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pichlo 2014-11-19 23:58

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by kaktux (Post 1448238)
If anyone bought the keyboard and does not have a need for the coupon and so would like to give it away I would be a taker as I would rather like to give Sailfish than Android a try.

Sure, you can have mine, as soon as I receive it. In fact, I expect this thread filling up with discount codes as soon as the Kickstarter campaign is up.

gsalone 2014-11-21 10:28

Re: Jolla discount codes
I could use the code too! i need a second jolla :)

Thoke 2014-11-21 11:53

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by gsalone (Post 1448578)
I could use the code too! i need a second jolla :)

After the TOHKBD Kickstarter ends, you'll have plenty to choose from... (that is if Jolla doesn't make the discounts personal and non-tranferrable which I see no reason for them to do)

And hey Dave, I smell more countdown material available :D

szopin 2014-11-21 11:54

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by gsalone (Post 1448578)
I could use the code too! i need a second jolla :)

supposed 100e discount code:

jolla <3 slush

gsalone 2014-11-21 12:24

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by szopin (Post 1448592)
supposed 100e discount code:

jolla <3 slush

yes it works!!!!!
thank you!!!! you know how long or how many times it can be used?

MINKIN2 2014-11-21 15:40

Re: Jolla discount codes
Not sure if it has been mentioned yet but Jolla are offering a Celebration sale price for the phone as they have reached the $1000000 on indiegogo

NokiaFanatic 2014-11-21 15:52

Re: Jolla discount codes
You can use the code with the discount to get a Jolla for only €150 now. That is a steal.

Morpog 2014-11-21 15:52

Re: Jolla discount codes
Hurry up, you won't get it any cheaper than now guys!

tommo 2014-11-21 15:55

Re: Jolla discount codes
That's a crazy price, anyone who bought one last week will be pissed!

NokiaFanatic 2014-11-21 15:56

Re: Jolla discount codes
I doubt it's intentional. I think the discount code will be scratched any moment now.

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