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smurfy 2014-11-17 12:25

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.12
I did not notice the music controls problem, but i noticed that there is an "accept call" button now if someone is calling you.

I will try to add support for this aswell.

smoku 2014-11-28 10:51

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.12
Just FYI - I just broke the screen of my Jolla Phone. :-(
So, new releases "delays" may be expected...

javispedro 2014-12-01 03:31

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.12
I've been working on "PebbleKit JS" support (using QJSEngine). My code is currently on on a branch here: I'm still doing large(ish) changes. At some point I hope to clean it up and create pull requests to Smoku.

The above is nowhere user ready, so don't use it unless you're planning to help. You need to drop the unzipped .pbw in a subdirectory of ~/.local/share/pebbled/apps. To show the config interface, run 'qdbus org.pebbled /org/pebbled test' once both the daemon and the UI are up and the watch is running the app you want to configure. Yes, the daemon currently callbacks into the UI but this is subject to change. This is just an experiment. It probably leaks memory like crazy.

So far I've got Twebble to run. Among other things this means I can make its web login interface to show up, and to read my timeline from my watch. However I've implemented only the minimal API required to get Twebble to run, so probably nothing else works. Up next are geolocation and other stuff.

EDIT (12-03): Weather already works too and the UI for configuration is now working (you can configure the currently running app, but cannot install new ones).

EDIT (12-06): Evernote and Yelp now work, including geolocation.

EDIT (12-08): See new post below with updated information.

MaemoUser 2014-12-05 21:27

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.12
Nice to see someone is working on this. :)

asa 2014-12-06 17:49

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.12

Originally Posted by MaemoUser (Post 1450827)
Nice to see someone is working on this. :)

Yeah, just bought Pebble too. Weather and Twitter would be nice to have.

MaemoUser 2014-12-06 18:01

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.12
I would love if the XBMC Remote works with this ;).

javispedro 2014-12-08 00:04

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.12

Originally Posted by MaemoUser (Post 1450914)
I would love if the XBMC Remote works with this ;).

Just tried and it seems to work. Unsurprising as it's quite a simple JS program!

Some additional updates because the instructions I posted above are now totally useless. There's now a UI to configure applications, but still no UI to install / uninstall them.

Firstly, you need to unzip the contents of the .pbw files you want to use in a subdirectory in $HOME/.local/share/pebble/apps/ . So that the final structure looks like this:

$ find .local/share/pebble/apps/

The daemon should automatically pick up any changes without requiring a restart. Once this is done, if you open the corresponding application on the watch, the daemon will automatically start executing the Javascript parts. Please note that this will allow watch applications to obtain your current location and access the Internet; take appropiate care.

In order to configure a JS application, you firstly need to install it in both the watch and .local/share/pebble/apps, following the instructions above. Then, open the application in the watch. In the Pebble Jolla app, click on the "Pebble XXXX" button at the top (where XXXX is your connected Pebble's id). This should take you to a page where you can ping the watch, set the time, or "Configure the current app". Once you hit this button you will be redirected to a webpage depending on whatever application you're currently using. E.g. the Twitter login page for Twebble. Just complete the process and you will be taken back to the Pebble app. Configuration is done!

There's also support to upload/unload applications to/from the Pebble, but no UI for it yet. You still need to unpack the .pbw in ~/.local/share/pebble/apps to "install" it on the phone; this only allows you to upload the application to the watch.

qdbus org.pebbled /org/pebbled/Watch org.pebbled.Watch.AppSlots
Gets information about the current applications on the watch. There are 8 slots available on the Pebble, so you should get 8 "application UUIDs", or an empty string to indicate an available slot.


qdbus org.pebbled /org/pebbled/Watch org.pebbled.Watch.UploadApp 57e42595-c333-44fc-afa0-df4539c1f934 0
This will upload the application with UUID 57e42595-c333-44fc-afa0-df4539c1f934 to slot 0 on the watch.


qdbus org.pebbled /org/pebbled/Watch org.pebbled.Watch.UnloadApp 0
This will unload (remove) whatever application is on slot 0.

You can obtain an application UUID from its .pbw file, by looking inside the appinfo.json text file.

wormdrummer 2014-12-08 03:05

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.12
This is very exciting progress! :)

MaemoUser 2014-12-08 10:09

Nice awesome work :). And thank you for checking XBMC remote.

@javispedro is it possible to provide an rpm of the latest version? So I can try some things and help you?

I tried to built js-testing which was successful but the options do not show in the UI.

Now it's working ;). Qt Creator was borked ;).

Ok, I see in your branch the hotfixes for segfaults are missing. That's why the daemon does not work for me ;).

javispedro 2014-12-08 14:05

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.12

Originally Posted by MaemoUser (Post 1451082)
Ok, I see in your branch the hotfixes for segfaults are missing. That's why the daemon does not work for me ;).

Hm... Which hotfixes?

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