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AlMehdi 2012-07-16 09:54

Re: [Announce] N9Tweak v0.2-6.1

Originally Posted by Schturman (Post 1237800)
Hi AlMehdi
Can you explain please how to restore this tweak to default:


You don't need too. What it does is a while-loop that just loops a command until the user ends it. In this case powersave OFF. I did it like this as it defaults back to powersave ON after awhile automatically. It loops the off command so it will stay that way. So when the user is done he just closes the app and it is will go back to default. ;)

Schturman 2012-07-16 10:15

Re: [Announce] N9Tweak v0.2-6.1
Aaa, ok, thanks.
That mean it's worked on PR1.2, like it work now by default on PR 1.3..
The automatic PSM not close your internet connection until you will close all browser windows and im's..

taviman 2012-07-16 17:59

Re: [Announce] N9Tweak v0.2-6.1

Originally Posted by Hacker (Post 1237636)
Taviman, since AlMehdi is not going to be actively maintaining N9Tweak, I recommend you download N9 Quick Tweak, which is being actively developed and has the exact tweak that you need. Just go to and download N9 Quick Tweak. Then, select tweak Y (after you create back-up with Tweak K) and you should be all set.

FYI, some of the tweaks in AlMehdi's N9Tweak v0.2_6.1 work on PR 1.3. I know this because I still use the extra-large virtual keyboard from this version, and I run PR 1.3. I do not know which tweaks from this version are still effective, but I do know that N9 Quick Tweak has versions that are specifically compatible with PR 1.2 or PR 1.3, so you can take your pick.

Good luck.

Yeah, I did this. But the problem was that Schturman's QuickTweak is not compatible with Home Screen Settings. In the end I uninstalled HS, installed N9QT temporary and made my mod, then reinstalled the HS.
The mod stays.

Shinebox 2012-11-03 03:36

Re: [Announce] N9Tweak v0.2-6.1
How to install??? :rolleyes:

thedead1440 2012-11-03 03:39

Re: [Announce] N9Tweak v0.2-6.1

Originally Posted by Shinebox (Post 1289251)
How to install??? :rolleyes:

use n9qtweak instead as this is no longer being maintained...

redhoticaro 2013-09-21 11:22

Re: [Announce] N9Tweak v0.2-6.1

I've tried to download the n9tweak file but it was impossible...
there are only many and many images...

Schturman 2013-09-21 12:05

Re: [Announce] N9Tweak v0.2-6.1
See post above you... 2016-08-30 19:01

Re: [Announce] N9Tweak v0.2-6.1 is offline , are sources moved to git ?

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