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wook_sf 2012-06-18 12:59

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by DavyP (Post 1223665)
Without a real N9, this is a tough one for me to fix. I applied for a
N9 with the Summer 2012 Device Program and my submission
got accepted, but there are still a few hurdles to cross before I will
get the device.

OTOH, if someone can tell me how I can programmatically pop up
the native virtual keyboard and intercept its event, that would help

The problem is that I do not use native Qt input widgets, and many
examples seem to put an input widget somewhere off the screen
and intercept its events. However, I could not get this to work on
the N9 emulator.


seems like QT input widget is only proper solution :S
there's dev's around globe who might help you, i hope...i am just not right guy for QT :S damn
i can test though...
i hope you will get that device as soon as possible

DavyP 2012-06-25 16:54

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by wook_sf (Post 1223670)
seems like QT input widget is only proper solution :S
there's dev's around globe who might help you, i hope...i am just not right guy for QT :S damn
i can test though...
i hope you will get that device as soon as possible

It turns out that triggering the virtual keyboard is a bit harder than I thought.

I implemented a simple app with a textfield (subclassing QLineEdit), but even after posting QEvent::RequestSoftwareInputPanel events and faking mouse press/release events, I cannot get the virtual keyboard to automatically pop up. The user still has to tap the widget, so I cannot hide it by putting it somewhere off the screen.

WinCE and Android had proper APIs to handle the keyboard. With Maemo, it seems I have to reimplement my own keyboard.


wook_sf 2012-06-25 17:32

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by DavyP (Post 1227211)
It turns out that triggering the virtual keyboard is a bit harder than I thought.

I implemented a simple app with a textfield (subclassing QLineEdit), but even after posting QEvent::RequestSoftwareInputPanel events and faking mouse press/release events, I cannot get the virtual keyboard to automatically pop up. The user still has to tap the widget, so I cannot hide it by putting it somewhere off the screen.

WinCE and Android had proper APIs to handle the keyboard. With Maemo, it seems I have to reimplement my own keyboard.


nokia always liked to mess with apis...always
will reimplementation be good enough?

rainisto 2012-06-25 17:49

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by DavyP (Post 1227211)
It turns out that triggering the virtual keyboard is a bit harder than I thought.

I implemented a simple app with a textfield (subclassing QLineEdit), but even after posting QEvent::RequestSoftwareInputPanel events and faking mouse press/release events, I cannot get the virtual keyboard to automatically pop up. The user still has to tap the widget, so I cannot hide it by putting it somewhere off the screen.

WinCE and Android had proper APIs to handle the keyboard. With Maemo, it seems I have to reimplement my own keyboard.


You should be able to 'hide' it if you programatically set focus to qlinedit.

freemangordon 2012-06-25 18:16

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by DavyP (Post 1227211)
It turns out that triggering the virtual keyboard is a bit harder than I thought.

I implemented a simple app with a textfield (subclassing QLineEdit), but even after posting QEvent::RequestSoftwareInputPanel events and faking mouse press/release events, I cannot get the virtual keyboard to automatically pop up. The user still has to tap the widget, so I cannot hide it by putting it somewhere off the screen.

WinCE and Android had proper APIs to handle the keyboard. With Maemo, it seems I have to reimplement my own keyboard.


There is a way AFAIK, look at void MozQWidget::showVKB() here

DavyP 2012-06-25 19:17

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by rainisto (Post 1227225)
You should be able to 'hide' it if you programatically set focus to qlinedit.

Thanks for the tip, but I already tried this before and it does not

The example shows the QLineEdit and the widget has focus, but the virtual keyboard does not pop up. I still have to tap on the widget to
trigger it (tested on N900).


DavyP 2012-06-25 19:46

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by freemangordon (Post 1227242)
There is a way AFAIK, look at void MozQWidget::showVKB() here

Thanks. I figured out what went wrong. Even though I called setFocus, the widget did not have focus yet when posted the RequestSoftwareInputPanel event. I made some progress.


freemangordon 2012-06-25 19:50

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by DavyP (Post 1227286)
Thanks. I figured out what went wrong. Even though I called setFocus, the widget did not have focus yet when posted the RequestSoftwareInputPanel event. I made some progress.


Yeah, apparently the QTimer::singleShot ugly hack workarounds that

DavyP 2012-06-25 21:24

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by freemangordon (Post 1227287)
Yeah, apparently the QTimer::singleShot ugly hack workarounds that

Yes, I got it working now.

My next problem is that the virtual keyboard does not produce any KeyPress events (physical keyboard does produce them on the N900). The textChanged/textEdited signals of QLineEdit are not that
useful to identify which key was pressed. Seems like I have to mess
around with some X11 events.


freemangordon 2012-06-25 22:02

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by DavyP (Post 1227303)
Yes, I got it working now.

My next problem is that the virtual keyboard does not produce any KeyPress events (physical keyboard does produce them on the N900). The textChanged/textEdited signals of QLineEdit are not that
useful to identify which key was pressed. Seems like I have to mess
around with some X11 events.


Look through the whole file I sent the link to, this is a part of Qt backend of fennec 16a1, you should do almost the same thing fennec does

HtheB 2012-06-26 18:17

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)
I just installed the newest midlets.
One of the apps (midlet) is called whatsapp, but it's NOT whatsapp! it's some app called Qute...

Please don't confuse people with this.....
Can you fix this please? :)

DavyP 2012-06-27 22:27

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by HtheB (Post 1227836)
I just installed the newest midlets.
One of the apps (midlet) is called whatsapp, but it's NOT whatsapp! it's some app called Qute...

Please don't confuse people with this.....
Can you fix this please? :)

Sorry about this. Someone gave me a pointer to this app on the
previous page of this forum, but I did not test it myself thoroughly
as I am not a WhatsApp user myself. I removed the midlet from
my latest package.

Thanks for reporting this.


jkingok 2012-06-28 16:18

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)
I have just started testing phoneME for the purpose of getting Verisign VIP Access to work ( on an N9.

So far in my trials neither the Sony Ericsson nor Nokia versions work (there is no obviously generic J2ME version). The version for the Motorola RAZR V3 gets as far as an 0x8 error (Verisign code) when attempting to "activate" itself over the Internet for both 3G and Wifi connections already connected. (It gets an 0xb error when there's no Internet connection at all.) It appears this could be a https or wap connection problem. (Or maybe encryption support in general as that is how it creates its key values, but I don't think it's getting that far.)

There is nothing at all in the console output of note. I run it with the command:
/opt/phoneme/bin/cvs -Xmx12m -Dmicroedition.profiles=MIDP-2.1 -Dsun.midp.home.path=/opt/phoneme/midp/midp_linux_fb_gcc MIDletSuiteLoader sun.misc.MIDPLauncher -suitepath mvip_030006_moto_m-v3_u_en_US_VSS.jar -jadpath mvip_030006_moto_m-v3-u_en_US_VSS.jad -1 MVClient

The app can be downloaded from but first you have to spoof your user agent in your browser to get the download button and then open the JAD file in a text editor to get the JAR file download URL. You have to give phoneme the JAD file because Verisign adds a lot of custom properties.

I don't expect any help on this due to the closed source. I could email Verisign later but I wouldn't expect much from them.

Estel 2012-06-29 02:40

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)
I've an applet, that worked very well, until I experimented too much with it's (built-in) settings, and it started to missbehave. Now it's not even possible to start it properly, to restore default settings.

Which files should I delete, to make it act like run for first time? Keep in mind, please, that I also have other midlets and I would like to keep their settings, if possible (so, delete only data of particular middlet in question - any way to identify such files?).

Thanks a lot, in advance, for answer.



Davy, how Your struggle with Nokia Store ended? You succeed to overcome obstacles, submitted it, and will receive N9 from device program?

DavyP 2012-07-01 01:45

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by jkingok (Post 1228634)
I have just started testing phoneME for the purpose of getting Verisign VIP Access to work ( on an N9.

So far in my trials neither the Sony Ericsson nor Nokia versions work (there is no obviously generic J2ME version). The version for the Motorola RAZR V3 gets as far as an 0x8 error (Verisign code) when attempting to "activate" itself over the Internet for both 3G and Wifi connections already connected. (It gets an 0xb error when there's no Internet connection at all.) It appears this could be a https or wap connection problem. (Or maybe encryption support in general as that is how it creates its key values, but I don't think it's getting that far.)

There is nothing at all in the console output of note. I run it with the command:
/opt/phoneme/bin/cvs -Xmx12m -Dmicroedition.profiles=MIDP-2.1 -Dsun.midp.home.path=/opt/phoneme/midp/midp_linux_fb_gcc MIDletSuiteLoader sun.misc.MIDPLauncher -suitepath mvip_030006_moto_m-v3_u_en_US_VSS.jar -jadpath mvip_030006_moto_m-v3-u_en_US_VSS.jad -1 MVClient

The app can be downloaded from but first you have to spoof your user agent in your browser to get the download button and then open the JAD file in a text editor to get the JAR file download URL. You have to give phoneme the JAD file because Verisign adds a lot of custom properties.

I don't expect any help on this due to the closed source. I could email Verisign later but I wouldn't expect much from them.

I downloaded the app and could not get it to work either. However,
I did not investigate thoroughly what could be the problem.

Note though, there seems to be a generic version. I used the
'links' console browser and with that I could download a version called:


The cause of the problem could be quite diverse. Beyond the
reasons you mentioned, it could also be due to some (root)
certificates not being present.

From a network perspective, for phoneME it does not make a
difference whether you are using 3G or WiFi.


DavyP 2012-07-01 02:02

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1228848)
I've an applet, that worked very well, until I experimented too much with it's (built-in) settings, and it started to missbehave. Now it's not even possible to start it properly, to restore default settings.

Which files should I delete, to make it act like run for first time? Keep in mind, please, that I also have other midlets and I would like to keep their settings, if possible (so, delete only data of particular middlet in question - any way to identify such files?).

Thanks a lot, in advance, for answer.



Davy, how Your struggle with Nokia Store ended? You succeed to overcome obstacles, submitted it, and will receive N9 from device program?

If you look into the directory /opt/phoneme/midp/midp_linux_fb_gcc/appdb there are a bunch of files starting with FFFFFFFF and ending with the .db file extension. If you are lucky, you can recognize the name of the midlet in the filename. You can try to delete that one (but I would recommend making a copy first).

Regarding the N9 device, Nokia Support did not respond to my request for information so at this point phoneME is not published in the Nokia Store. I asked some people at Oracle familiar with my ports for advice (as most of the code is owned by Oracle), and they said Oracle legal would object publishing it in the Nokia Store due to incompatibilities of Nokia's Terms and Conditions with phoneME's original GPLv2 license.

However, Quim from Nokia said they would send me device anyhow as I did all I could to get it published. If phoneME would work much better on the N9 than it does now, it would open up ways to run more applications. So I am looking forward to receiving the N9 pretty soon.


Estel 2012-07-01 05:34

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)
Thanks a lot Davy, it worked! My middlet in question was splitting multiple database files with cryptic names, but I was able to identify db's of all other middlets,so deleted by elimination. I saw this directory before, and suspected that it's where it lies, but was little afraid to delete due to mentioned cryptic names.

It's nice to hear, that You will receive well deserved N9 :)


Arthuro_Adam 2012-07-03 20:54

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)
I can't install the latest build. It's looking for something, then there a message: can't install it.

DavyP 2012-07-04 02:27

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by Arthuro_Adam (Post 1231294)
I can't install the latest build. It's looking for something, then there a message: can't install it.

This is too little information for me to figure out what is wrong.

Do you have the 'unzip' utility installed? It is a dependency of
of the cvm deb package that in the early builds was not included
in the package description.


Arthuro_Adam 2012-07-04 10:34

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by DavyP (Post 1231469)
This is too little information for me to figure out what is wrong.

Do you have the 'unzip' utility installed? It is a dependency of
of the cvm deb package that in the early builds was not included
in the package description.


I thought that :)

I don't know what's that unzip utility, but I haven't got any problem with the other builds but the latest.

My N9 has hungarian languange, so I don't know the exact message, that the phone sends, but something like that:
First: "Preparing for install" and "Looking for the programs that need for the install"

After that, the "Can't install" and "Can't find the installer "something".

Maybe it's the unzip utility.

Thanks for your help.

Kabouik 2012-07-05 11:07

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)
I have the same issue, during install the N9 searches the required applications, then says that it cannot install cvm because dependencies were impossible to meet. I have tried installing "unzip" in terminal, but found nothing (non-SDK sources are activated).

Kegetys 2012-07-05 15:03

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)
I'm trying to run OpenWIG in my N9, it starts fine and I can load a wherigo cartridge but when I try to start it fails with:

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: [B
at s.a(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at java.lang.Thread.startup(Unknown Source)

in err.txt.

I used runmidlet to start it, I tried adding -Xmx128m parameter to runmidlet but it didnt work as it just tried to load a jar file with that name. I also tried executing it like this:

/opt/phoneme/bin/cvm -Xmx128m -Dmicroedition.profiles=MIDP-2.1 -Dsun.midp.home.path=/opt/phoneme/midp/midp_linux_fb_gcc MIDletSuiteLoader sun.misc.MIDPLauncher -suitepath OpenWIG.jar -jadpath OpenWIG.jad -1 gui.Mid

But it still results in the same OutOfMemoryError. Is there something more that needs to be done to increase the memory limit or could it be some other bug?

DavyP 2012-07-05 16:29

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by Kabouik (Post 1232291)
I have the same issue, during install the N9 searches the required applications, then says that it cannot install cvm because dependencies were impossible to meet. I have tried installing "unzip" in terminal, but found nothing (non-SDK sources are activated).

I have uploaded a new deb at

The MeeGo/N9 build has the unzip dependency removed from its
package description. See if this helps (and let us know).

Note that the Maemo version still has the unzip dependency.


DavyP 2012-07-05 16:32

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by Kegetys (Post 1232439)
I'm trying to run OpenWIG in my N9, it starts fine and I can load a wherigo cartridge but when I try to start it fails with:

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: [B
at s.a(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at java.lang.Thread.startup(Unknown Source)

in err.txt.

I used runmidlet to start it, I tried adding -Xmx128m parameter to runmidlet but it didnt work as it just tried to load a jar file with that name. I also tried executing it like this:

/opt/phoneme/bin/cvm -Xmx128m -Dmicroedition.profiles=MIDP-2.1 -Dsun.midp.home.path=/opt/phoneme/midp/midp_linux_fb_gcc MIDletSuiteLoader sun.misc.MIDPLauncher -suitepath OpenWIG.jar -jadpath OpenWIG.jad -1 gui.Mid

But it still results in the same OutOfMemoryError. Is there something more that needs to be done to increase the memory limit or could it be some other bug?

Normally, setting the Xmx128m flag should suffice. I would be
quite surprised if a midlet would need that much of memory,
so it's quite likely a bug (either in the app or in the vm).


Kabouik 2012-07-05 23:47

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by DavyP (Post 1232479)
I have uploaded a new deb at

The MeeGo/N9 build has the unzip dependency removed from its
package description. See if this helps (and let us know).

Note that the Maemo version still has the unzip dependency.


It works, thanks for the rapid fix. :)

thedead1440 2012-07-06 03:52

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)
DavyP thanks for your work, i've an issue that i think is related to PhoneMe...

last night i installed your updated .deb file and the cvm-midlet file

used opera mini for a few minutes and swiped it to close...this morning i woke up to my application data of 2.1GB being full...the last time i checked it yesterday it was less than half full...

i've uninstalled both phoneme and the midlet file...even delete /opt/phoneme/ still the problem persists...could you help if this has been caused by phoneme?

unexpected 2012-07-08 00:58

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)
Waiting for an update which supports vibration & downloads.
I wish that the update is not so far...

DavyP 2012-07-08 15:56

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1232720)
DavyP thanks for your work, i've an issue that i think is related to PhoneMe...

last night i installed your updated .deb file and the cvm-midlet file

used opera mini for a few minutes and swiped it to close...this morning i woke up to my application data of 2.1GB being full...the last time i checked it yesterday it was less than half full...

i've uninstalled both phoneme and the midlet file...even delete /opt/phoneme/ still the problem persists...could you help if this has been caused by phoneme?

All the data is stored in /opt/phoneme except for a few log files
which are stored in the MyDocs folder in your home dir. Did you
actually first check how much space was consumed in
/opt/phoneme before you deleted that dir?


jalyst 2012-07-15 04:48

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)
I haven't been following this for ages, it seems to be progressing well!
I noticed in scanning it all, that you've been lucky enough to be eligible for a N9.
When do you expect to have it in your hands?

DavyP 2012-07-16 19:27

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1237657)
I haven't been following this for ages, it seems to be progressing well!
I noticed in scanning it all, that you've been lucky enough to be eligible for a N9.
When do you expect to have it in your hands?

I received my N9 last week and already ran some midlets on it.
One of the things I am currently working on is native virtual keyboard
support, but progress is a bit slow ATM due to lack of spare time.


jalyst 2012-07-16 19:31

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)
No worries mate,
Great to hear you got your prize regardless of the fact that you couldn't push anything to the store!

qgil has often been a God-send like that...
Often taken for granted in the difficult circumstances this community has perpetually been in for several years.

When you next have time... we await ready to test. :)

Kabouik 2012-07-17 00:21

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)
Just to ensure I am not missing anything, where can I find a list of midlets that could be run using PhoneME, except those provided here with the package? Are there some "must-have" midlets?

PIDk 2012-07-17 06:49

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by DavyP (Post 1238401)
I received my N9 last week and already ran some midlets on it.
One of the things I am currently working on is native virtual keyboard
support, but progress is a bit slow ATM due to lack of spare time.


DavyP, can you please test Google Maps (and GpsMid) gps location feature on your new N9? :rolleyes:
(problem described in my previous posts: and below)

DavyP 2012-07-19 09:50

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by PIDk (Post 1238569)
DavyP, can you please test Google Maps (and GpsMid) gps location feature on your new N9? :rolleyes:
(problem described in my previous posts: and below)

I tried the GpsMid midlet for my country and it seemed to work. It
only took a while to get a GPS fix, and I also think the GPS position
updates are very slow. I would expect an update every second or so.
On my N900, it seems to work OK and I rely on the same code to
implement JSR179. Strange. Perhaps somebody else can test as well?


PIDk 2012-07-19 17:16

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by DavyP (Post 1239655)
I tried the GpsMid midlet for my country and it seemed to work. It
only took a while to get a GPS fix, and I also think the GPS position
updates are very slow. I would expect an update every second or so.
On my N900, it seems to work OK and I rely on the same code to
implement JSR179. Strange. Perhaps somebody else can test as well?


And what about Google Maps midlet? Did you try it?

DavyP 2012-07-20 08:32

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by PIDk (Post 1239876)
And what about Google Maps midlet? Did you try it?

Where can I download this midlet?


PIDk 2012-07-20 12:15

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by DavyP (Post 1240133)
Where can I download this midlet?


There is no official download site for Google Maps midlet because Goggle doesn't support it anymore. You have to search it elsewhere.
For example, you can download it here:

DavyP 2012-07-20 14:44

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by PIDk (Post 1240246)
There is no official download site for Google Maps midlet because Goggle doesn't support it anymore. You have to search it elsewhere.
For example, you can download it here:

If I don't have the same version you are using, then there is no way
of making sure I can reproduce your issues :-(.

The download url you provided does not work.


PIDk 2012-07-21 04:42

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by DavyP (Post 1240311)
If I don't have the same version you are using, then there is no way
of making sure I can reproduce your issues :-(.

The download url you provided does not work.


DavyP 2012-07-21 23:17

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by PIDk (Post 1240613)

The midlet seems to make use of JSR179, though the midlet
says the location feature is not supported. Unfortunately, I cannot
easily verify which checks the google maps midlet carries out to
end up with that conclusion,

That is the hard part of not having the sources to the midlets to
check for incompatibilities :-(


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