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Dave999 2012-12-29 11:50

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by ranbaxy (Post 1308576)

Yes, the 2013 the phones get even bigger :D

GNote III 6.3 sounds great and this one:

and I'm sure we will see even more big foots...sorry, big phones now :D

Dave999 2013-01-09 20:50

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Jelly bean begins Rollin out in Poland.

Edit: might be fake. I can't find a good source!

rajil.s 2013-01-12 07:09

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
What is the best way to mount Note on a linux box?

I tried using jmtpfs. Although, it worked on cli but digikam didnt play nice with it. I was trying to get some photos off the device.

fpp 2013-01-12 20:20

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1312997)
Jelly bean begins Rollin out in Poland.
Edit: might be fake. I can't find a good source!

Could be true, seems to happen haphazardly around the world once in a while.
A lone French user received a beta of 4.1.2 on his Note last November, OTA, just like that.
This was verified because he was not a geek and called for help on a forum. Local Android hackers helped him do a ROM dump and upload it to XDA. Various "repacks" were created from the dump.

It is unclear if these events are caused by human error, bugs in Samsung's update framework, or something else.
Some suspect Samsung may be doing it on purpose to keep the community abuzz... or to crowdsource bug-fixing :-)

maxinflixion 2013-01-12 21:38

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Well I used to wish for an n800 or n810 with cell service. Seemed like a great form factor. Once iOS/Android rolled out in full swing, I was content with smaller phones that had similar screen real estate.

The Galaxy Note came out and I was like "Whoah Nelly! That's a giant phone!". I couldn't see myself trading in my little iPhone for it.

Then I was at the store and played w/ the Note 2. Seemed SOOOOOO big. I didn't think I'd be able to hack it. So I researched a bit and it is barely bigger than an n800 and a lot thinner. As soon as I realized it, I hit the store and snagged one.

This is a great device. Truthfully, I'd love to run a full Linux OS on it, but what you are able to do with the gorgeous 5.5 inch screen on a phone is awesome (and it can plug into a monitor as well). I still need a larger screen for heavy browsing and a desktop for heavy lifting, but if you have to carry a phone anyway these days and you are the type to be reading a post here, I recommend the device.

Dave999 2013-01-13 10:17

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Well, even if that was the case. I wouldn't calling that a 4.1.2 JB rollout and I would certainly not write it on my blog/paper.

Unfortunately I think this whole thing was a mistake by someone.

SavageBrat 2013-01-13 11:29

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
1 Attachment(s)
Hello Folks,though I did lay down my N900 some time ago (but still have it and break it out from time to time) and I do have the note 1 now running JB 4.1.2 from a dump that was made from the folks at XDA via the gentlemen that got the leak and to be honest I haven't felt the need to upgrade to the note 2 as I thought I might as we now have all the goodies minus the quad-core and slightly bigger screen..and just for giggles I am picking up an N9 later today..thus my reason for stopping by..

sconf 2013-01-14 21:41

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by rajil.s (Post 1313970)
What is the best way to mount Note on a linux box?

I tried using jmtpfs. Although, it worked on cli but digikam didnt play nice with it. I was trying to get some photos off the device.

Best, hmmm...I don't know about best but how about good old USB Mass Storage mode.

Dave999 2013-02-18 12:44

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

4.1.2 rollin... :D

EDIT: Just ignore that the link says note-2. They just forgot to change it.

mscion 2013-03-01 22:06

Multitasking mania
2 Attachment(s)
Hi. I've been having fun playing with xperiacles mods for the Galaxy Note N7000 which makes multiple re-sizable windows. If you look at the bottom right window of the left most image you will see ubuntu (LXDE) running. In ubuntu I'm running wxmaxima. You can rotate the 3D graph shown as well as resize it - all in that window. The second screen shot shows you can also move windows around in screen. Unfortunately, angry birds did not survive moving about. But that's fine as I need to get some work done at times!

EDIT:Looks like angry birds does work! One needs to make sure that a proper aspect ratio is maintained when resizing the window. Oh well, so much for productivity at work...

ottoman 2013-03-03 18:00

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
ubuntu phone on galaxy note

Dave999 2013-03-04 18:58

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Hack a sneaky...

Kangal 2013-03-05 06:44

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Hmm interesting.

I have the same vulnerability. But the "period" is much shorter that I can only "highlight" the Apps.. it doesn't launch them to background. Or in the case of the "Phone App" it doesn't bring it forth.

This is very identicle to the vulnerability found in the latest(s) iOS versions. Really, Samsung's gone too far with this copy cat business.

thedead1440 2013-03-05 07:14

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Kangal (Post 1326975)
This is very identicle to the vulnerability found in the latest(s) iOS versions. Really, Samsung's gone too far with this copy cat business.

Sadly this is what happens when innovation is lacking in the market... I personally felt with S2 onwards Samsung were going their own way instead of following Apple's path but old habits die hard :D

Bazza 2013-03-11 00:14

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Finally updated my N900 to a samsung galaxy note 2, rooted it and got six axis working (wireless), then realised skygo will not work with rooted phones/tablets........doh !!!!!!!!

Does anyone here know of any workaround on this i have trawled through google and found no decisive fix for this yet?

Kangal 2013-03-11 05:46

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
You haven't been looking hard enough.
A quick google brings a dozen threads tackling the issue.

Looks like the App searches your phone for the Superuser and SuperSU App and the like. It actually works with r00t, but if it detects you're r00ted it will disable itself. Basically, you need to beat the detection by either "hide" r00t or remove the detected sequence (or another means).

Here's one working (supposedly) solution:

Originally Posted by Saggs (Post 1328250)
Can confirm lilvfr400boy's method works. Clearing the app data in sky go removes its root search history so stream loads after hiding root with voodoo and clearing the app data. Username and password isn't lost either.

Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app

Bazza 2013-03-11 12:47

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
As I said in my post 'I have found no decisive working fix' I have tried all fixes, workarounds and hacks and none seem to work.

Skygo checks around 5 or 6 files or folders and hiding root works on a few of them but rooting leaves trails in other folders which skygo picks up on.

I know people are working on this solution and I will have to keep looking and being patient.

blanchekeller 2013-03-11 16:59

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Really good to see the information here.
mobi ritz

Kangal 2013-03-12 06:11

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
I'm thinking that you should overwrite everything without root.
Then install and use SkyGo App.
Afterwards, Stop the App from Running (not clear data or uninstall it).
Then root your phone.
Then hide root and make sure you don't have any root associated Apps around (SU, TBU, RExpl, SysTun). run the SkyGo App.

It should, theoretically, work as if normal. If done right there isn't a reason not to.

And if you're very dedicated you can source the mechanism. So that you can have all your Root Apps, and that you simply Stop the App from working when you're finished with it. And un-hide root and your Root Apps. When you wanna SkyGo, just hide root and the Apps again.

Or even better (but potentially harder) way would be to "crack" the file so that it also shows "false" when "root check" is initiated. This is a popular App so I wouldn't be surprised if someones done it already, try to ask around in irc etc etc and search the world wide west.

Bazza 2013-03-14 21:38

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Thanks for that some good ideas there, if i find a definite working fix i will post it here.

Virtuality 2013-03-21 12:57

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
What custom roms have you tried on Gt-n7000? I am trying to find the best custom rom for my note. Till now, I've tried CM 10.1 nightly, CM 9.1 stable, and the Ultimate jelly bean rom v 5.2.

They are all great! Yet, I've made my mind to stay on a Touch Wiz based kernel for all the note related features it offers and multi window, air view,.... For that I am now on Ultimate jelly bean rom .Did you try out and test any TW based roms and is there any rom you advice me stick to? Stable? Fast? Not overclocked?

Kangal 2013-03-21 14:15

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
My favourite ROM is the PACMAN-based ones (Stunner2, ReVolt. So its a CM-ROM power features with the customizations from AOKP, and the Per App features of Paranoid.

However, I'm sticking to The Ultimate ROM, which is a Custom 4.1.2 TouchWizz based-ROM. It's better than PACMAN for:
- Phone App (I like the combined Contacts feature, and the swipe to Call/SMS)
- Messages App (landscape view splits the Inbox on LHS and the message on RHS)
- SamsungDive! (locate your lost/stolen phone)
- USB-OTG works without tinkering (not always true for AOSP roms)
- Camera works nicely (AOSP kernel has bad implementation/grainy photos)
- MultiWindow

What the PACMAN is better at:
- User Interface (the HOLO theme throughout just looks sharp and smart)
- Power controls (though the TW kernel seems to hold its own for the most part)
- Notifications Bar (though TW isn't that bad)
- Notifications Shade (though TW isn't that bad)
- Theming
- Transitions
- Browser (TW browser sucks, literally)
- Lockscreen (but I use Pattern code, so its equal with TW here) you can see the benefits far out weigh the downfalls, so I'm sticking to TW-ROM (until a MultiWindow port is achieved to AOSP)

Virtuality 2013-03-22 17:38

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
I choose TW based custom roms to enjoy the cool (helpful) features of samsung. I may try PACMAN based roms but I need multiwindow, popup note-browser-play, cropping, air-view.... Yet I need a fast, stable, deodexed, NOT overclocked, rooted, safe etc....

So you advice me to stay on Ultimate jelly bean rom? Or is there a TW based rom better than this rom? I mean a rom that you've tested.

Kangal 2013-03-23 08:28

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
They're all building from the same building blocks. I'm not saying The Ultimate is the best out there, I'm saying the alternatives don't have any advantages.

(in short it doesnt matter, I stick to T.U.R. cause theres more activity so if u experience a problem, theres a greater chance someones going to care and help)


sconf 2013-03-23 10:51

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Keep these recommendations coming. I have used ROM provided by chronosmachine since December, but sounds like it is time go to Ultimate again.

Bit off-topic, but the other day I was thinking how once so innovative Nokia Mobile Phones seems to be going down. Again, just when it seemed to re-invent itself (N700,N8x0, N900, N9). But I felt so much better when I realized that the last bright moment of Nokia managed to gather this community up and it is living regardless of Nokia. Thank you.

Let's see what happens when we start to get real mobile Linux choices again...maybe even on Note.

Dave999 2013-03-26 10:23

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Note is added to the list as well as many other devices. Cool...

gregoranderson 2013-03-26 11:09

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Been all over the houses with Note ROMs. Sticking with Jellybeer in phablet mode.

mscion 2013-03-29 13:30

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
2 Attachment(s)
Tried out a new launcher called "Action Launcher Pro" Allows you to swipe to get to your apps. Also you can open up to a widget by swiping up on its corresponding icon. Below are screen shots, (depicting before and after) showing where I swipe the screen to the right to get to apps list. You can then scroll to the app or press the the letter column to get closer alphabetically to app. Not exactly like having a N9 but still nice! (Note to those observant, the before was taken after the after!)

Dave999 2013-04-06 14:05

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
How is the speed with the launcher?

mscion 2013-04-07 16:39

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1334463)
How is the speed with the launcher?

I havn't really noticed any significant change in speed. It also works well in tandem with LMT which can set up a pie launcher to get to favorite apps quickly. In addtion I would recommend GMD which allows you to set up gestures to get around system. For example I've set up GMD such that double tap removes or brings back status bar on top of screen. Also swipe with two fingers to right brings back previous app and so forth. Gesture designs can be customized in many ways. It's fun to tinker with.

debernardis 2013-04-08 07:43

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Also trie "Pie Control Pro" from the Play Store (better on rooted devices).

Virtuality 2013-04-11 12:53

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
The Note 1 will get 4.2.2 as a last update, says Sammobile:

I thought the 4.1.2 will be the last update for the Note.
Hope that custom roms will reach more than 4.2.2 for our beloved Note!

Kangal 2013-04-11 15:38

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Wow, hopefully it will iron out some bugs that are out there.

Honestly, there's not any incentive for me to upgrade. The SoC is about equal performance and suffices me (equal performance cause bottleneck by software).

The screen's pretty great. High ppi density means seeing the PenTile pattern is reduced. I've found 720p is great for YouTube videos.

Really the only thing to be jealous is that the NOTE2 is "newer", has a better (wider) S Pen, and that NOTIFICATION light.

Dave999 2013-04-11 16:08

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Great news. The Original Note is so nice so you buy it twice. I was thinking of upgrade to Note lll but leaning more towards Note 4 now. While waiting for note 4 I might pick up a tizen device if its high end enough and with a huge screen...

Note three might get metal...

debernardis 2013-04-20 13:46

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Kangal (Post 1335464)
Wow, hopefully it will iron out some bugs that are out there.

Honestly, there's not any incentive for me to upgrade. The SoC is about equal performance and suffices me (equal performance cause bottleneck by software).

The screen's pretty great. High ppi density means seeing the PenTile pattern is reduced. I've found 720p is great for YouTube videos.

Really the only thing to be jealous is that the NOTE2 is "newer", has a better (wider) S Pen, and that NOTIFICATION light.

I still have both (Note 1 went to wife), and must say that Note 2 is definitely snappier, and has significantly longer battery life.

Dave999 2013-04-20 14:03

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
The note got a new update yesterday, if someone missed that...Just a heads up all note owners :D

debernardis 2013-05-17 08:24

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
For those who use the Perseus kernel, I strongly advice to stick to version 33.4, because more recent versions have problems of lagging, at least on my own device.

Kangal 2013-05-17 11:40

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Hmmm, honestly I haven't upgraded because I'm quite satisfied with my current setup.

Villain ROM
- Samsung TouchWizz base (Camera works properly and MOD'ed Multi-Window)
- AOKP customization features
- Some innovations from Samsung (the Phone/Contacts, and SMS are good, the browser's not half bad)
- Still using Apex PRO, and no custom lockscreen (I've got a pw)

...there's some lag at times (not scrolling or swiping, just when tapping to open certain things), but nothing unbearable

Dave999 2013-05-28 17:13

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Great News. Possible to announcment of Galaxy Note lll the 20th of june in London.

Bazza 2013-06-05 21:02

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Been trying nova launcher prime over the last few weeks, and it's a definite keeper. Nice to be able get rid of the notification bar and dock icons and have a clean desktop. It does seem quicker and you can easily switch back to touchwiz if need be. Unfortunately you still get the rotation issue when it stops rotating and a reboot sorts it, but thats down to firmware I believe.

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