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soryuuha 2013-04-23 11:14

Re: QmlMozBrowser for Harmattan. v0.1.5.4

Originally Posted by Morpog (Post 1338062)
rozhkov is doing MER builds.

He will soon change "QmlMozBrowser" to a new branding for mer called "cutefox". Should work on Nemo and SailfishOS out of the box. Could work on plasmaactive too.

Hopefully it will have standardize QmlFox :D

shmerl 2013-04-24 02:48

Re: QmlMozBrowser for Harmattan. v0.1.5.4
Cutefox is hinting to Qt, so it sounds like an appropriate name.

viva_360 2013-04-30 14:57

Re: QmlMozBrowser for Harmattan. v0.1.5.4
Great job on the work coderus! was wondering how the HTML5 audio part. As i have been using the website grooveshark for streaming music again and on my N9 with the

For the QmlMozBrowser it doesn't render well and the audio seem low bitrated compared to the Snowshoe browser.

Is there any settings i need to apply to make the work?

Many thanks!

Kozzi 2013-05-18 21:18

Hi, can you add support for bookmarklets? On there is many bookmarklets which could be useful ie. Night mode. In opera all I have to do is create a dummy bookmark and paste the javascript code into it, unfortunately this method doesn't work with qmlmozbrowser as it keeps adding http:// before the javascript code.


aironeous 2013-05-18 22:47

Re: QmlMozBrowser for Harmattan. v0.1.5.4
It gets 413 and 14 bonus points at
Wow I should have checked earlier. That's higher than the 399 that linux FF 21 gets. If only it could do flash or if the web transitioned to the new otoy technology.

coderus 2013-06-08 07:22

Re: QmlMozBrowser for Harmattan. v0.1.5.4
Add [ deb ./ ] to sources.list.d, and you'll get QmlMozBrowser update notification at weekend

coderus 2013-06-08 12:16

Re: QmlMozBrowser for Harmattan. v0.1.6.2
QmlMozBrowser v0.1.6.2
+ Added One-Touch-UI overlay. You can enable it in settings.
+ Added text selection and copying to clipboard
+ Added startup splashscreen
* Fixed multiple opening windows with same url.
+ Added search engines: Google, Bing, Yahoo
* Fixed History. Only current week history showing after opening history page. Older entries are showed while scrolling history.
* Fixed address line dissapear while page loading
* Fixed context menu behaviour
* Various engile and application components fixies and improvements.

qmlmozbrowser_0.1.6.2_armel.deb (23.9 MiB)

saleki 2013-06-08 23:06

Re: QmlMozBrowser for Harmattan. v0.1.6.2
It's great so far. This new version is very fast!

Eztran 2013-06-09 01:21

Re: QmlMozBrowser for Harmattan. v0.1.6.2
This now gets 430 on HTML5test - it's overtaken mobile Chrome!

zaidk9 2013-06-09 09:17

Tweet 1===
I'll start making harmattan-like QML ui for QmlMozBrowser soon. New browser will be named #MeeFox. #harmattan #N950Club #N9

Coderus needs help

tweet 2===
Searching icon artist for #MeeFox #harmattan browser project. #N950Club #N9

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