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qorax 2012-01-24 14:46

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat
Violinist interrupted by Nokia ringtone, plays the Nokia tune...

Amazing !

jalyst 2012-01-24 17:23

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat

Originally Posted by qorax (Post 1154970)
Violinist interrupted by Nokia ringtone, plays the Nokia tune...
Amazing !

Amusing, in line with the nature of the thread, thanks.
Did you see #158 & #159? Particularly #159....


tebsu 2012-01-24 18:26

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat
just received my N9 64gb... wow, just amazing.. love this phone !!

jalyst 2012-01-25 14:44

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat
So Nokia Australia's apparently already more interested in the L800.
A product that's not even announced or in customers hands...
They uploaded a whole bunch of Lumia related videos today:

Plus they stopped heavy marketing of the N9 about 6wks ago.
In mid-Dec, about 1wk before Xmas & the peak shopping period.
In 6mth* the only place we'll be able to buy a N9 is a specialist importer.
What's the bet... :(

*maybe less.

qorax 2012-01-25 16:35

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat

Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1155509)
...In 6mth* the only place we'll be able to buy a N9 is a specialist importer.
What's the bet... :(

*maybe less.

U r right.
And by another 6 -- even they won't have any[sic].

The way E[f]lop is going - our fav form-factor will only be available in L900 [largely] & L800. Did u know, the L900 is now coming-out in the UK & other territories? Sans the LTE though in most. And the grapevine suggests - there's also an AWS compatible model in the pipeline.


qorax 2012-01-25 17:41

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat
No problems with my N9s

I don't know from where ppl r purchasing their handsets; and having scores of issues... I have 4 of them, all colors [became a 'collector' LOL!], 2 purchased from the same outlet, while the other 2 came from different stores [nothing online], 1 x m/i-China - the rest 3 x m/i-Finland...

And all have:*
(contrary to many reported in this forum)

1. LED blinking while charging & accessing as a storage drive;
2. LED remains steady [glowing] after bty full;
3. No shades/lines on the screen, it is pitch-black;
4. Bty lasts for a day easily, with all sorts of apps accessibility;
5. No heating issues, whatsoever, even while on constant use;
6. Ringer & reception volume [quite] strong/loud;
7. No creaking sound, anywhere, after 1.5 month's use;
8. One fell & went flying on a tiled floor, w/out a scratch, anywhere;
9. Wi-Fi has no issues, easily accessible from all rooms [have 6];
10. PR1.1 updated easily with NSU [waiting for PR1.2 now];
11. Camera shoots awesome [I feel better than my iPhone4;
12. The audio [stereo] of recorded vids is the best in town;
13. My port/slot-covers never came-off / no 'bends' as well;
14. My OEM soft-case is slug-fit - looks awesome - no discoloration yet;
15. Oh, my wife is running her Magenta w/out case - no scratches yet [thank God];
16. We aren't using screen-protecters [don't like them] - Gorilla rocks;
17. We have no issues with our social-feeds [wife's big into it];
18. Emails downloading perfectly, get notifications timely;
19. Typing, Copy-Paste [no issues with the 'dot' after 'space'] is perfect;
20. I perfectly make calls / receive while charging;
21. My screen doesn't 'jerk' while charging, for any thing;
22. Ovi-store downloads well, fast & smooth;
23. SMS notifications arrive timely / perfectly;
24. NFS relay is smooth - 'tapped' with many & checked;
25. 'Reset' / offed few times - nothing changed, no issues.

The only issue I have is with my GPS - it doesn't work[sic], with any.

*This is after 1.5 months of regular use. I'm not using any other phone.

Am I being plain lucky?

Hariainm 2012-01-25 20:56

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat
See what i found
Pocket RPG: a Unity3D-based online multiplayer RPG for MeeGo
Take a look at the video description. I didn't tried it yet, so tell me what you get.
(I DON'T upload neither the video or the link. Just found it searching on youtube)

qorax 2012-01-26 08:45

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat
Video: The Nokia Assassin
(Trailer, Comedy)
Do you remember the Nokia Nostalgia post where we looked at the Reddit’s number 1 story which was the indestructible Nokia 3310?

Well, in that fashion, someone has made a short trailer for a fake movie they’ve called the ‘Nokia Assassin’. You can guess what the weapon is...


danramos 2012-01-27 06:08

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat

Originally Posted by qorax (Post 1155918)
Video: The Nokia Assassin
(Trailer, Comedy)
Do you remember the Nokia Nostalgia post where we looked at the Reddit’s number 1 story which was the indestructible Nokia 3310?

Well, in that fashion, someone has made a short trailer for a fake movie they’ve called the ‘Nokia Assassin’. You can guess what the weapon is...



jalyst 2012-01-29 03:34

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat
Get voting everyone!!!

*EDIT* look like there's a thread for this

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