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gaelic 2017-10-04 06:45

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)

Originally Posted by chris_bavaria (Post 1535742)
Yes, my F5122 works fine :D

Thats good new :) Thanks.

edit: Is it just working as if it would be the F5121, or is DualSIM detected/working?

m4r0v3r 2017-10-04 08:35

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)

Originally Posted by romu (Post 1535752)
Small question: does someone work or tried the image on the X Compact?

from what I remember someone is working on it. stephg if i had to take a guess. but I wouldn't try the image from the X onto a compact.

m4r0v3r 2017-10-04 08:36

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)

Originally Posted by lucavs (Post 1535761)
For those who flashed the community build on their Xperia X, will they need some extra operation to install official Sailfish X?

it will be probably best to flash a clean SFOS official build when it comes out tbh.

chris_bavaria 2017-10-04 10:14

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)

Originally Posted by gaelic (Post 1535780)
Thats good new :) Thanks.

edit: Is it just working as if it would be the F5121, or is DualSIM detected/working?

We have a DualSIM working phone :D. Read the instruction from lantern:

... and the first post in this thread.

acrux 2017-10-04 13:44

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build) - some feedback
So, had a little free time the day before yesterday...
1. Gathered all needed pieces and software. Using pure 64bit Mageia Linux here, so made sure, that I had 64bit make_ext4fs.
2. Started to unlock bootloader. Remembered that Mageia's fastboot is named "fastboot-android" :) First try was unsuccessfull - realised that "usb debugging" is not enough, also "unlock bootloader" should be selected in android setup. Now unlocking succeeded. Did not care about DRM keys etc
3. Without disconnecting the Xperia X after unlocking bootloader, changed to the directory where I had all sailfishosx files. Made symlink "fastboot" pointing to "fastboot-android" and as sudo is not used in Mageia got root privileges with su. Started the script. Went to get some coffee as the flashing should take several minutes, but when I returned, the process was over.
4. Started Xperia X with SailfishOS. Initial configuration & tutorial. Seems to be OK. Turned the phone off.
5. Yesterday started following tips&tricks updateing the software, enabling bluetooth, doubletap etc.
6. Upgraded to :)
7. Installed estonian-community-translation-jolla - thanks to the Estonian translation team :)
8. Took out SIM card from Nexus6&LineageOS14.1 and inserted in Xperia X and lived with it as my primary phone until today morning.

Some additional remarks:
1. 128GB SD card (exfat) was not mounted even with the "Bleeding edge sd-utils". Changed the filesystem to vfat and that was OK.
2. Only 3 Ambiences are selectable.
3. Doubletap wake does not work all time at the first try. Usually there are several attempts needed.
4. Opening e-mail's for reading is very slow...
5. During the call the volume is very low even at maximum level. Not usable at street noise level...
5. No internet connection sharing (actually a showstopper here)
6. xmpp conversation options are very basic - no support for "message carbons" or "message archive management". Is it possible to join xmpp conferences?
7. Not possible to install any client (warehouse, storeman)

Finally - of course many thanks to m4r0v3r for creating the image and also BluesLee and others for valuable information to workaround issues :)

jakibaki 2017-10-04 14:20

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build) - some feedback

Originally Posted by acrux (Post 1535829)
So, had a little free time the day before yesterday...
1. Gathered all needed pieces and software. Using pure 64bit Mageia Linux here, so made sure, that I had 64bit make_ext4fs.
2. Started to unlock bootloader. Remembered that Mageia's fastboot is named "fastboot-android" :) First try was unsuccessfull - realised that "usb debugging" is not enough, also "unlock bootloader" should be selected in android setup. Now unlocking succeeded. Did not care about DRM keys etc
3. Without disconnecting the Xperia X after unlocking bootloader, changed to the directory where I had all sailfishosx files. Made symlink "fastboot" pointing to "fastboot-android" and as sudo is not used in Mageia got root privileges with su. Started the script. Went to get some coffee as the flashing should take several minutes, but when I returned, the process was over.
4. Started Xperia X with SailfishOS. Initial configuration & tutorial. Seems to be OK. Turned the phone off.
5. Yesterday started following tips&tricks updateing the software, enabling bluetooth, dobletap etc.
6. Upgraded to :)
7. Took out SIM card from Nexus6&LineageOS14.1 and inserted in Xperia X and lived with it as my primary phone until today morning.

Some additional remarks:
1. 128GB SD card (exfat) was not mounted even with the "Bleeding edge sd-utils". Changed the filesystem to vfat and that was OK.
2. Only 3 Ambiences are selectable.
3. Doubletap wake does not work all time at the first try. Usually there are several attempts needed.
4. Opening e-mail's for reading is very-very-very slow...
5. During the call the volume is very low even at maximum level. Not usable at street noise level...
5. No internet connection sharing.
6. xmpp conversation options are very basic - no support for "message carbons" or "message archive management". Is it possible to join xmpp conferences?

Finally - of course many thanks to m4r0v3r for creating the image and also BluesLee and others for valuable information to workaround issues :)

If you don't want to use windows for flashing the official build once it's released you can also make your oem (blob) partition ready for unofficial emma-less flashing by following the instrutions at the top of the main post :)

mousse04 2017-10-04 14:33

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build) - some feedback

Originally Posted by jakibaki (Post 1535837)
If you don't want to use windows for flashing the official build once it's released you can also make your oem (blob) partition ready for unofficial emma-less flashing by following the instrutions at the top of the main post :)

About what has been written in the main post. So, I guess we absolutely need to do so before installing the official SailfishX image ?

jakibaki 2017-10-04 14:51

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build) - some feedback

Originally Posted by mousse04 (Post 1535841)
About what has been written in the main post. So, I guess we absolutely need to do so before installing the official SailfishX image ?

You don't have to do that. You can either use the official way which involves flashing an update via emma (windows only tool) or do essentially what flashing via emma achieves from recovery (as explained here, search for "the linux way").

So if you don't have any problem using windows it's probably the best way to go the official route and use emma.
If you already have an community build installed and don't want to use windows the instructions at the top are probably the easiest but if you don't have an community build installed and don't want to use windows the instructions I linked are the way to go.

Keep in mind that all emma-less ways are strictly unofficial right now.

mousse04 2017-10-04 15:01

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build) - some feedback

Originally Posted by jakibaki (Post 1535845)
You don't have to do that. You can either use the official way which involves flashing an update via emma (windows only tool) or do essentially what flashing via emma achieves from recovery (as explained here, search for "the linux way").

So if you don't have any problem using windows it's probably the best way to go the official route and use emma.
If you already have an community build installed and don't want to use windows the instructions at the top are probably the easiest but if you don't have an community build installed and don't want to use windows the instructions I linked are the way to go.

Keep in mind that all emma-less ways are strictly unofficial right now.

Ok, so. Just to make sure I understood everything.
I already have a community build running.
So, I did what is explained at the 1st page of this thread.
But if I look at the instructions "The Linux Way", the only difference with the current file is to replace "fastboot oem $BLOBS" by "fastboot cache $BLOBS", am I correct?

So, the instructions displayed at the 1st page of this thread were just to put the blobs on a dedicated partition (as you explained in another thread).

Am I correct?

jakibaki 2017-10-04 15:10

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build) - some feedback

Originally Posted by mousse04 (Post 1535848)
Ok, so. Just to make sure I understood everything.
I already have a community build running.
So, I did what is explained at the 1st page of this thread.
But if I look at the instructions "The Linux Way", the only difference with the current file is to replace "fastboot oem $BLOBS" by "fastboot cache $BLOBS", am I correct?

So, the instructions displayed at the 1st page of this thread were just to put the blobs on a dedicated partition (as you explained in another thread).

Am I correct?

Flashing the blobs to the cache-partition is only the first step of "the linux way". After that you boot into recovery-mode and copy the blobs from the cache to the oem partition (which is not writable from fastboot without the emma-update but writable in recovery mode) and erase the cache partition again.

The instructions at the top of the first page skip the flashing to cache step and directly copy the blobs from the old blob-location to the oem partition.

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