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DfLo1913 2013-08-03 20:10

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
Hey Bill, Does the app start up when you turn on the phone or do I have to add it through the app menu?

jellyroll 2013-08-03 21:11

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)

Originally Posted by DfLo1913 (Post 1364734)
Hey Bill, Does the app start up when you turn on the phone or do I have to add it through the app menu?

You can select 'Add to startup'

bill_klpd 2013-08-03 21:14

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)

Originally Posted by DfLo1913 (Post 1364734)
Hey Bill, Does the app start up when you turn on the phone or do I have to add it through the app menu?

Yeap as jellyroll said, if you select the 'Add to startup' and then save it, then it will start on startup ;)

DfLo1913 2013-08-03 21:30

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)

Originally Posted by bill_klpd (Post 1364752)
Yeap as jellyroll said, if you select the 'Add to startup' and then save it, then it will start on startup ;)

I just tried to add it but when I press on Add to Startup its just stays highlighted and doesnt allow me to save or do anything. So I have to close it. Thanks

bill_klpd 2013-08-03 22:30

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)

Originally Posted by DfLo1913 (Post 1364756)
I just tried to add it but when I press on Add to Startup its just stays highlighted and doesnt allow me to save or do anything. So I have to close it. Thanks

I don't really know why this is happening... Maybe elros34 can help us with this :)

elros34 after running the /opt/qtedger/qtedger-settings as root from terminal and then selecting the 'Add to startup' , I get this:
root is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.

If you have any solution or any update of your work, then just let us know :)

elros34 2013-08-04 13:34

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
This should work:
-non-thumb (not tested)

bill_klpd, thanks for nice icon.

bill_klpd 2013-08-04 13:39

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)

Originally Posted by elros34 (Post 1364859)
This should work:
-non-thumb (not tested)

bill_klpd, thanks for nice icon.

YEAH!!! :D
It doesn't crash anymore :p
Thanks again for your awsome work elros34!!!

bill_klpd 2013-08-04 13:46

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
I added it on first post!

bill_klpd 2013-08-04 13:52

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
In this version you added more places for swipe?

elros34 2013-08-04 14:07

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
nope, only different behavior on different places

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