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bill_klpd 2013-08-04 14:10

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)

Originally Posted by elros34 (Post 1364868)
nope, only different behavior on different places

Yeah this is what I mean :P
Nice idea by the way ;)

DfLo1913 2013-08-04 20:23

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
So awesome. Thank you guys.

guilledoc 2013-08-04 22:38

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
It's great what you've done
I wonder if I want to launch a specific app for ex. the qalendar a calculator or anything else it can be added to the gestures? and how?

elros34 2013-08-04 22:53

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
You can install phone-control and the add "phone-control --startapp osso_calculator" to qtedger settings ui.

guilledoc 2013-08-05 00:44

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
that did the trick thank you very much!!!!

vetsin 2013-08-05 18:28

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)

Originally Posted by elros34 (Post 1364859)
This should work:
-non-thumb (not tested)

bill_klpd, thanks for nice icon.


i can't download the file... i'm trying to download the thumb version. tnx!

EDIT: never mind. got it. thanks! will give it a spin. :)

mayhem 2013-08-23 04:16

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
Working great man! Nice job

yrannadx 2013-08-24 16:10

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
Installed ok the thumb version, but it is not working, nothing happen when I swipe any of the edges. I started it and I can see the qtedger process in conky. Any idea? Thanks.

elros34 2013-08-24 16:49

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
In terminal:
killall qtedger
and do some swipes.
If nothing show up you can open gui and decrease velocity option.

yrannadx 2013-08-26 07:08

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
Thanks, it works with a velocity of 15.

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