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Guinoak 2012-02-10 15:31

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by soleil (Post 1163175)
How can you control the game . im stuck at the chosing language screen and can't do anything

are you refering to my post?

impeham 2012-02-10 15:44

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by freemangordon (Post 1163142)
I quickly look through the code and it seems this one can connect using IP, unfortunately it seeks some local IP settings which most probably don't exists. BTW what this application does?

It basically allows to do everything on a computer with windows using the remote.
It exposes Server side API for UI in javascript (it comes with many already made scripts to control Winamp, BSPlayer, Media Player etc.)

I wrote many scripts for it for my media center machine at home.

I currently use it to control BSPlayer, WinAmp, PowerDVD, ACDSee, DVB recorded and live TV (using media center of Win7) , Audio mixer, Mouse pad, system operations (restart/shutdown/sleep) and many more...

The client side remote is interactive - you can actually see the point in a movie/music track you're at, change it, and see the name of tracks/active media on the remote itself.

soleil 2012-02-10 16:08

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by Guinoak (Post 1163178)
are you refering to my post?

yes itried to play Sid meier civilazation . i got the .jar for 5800 but can't play with it

Guinoak 2012-02-10 16:13

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by soleil (Post 1163187)
yes itried to play Sid meier civilazation . i got the .jar for 5800 but can't play with it

The game is touchpad based, no need to do anything.

I tested a filename such as "Sid_Meiers_Civilization_V_Mobile_Nokia_5800_EN_IG P_EU_TS_103", be sure you are using the correct .jar file.

The game runs very quick, the only issue is that only cover 2/3 parts of the screen.

soleil 2012-02-10 16:57

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
I can run the game now and yes it's not in full screen

marmistrz 2012-02-10 17:14

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
Is the .jad file required? Or is .jar sufficient?

Brian_7 2012-02-10 17:44

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by Guinoak (Post 1163189)
The game is touchpad based, no need to do anything.

I tested a filename such as "Sid_Meiers_Civilization_V_Mobile_Nokia_5800_EN_IG P_EU_TS_103", be sure you are using the correct .jar file.

The game runs very quick, the only issue is that only cover 2/3 parts of the screen.

If you have the CSSU update, press ctrl+shift+S to zoom in.

DavyP 2012-02-10 18:03

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by Brian_7 (Post 1163219)
If you have the CSSU update, press ctrl+shift+S to zoom in.

On the N900: Press Ctrl+Arrow Up to switch between full screen and
normal layout.

If the game canvas itself is hardcoded to a low resolution, use the zoom in CSSU trick.


DavyP 2012-02-10 18:05

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by marmistrz (Post 1163210)
Is the .jad file required? Or is .jar sufficient?

In most cases the JAR is sufficient, as you can find the name of the
main class in the MANIFEST.MF in the jar file.

However, in some cases the JAD file contains additional key value
pairs not in the manifest that the application might rely on.


DavyP 2012-02-10 18:08

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by impeham (Post 1163141)
Thanks for the help - i can see it runs :)
well, salling clicker has many versions - one of them for the palm tungsten 3 which can also work with a network ip - i thought the java version will also allow this

Is there a way to enable bluetooth recognition by these types of applications?

It truly is a great one.

Bluetooth requires JSR 82 support, which is currently not available
in the phoneME port. Adding this feature may require some effort
depending on the native bluetooth stack of the N900,


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