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kekegg 2009-06-04 22:26

Re: Moses SmartQ 5

Originally Posted by Stskeeps (Post 293640)
So actually our normal firmware works (SmartQ5 file or do you have to rename it), but the LCD is not set up correctly? I have started building a kernel for Q7. Will you be interested in testing it for me?

I am glad to test it. I got the firmware. I will try it. It's not easy because the Q7 never can be shut down after installation of Mer for Q5.

kekegg 2009-06-04 22:31

Re: Moses SmartQ 5
The LCD became to work poorly after I tested win CE. After that the original system also have the color problem(incorrect color), so does mer for Q5.

Rebski 2009-06-04 23:01

Re: Moses SmartQ 5
For those who have or are about to get the Q7, here are dismantling photos so you don't have to - unless you really must.

bezeen 2009-06-04 23:38

Re: Moses SmartQ 5
updated - success

(Sorry - i think my Q7 is ****...

I cant install mer or v.1 of smarts firmware..)
- Yes I can if i hold down the menu/function button!

On SmartQ7 you should push "menu" (on top -> power, reload, select on the front you have "+, - , menu ). And plug in the charger.

I've installed mer 0.13 okey

bezeen 2009-06-05 00:18

Re: Moses SmartQ 5
I did chance the root psw to get my device a little more english - as you do a firmware update you only see a black screen - so - you really dont know if you need to type in a psw or what ever...

dukemagus 2009-06-05 02:04

Re: Moses SmartQ 5

a was thinking if things like that (hardware dependant... and it looks like it's absolutely impossibel to get the graphic drivers on n8x0) have more future in q5 than any N-series

Stskeeps 2009-06-05 06:45

Re: Moses SmartQ 5

Originally Posted by bezeen (Post 293842)
Sorry - i think my Q7 is ****...

I cant install mer or v.1 of smarts firmware...

I don't think v1 of smart firmware works with Q7 honestly. There's a way to resurrect your machine through SD card boot probably.

Stskeeps 2009-06-05 06:46

Re: Moses SmartQ 5

Originally Posted by kekegg (Post 293823)
The LCD became to work poorly after I tested win CE. After that the original system also have the color problem(incorrect color), so does mer for Q5.

Right, - the upgrade to Mer work and fix the 1/3 part of screen problem, but color problem remains?

Rebski 2009-06-05 09:26

Re: Moses SmartQ 5
And now we have Canola running on the Q7. This thing is on a roll.
Interestingly the writers have no idea what Canola is.

I have not yet located how to download it from the SmartQ site. I can't find it here

DannyBiker 2009-06-05 12:06

Re: Moses SmartQ 5
Hi guys,

So I've read the 19 pages of this thread and other topics elsewhere on the web and while some questions I got received their answers, I'm still a bit confused about these devices. To be clear : I'm a total newbie in the mid and maemo world and my knowledge pretty much sums up to Windows and Ubuntu. That's not much to say the least...

I'm looking for a device for the following uses :
- Browsing the internet at reasonable speed, mainly reading emails, news websites, boards and youtube...
- Typing text during lectures (I'm a student) - using a external keyboard obviously here. Being able to use OpenOffice would be great.
- Emulate Games (up to SNES and MegaDrive generation is enough...DosBox and/or ScummVM too).
- Good experience for watching videos, in terms of speed and possibility to read wide range of formats.
- Decent mp3 player
- Installation of a linux-based OS

My "custom firmwared" PSP taught me that I'm quite geeky when it comes to try new softwares and uses for a device. The Maemo, although my knowledge about it is quite limited (still discovering this website:)), looks like a fine OS for that. But is the SmartQ a good choice (5 or 7) ? It's more than reasonable price is quite appealing, especially for a student. I'm not looking for a powerful machine but something decent enough to evolve through time.

Thanks !

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