since I love going from one app to another in a 10th of a second. :)

onion 2011-03-03 12:33

Re: ANNOUNCE: Diablo-Turbo first beta available
I finally had time to take a proper look at this. Installed today, seems to work fine.
But one bug, one of the postinst scripts, I think it was for the kernel package, complained about missing python. I don't have that installed and the package didn't require it. It did still install fine.

jwernerny 2011-03-03 18:14

Re: ANNOUNCE: Diablo-Turbo first beta available
I finally got around to backing up my N810 and installing DT...

WOW! There is definitely a perceived speed up and increased responsiveness. When run by itself, Canola seems to get through scanning for files much faster. Other applications also seem to start quicker.

I tried running Wesnoth, and it seems to load faster, but getting into the game does not seem much faster. The big change is that now I can do something else while waiting for Wesnoth to load a game instead of looking a an expensive brick.

As a side note, I have been adjusting a few VM related things that seem to also help with DT. Here's the script I use: (Note: I use swap on a dedicated partition on my removable SD card)


sysctl -w vm.swappiness=25
sysctl -w vm.min_free_kbytes=1024
swapon /dev/mmcblk1p2
swapoff /media/mmc2/.swap

- John

maacruz 2011-03-03 19:26

Re: ANNOUNCE: Diablo-Turbo first beta available

Originally Posted by onion (Post 959627)
I finally had time to take a proper look at this. Installed today, seems to work fine.
But one bug, one of the postinst scripts, I think it was for the kernel package, complained about missing python. I don't have that installed and the package didn't require it. It did still install fine.

I assumed python was a Diablo requirement :-/, I'll add that as a dependency in the next kernel release.
Well, python is used to adjust the backup kernel image size, so your zImage backup is the whole mtd1 flash device. That wouldn't have to be bad by itself, except for a few hundred KB lost, but if what I've read about the development of 0xFFFF is correct, writing an image the same size of the mtd device will cause troubles. You better cut the size of /usr/share/Diablo-Turbo/backup/zImage-backup or you risk a reflash if you uninstall kernel-dt-sd.
Install python and then, as root:

echo -e 'import struct\n\
f.close()'|python -

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