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woody14619 2012-09-04 17:15

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by Arie (Post 1258218)
Can you 2 stop fighting? This accomplishes nothing at a time when we need to stick together and keep tmo and it's next version up and running.

Seriously, take your personal dislikes to pm, this is becoming childish on both ends.


I'd written a rather long reply to this, but after consideration am simply asking this:

When a community member says things that are patently not true about the role Council is playing, should Council not respond to it?

In this instance, we had someone making several false claims (Council is disbanding itself, and/or elevating itself to being the Board, and/or breaking promises, and/or how simple a task they were turning up was). My reply was structured to show, logically, why one of those claims was incorrect. The others were handled in the threads/forums where they were made.

When I was elected, the concept I had was that Council was about handling important requests by the community, and keeping that same community informed about what the facts were and what was happening, to the best of it's ability. Outside of a couple minor delays due to vacations, I feel I've done that.

If you'd prefer that Council remain silent as people spread misinformation (or blatant lies), then I humbly invite you to consider that when you vote for the next Council (in the very near future).

thedead1440 2012-09-04 17:23

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!
Well Council should respond but the member in question here is someone who looks to be deliberately attempting to flame things up just because he feels he was "forced" out...So replying to him gives him added impetus to spam this thread with his snips and merciful snips...

I think it is in open for the whole community to see what he's doing and its sad as many people actually hold him in high regard but his attitude and responses since the community awards is just dragging his name in the mud...Sad but true...

gerbick 2012-09-04 23:24

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!
Sadly, this shows me that not a damn thing has changed these last few weeks.

Not a good way to end this probably last full session council at TMO.

woody14619 2012-09-04 23:54

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 1261273)
Sadly, this shows me that not a damn thing has changed these last few weeks.

On the contrary, quite a bit has changed. A lot has happened, and a lot more is slated to happen in the next few weeks, and the next few months. Come December, short of Nokia pulling an unexpected rabbit out of it's hat, things will change here. What form that change takes will be decided within the next month or so, by the community.


Originally Posted by herpderp (Post 1258425)
Well, the question's style was inspired by your average post's tone. :)

Based on your statement, I want to clarify something you may have missed: As of mid-July, Estel has not been part of the Council. He removed himself from Council mid-term. He does not speak for Council, but rather speaks his own opinion, which frankly was also true most of the time he was in Council.

Arie 2012-09-05 00:12

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by woody14619 (Post 1261075)

I'd written a rather long reply to this, but after consideration am simply asking this:

When a community member says things that are patently not true about the role Council is playing, should Council not respond to it?

In this instance, we had someone making several false claims (Council is disbanding itself, and/or elevating itself to being the Board, and/or breaking promises, and/or how simple a task they were turning up was). My reply was structured to show, logically, why one of those claims was incorrect. The others were handled in the threads/forums where they were made.

When I was elected, the concept I had was that Council was about handling important requests by the community, and keeping that same community informed about what the facts were and what was happening, to the best of it's ability. Outside of a couple minor delays due to vacations, I feel I've done that.

If you'd prefer that Council remain silent as people spread misinformation (or blatant lies), then I humbly invite you to consider that when you vote for the next Council (in the very near future).

Woody, in reality I wanted you to quote this so that Estel would see it...

I support what the council is trying to accomplish and I'm sorry that I can't be a part of it to help out.

I have no argument against what you are saying. I ignore most of Estel's posts anyways... Instead of responding to him and feeding the troll let him spread his nonsense, sooner or later people will see how stupid he is making himself look.

When others ask questions and make references to estel's posts, just reply oh estel? He's been banned from the #maemo channel too... We really don't pay much attention to him. He's busy causing problems and too much of council's time and effort, that could be put in more productive places, is wasted.

He's attacked you, ivgalvez, neildk, and SD69, there is nothing to say, he's a coward that stepped down from the council at a time when he knew he was needed. He is just causing problems and instead of putting him on your ignore list you are trying to give credence and value to his crap. Let's end this here and now, you have nothing to prove to anyone.

You and the council have tmo's full support, please keep doing what you are and updating us as you have been, we appreciate the transparency.


Estel 2012-09-05 06:52

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by woody14619 (Post 1261072)
Btw, I'll note that not all Council "awarded themselves" devices.

Someone already started "campaign" for next election? :p I see that solidarity between councilors is "flourishing" as usual. Not good omen, for times, when things *much harder* than CA will need to be decided, by whole council standing as one voice.


gregoranderson 2012-09-05 10:28

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by herpderp (Post 1258228)
What have you accomplished in the past 6 months, apart from the well known infighting and awarding devices to yourselves?

That's a 12p LIDL bag-for-life full of LOLZ right there :)

Spotter's Badge to herpderp.

jalyst 2012-09-05 12:07

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!
Eiiish, don't think I'd ever want to be part of the council (not that I've ever been interested), sounds like something out of a soap opera.
I just hope that's all fading away now... the more we start seeing tangible results, the less agro everyone will be, hopefully...


Originally Posted by gregoranderson (Post 1261463)
That's a 12p LIDL bag-for-life full of LOLZ right there :)
Spotter's Badge to herpderp.

Estel 2012-09-05 12:42

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!
You mean "we have written bylaws and other than this, achieved nothing" post by woody, written in 325234214234325345435 lines, as he use to do, everytime, when asked "troublesome question"?

imo 2012-09-05 13:37

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1261528)
You mean "we have written bylaws and other than this, achieved nothing" post by woody, written in 325234214234325345435 lines, as he use to do, everytime, when asked "troublesome question"?

Enough.just pm him and do whatever you wanna do but here for good sake shut up and let em do their job atleast upto december .
He explained everything there in his post ,read with your goggles on .If you dont know you reminded me how naive a person can be . knock it off .

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