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Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !

Originally Posted by ssciberras (Post 1256249)
will do so shortly, but am at work, and need to compress and upload file.

basically took the linaro ubuntu nano image, and uncompressed it into a 2g empty image.

apt-get update, hadd to add user as per instructions on your page,

I have ubunu rootfs to share too see signature

rcolistete 2012-08-27 15:00

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !

Originally Posted by (Post 1256254)

I have ubunu rootfs to share too see signature

It would be better to share an Ubuntu image. I'm very interested to see Ubuntu 2D on Nokia N9.

So I can try if Easy Debian Harmattan scripts are compatible or not. If not, I can try to create later an Easy Ubuntu Harmattan.

ssciberras 2012-08-27 15:39

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !

Originally Posted by rcolistete (Post 1256290)
It would be better to share an Ubuntu image. I'm very interested to see Ubuntu 2D on Nokia N9.

So I can try if Easy Debian Harmattan scripts are compatible or not. If not, I can try to create later an Easy Ubuntu Harmattan.

of course, now I managed to try out my image, it has got corrupted - so am rebuilding it again. gives me time to recollect all the steps necessary.

rzr - could not download your image...

Fatalist 2012-08-27 18:32

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !
Done! Wow, is fast! I think OpenOffice loads even faster than my laptop. Virtual Keyboard works great, except the Euro symbol €. Thanks rcolistete, Qole and all the people making this possible.

Sniper_swe 2012-08-27 20:15

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !
Tried easy-debian open mode only and it works great!
Gonna play with it some more. will report back later :) thx all

rcolistete 2012-08-27 20:21

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !

Originally Posted by Fatalist (Post 1256378)
Done! Wow, is fast! I think OpenOffice loads even faster than my laptop. Virtual Keyboard works great, except the Euro symbol €. Thanks rcolistete, Qole and all the people making this possible.

About how fast it is.

See FAQ #7 of 1st post about virtual keyboard issues.

ssciberras 2012-08-29 17:31

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !

Originally Posted by ssciberras (Post 1256307)
of course, now I managed to try out my image, it has got corrupted - so am rebuilding it again. gives me time to recollect all the steps necessary.

rzr - could not download your image...

here is my rebuilt image. I have not included unity in this image, and there is a problem with the v kbd from meego - it comes up, but does not work. Seems to be a locale problem that I am working on.

and try xephwm not suxephwm.

here is the image

ssciberras 2012-08-29 19:21

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !

Originally Posted by ssciberras (Post 1257391)
here is my rebuilt image. I have not included unity in this image, and there is a problem with the v kbd from meego - it comes up, but does not work. Seems to be a locale problem that I am working on.

and try xephwm not suxephwm.

here is the image

How I built this image:

got linaro image nano version from:

dd an image file of 2gb, and extracted the tar into this file. trimmed it off to remove swap file, and boot dir

added xephwm, suxephwm, scripts to usr/bin
added xkb dir to /etc/share/X11/ from debian image
cp -L var/lock var/run (this are symlinks, and the qchroot scripts do not seem to like these)

addgroup user --gid 29999
adduser --uid 29999 --gid 29999 user
adduser user adm
adduser user dialout

apt-get install nano wget xterm xinit xserver-xephyr lxde xvkbd onboard wmctrl synaptic

(althoug onboard still not working properly)

adduser user pulse

- bluetooth mouse works nicely (worked even with debian)
- terminal works even in lxde, as seen before

- need to sort out locale problem - each apt-get complaining of not being able to use a locale. might be the reason why meego keyboard is still not working in my image

- added unity-2d unity-2d-launcher, but using xephwm unity-2d-shell starts, but goes into a black screen
---- I suspect that it is using a wrong DISPLAY, how can I adjust this?

tried the following script to start unity-2d, but no luck
unity-2d-panel &
unity-2d-shell &
unity-2d-spread &
metacity &

rcolistete 2012-08-29 19:38

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !
See the Quim Gil's topic "Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everything". The Nokia N9 I've received from Nokia in midi August is due to Quim Gil initiative (Summer'12 Device Program) and made Easy Debian Harmattan open mode kernel possible. We all are in debt with Quim Gil, so let's thank him.

eennbb 2012-08-30 03:30

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !
Hey, i tried to install nmap 5, in easy debian, from terminal, Debian Chroot, following this steps


bzip2 -cd nmap-5.00.tar.bz2 | tar xvf -

cd nmap-5.00

but, don't finish the installation

Sorry for my horrible english, any idea or suggestion.

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