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iliaden 2008-04-03 00:22

Re: Canola2 Updates - Beta7, Themes, and YouTube Plug-in

Sorry for such a long delay... was busy.

Update1: disappearance of buttons on bottom:
- problem NOT related to CPU usage (had another process take 100% cpu, and was able to open with buttons)
- IF you switch windows (home key) when opening canola, buttons disappear (right after you launch the process, or before the main buttons become apparent on the screen, while the "loading" shows; if you switch after the key features become shown, the buttons on bottom do not disappear).
- was unable to get it further.

Update 2: "back" button problem
- problem

New bug: youtube plugin:
- when you make a search, scroll all the way down, beyond the videos; the thumbnails end at 1/2 of the scrollbar (bug#2), scroll back up and select a video to play, the entire plugin freezes.
i.e., if I return to home (pressing the "settings" key), I can navigate Canola, and everything works as usual; if I open youtube, it will directly switch to the frozen scroll where I cannot select any video, nor go back to the youtube "home"(all the options screen).


. a) mkdir /media/mmc1/youtube (or /media/mmc2/youtube if you want them in your internal n800 SD slot)
. b) cd /home/user/.canola/youtube
. c) mv videos/* /media/mmc1/youtube
. d) rmdir videos
. e) ln -s /media/mmc1/youtube videos
true; I was not precise enough with my question: is there a .conf file to edit to make the mmc1/2 the DEFAULT location to save videos?
edit: fixed the problem another way: bought a 16gb sd card, 3gb boot partition ;)
still, any way to do it?


canola-tuning (is going to be default in next release)
... I hope it will not run automatically; I do not dare to try it since Beta3: downloaded the "covers" (did not display over 90% of the downloaded), plus it took ALL the remaining memory (was down to <1mb!). I believe that the bug was fixed... I'll try it on the next release (on a external boot, just in case).

Also, I don't presume you would add the Canola-cleanup tool ;) ...just kidding!

I always use this tool (disregarding the codecs, as mentioned before) to install a newer version of Canola... in case some bugs were just in my upgrade.

Good luck


P.S. When's the next release planned for?
P.P.S. did the media I sent you help? I got another album that doesn't want to be understood as only one - for the french fans only :)
Seriously - any progress on the album and/or album recognition process?

handful 2008-04-03 01:28

Re: Canola2 Updates - Beta7, Themes, and YouTube Plug-in
Illia :

some comments :

1) we will try to follow your steps to find the button bugs, it seems that we did some fixed, hope they are already fixed, but if you managed to replicate them with consistency then it's quite easy to find / fix.

2) we improved the youtube plugin, but what you said (freezing) can be caused by several factors, we tested and we were not able to replicate. Youtube uses internet + mplayer thus it's a little bit harder to replicate everything but with your guide we will try in tomorrows test build.

3) There's not a conf file. You need to create a simlink as teached in the part you quoted. (as root in xterm or via ssh )
BUT: it's already implemented in Beta8

4) Canola-tuning is a plugin now, not a stand alone app, but it will not run by default, and the thing is : Downloading album art still illegal :) canola tuning features will be all integrated into canola but still be a third party plugin that needs to be installed. Also covers will take time to be downloaded, but it will be easier to do that to one specific cover or to the whole set

5) the "downloads" folder is actually for everything : youtube, podcast and covers.

6) as I told you then we verified (we can send you the source) but here goes again : WE DO NOT TOUCH "codecs" of any source. :) WE DO NOT TOUCH what we don't install, and if that happened to you, believe me it was not canola-cleanup tool fault ...

7) I already told you on the other post about that: we don't have a secure way to do it all, but we added to the multiple media your case, so it's improved. But we are not going to support "player" specific tags for that.

If everything goes right the release is on friday. If not can be on the first 2 days of next week.



vvaz 2008-04-03 06:23

Re: Canola2 Updates - Beta7, Themes, and YouTube Plug-in
Another bug / missing feature:

You can scroll long title but it is not possible to do so with long album name.

JELaVallee 2008-04-03 20:04

Re: Canola2 Updates - Beta7, Themes, and YouTube Plug-in
I'm going to take a look at the YouTube plug-in source, but also wanted to ask if there were existing development docs for setting up a dev environment specifically for Canola2 plug-in dev?

I've seen the list of tech on the main Canola2 site, but didn't see anything clearly describing tool setup.

Very interested in making a more interactive Picasa Album browser and also a Tivo/Vserver remote streaming client plugin.

Great work, Canola2 folks, I really think Canola as a platform for media service plugins is a brilliant idea. How about using it as an app launcher too? Smirk


iliaden 2008-04-04 01:04

Re: Canola2 Updates - Beta7, Themes, and YouTube Plug-in
Hi Marcelo,

Let's start with an update on the buttons bug:
- Not dependent on CPU load (as said last time)
- ALWAYS caused by task switching when loading Canola
- VERY OFTEN (one exception) occurs when loading Canola for the first time after reboot and/or media card change.
- NEVER occurs if Canola is restarted without reboot and/or media card change (by changing, I include unmounting /media/mmcX; mount /media/mmcX). during the second load, everything goes very smoothly... and it loads 10-20 times faster!


Youtube uses internet + mplayer thus it's a little bit harder to replicate everything but with your guide we will try in tomorrows test build.
I wish I could say more... this occurred once, and I was unable to replicate this. Will try tomorrow. If I get any info, I'll tell you ASAP.
Note: I updated MPlayer today, so if it's an MPlayer issue, it might have been fixed (although I doubt it since it was Canola's navigation that was frozen)


There's not a conf file. You need to create a simlink as teached in the part you quoted. (as root in xterm or via ssh )
BUT: it's already implemented in Beta8
That's great! I can wait a few days...


6) as I told you then we verified (we can send you the source) but here goes again : WE DO NOT TOUCH "codecs" of any source. :) WE DO NOT TOUCH what we don't install, and if that happened to you, believe me it was not canola-cleanup tool fault ...
Here, I must present you my greatest excuses. Analyzed the process step by step, and looked at Canola in RedPill mode: no codecs were touched; that was entirely my fault. HOWEVER: some of the python libs that Canola uses are also being used by other 3rd party media players. This must have been the interference, and the reason they stopped working. I did not check on the default media player, but was unable to launch youamp. Had to reinstall it (so it's dependencies were installed along with it).
You are right; canola-cleanup does delete everything that came with Canola. the problem is that it MIGHT be shared by other apps. in your next release (Beta9 or later), would it be possible for canola-cleanup to check if the python libraries are needed for apps other than Canola?
Although I would understand why it would be impossible: now that people can (and will) write plugins for Canola, it will be impossible to keep track.
Could you just think about this?


But we are not going to support "player" specific tags for that.
what do you mean by "player-specific tags" I always thought that there were only ID3 tags that existed for mp3 files (v1 & v2). how can they be player-specific?

Expecting the next release with anticipation and optimism


handful 2008-04-04 02:30

Re: Canola2 Updates - Beta7, Themes, and YouTube Plug-in

You can scroll long title but it is not possible to do so with long album name.
Yeah, you can call missing feature, we decided not to add it (no to 2 lines scrolling at the same time)

Maybe touching on it could scroll it, but not automatic.


Hi Etienne,

Indeed there is. We are finishing beta 8 so that why is not available, we are going to put it together with beta8.
The environment is quite simple :

A actual build for the desktop, with the configuration to work on the linux desktop.

Together with the build (a tar file) we are bundling 3 tutorials and a explanation on how to use.

The Picasa album is a really nice idea :) this and flickr were on our "wish list" for months and it would be easy with an api. like the youtube.

A plugin for app launcher could be done easily I think :) you can use anything in python so... :)



This is even better (button issues) but we closed beta 8 yesterday : / but I just took notice to do not forget about this issue at all.

Of course the load is faster :) the media is already scanned, if you remove / unmount media is discarded and a full scan is needed :)

About the youtube : actually it can be the mplayer, not that it would lock Canola UI, but an error in the communication between atabake and Mplayer can cause that : / But I would say it probable a bug on Canola :)

Another good news : Morpheuz was able to find out the bug on the shuffle complained but some people. :)

Yeah, the lib thing can happen, and we only do that (to our dependencies that for sure can be of other) because we want to make sure things are "clean" for your other applications, and clean a dependencies problems (like the alternative repository mixing etc)

We cannot look at it for a simple reason : if your other application installed the lib that is in wrong version and not on maemo extras, then we need to remove to be able to install Canola.

The cleanup was made for those who "want" to use canola and for some reason ( wrong repos, failed install) need to make sure things are clean down there. So if your plan is to use clean-up to remove Canola, then I would say use the simple install.

If it a basic uninstall / reinstall, there will be no problem with the cleanup.

So in the end, do you understand why Canola-Cleanup exists? ITS only to those who have repository mess. If you use only official maemo repositories / trusted ones.. you don need the clean up :) just use the application manager ok? That the way we solve the problem, the right way. The cleanup is a "safety" tool to clear the device of a user who is pissed off :)

Yes, there's a standard, and we do support it the best way possible but in some cases, iTunes and other playes has this "custom" tag for compilations, that makes the life easier for them, but not for us.

I think people will like the new beta, and developers tool are getting nicer :)

Also, if not on beta8, beta9 will bring a MUCH better list / scrolling interaction. Lot of experiment with Adriano yesterday and today and we are quite optimistic about that :)


(thanks for the detailed feedback as always)


jabastien 2008-04-04 21:45

Re: Canola2 Updates - Beta7, Themes, and YouTube Plug-in

Since the beginning I always felt that the YouTube plug-in did not return all result from a search. Since the source is available I look into it, and I confirmed my assumption. I wonder if the Team wanted the plug-in to behave that way for some odd reasons.

Is it possible to change the behavior or the search in the next release with the following code in "" at line 63.

HTML Code:

    def search(self, query):
        """Search for video by keywords."""
        return self._request("%s?vq=%s",
                            self.url_video_search, quote(query))

HTML Code:

    def search(self, query):
        """Search for video by keywords."""
        return self._request("%s?vq=%s&max-results=50&racy=include",
                            self.url_video_search, quote(query))

Thanks You,

handful 2008-04-04 23:54

Re: Canola2 Updates - Beta7, Themes, and YouTube Plug-in
Hi jabastien, yeah, for this version we placed only a limited numbers, because we were deciding how to allow "paging" between a bigger set of results.

I think in the beta9 time frame (or actually sooner because it's independent) we will add this feature there.



jabastien 2008-04-05 00:36

Re: Canola2 Updates - Beta7, Themes, and YouTube Plug-in
Marcelo, Can I pach it myself? If yes, It looks like the youtube plugin is in a compiled state. What do I need to compile it?

Thanks for another great version,

handful 2008-04-05 00:43

Re: Canola2 Updates - Beta7, Themes, and YouTube Plug-in
Jabastien : I will upload in a couple of minutes (actually a little bit more) the tar.gz for plugin development so you will be able not only to compile your version but to test it clearly on your desktop before trying it out :)



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