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conny 2009-12-02 18:12

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)

Originally Posted by robbie (Post 404726)
Just tried Conboy and i have some quirks. Not sure if it's bugreport worthy.

- The Settings screen is only availible from a note and not from the list.

That's true. I think it was intentional as I imagined the list view to be only a kind of pop-up. But yea, could be easily changed.


Originally Posted by robbie (Post 404726)
- When you have a list window and note window open, the app closes when you close the note. My expected outcome would be that it would jump to the list instead.

Yea, that's a bit annoying I know. The current unstable version fixes that. There's only one note window at the time and the list window is not a separate window but belongs to the note window.
You can't have the situation there that you have a list window without a note window.


Originally Posted by robbie (Post 404726)
- If you press list on the notes screen. It opens a new window instead of replacing the note. If you try to find one note and open a note, press list, open note, press list, open note, press list, open note you'll end up with a lot of open notes. Also: It's not consistent with opening a note from the list. The list window is replaced with the note.

Also fixed in the upcoming version. See above.


Originally Posted by robbie (Post 404726)
I come from Palm and there you do everything from the list. You cannot have multiple notes open. So maybe it's just something i have get used to.

If you want to keep current behaviour, maybe you can open the note in a new window but keep the list in background. That way, when you close the note, you're back at the list.

I think the upcoming version is really much better with that and probably much more what you would expect. If you are a bit adventurous you can test it already. It's called conboy-unstable and you can find it in extras-devel.
I would consider it mostly stable, only the synchronization is still very buggy.


Originally Posted by robbie (Post 404726)
If you want, i can describe my wished behaviour in a use-case style.

It's fine like that - really :)


Originally Posted by robbie (Post 404726)
And is it hard to make the list sortable on title/date?

That should already be possible. Just go to the list view, open the menu and select "Sort by title" or "Sort by date".

Thanks for your input and if there is anything else - just let me know :)

robbie 2009-12-03 06:53

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)

Originally Posted by conny (Post 405471)
That should already be possible. Just go to the list view, open the menu and select "Sort by title" or "Sort by date".

Thanks for your input and if there is anything else - just let me know :)

Thanks for your response.

The sorting is probably also in the new version. It's not in the one from extras (v0.5.8). I don't have syncing planned so i can use the new version.

So it seems that i have to enable extras-devel then. It's faster than i thought :) Maybe possible to install from deb?

conny 2009-12-03 07:59

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)

Originally Posted by robbie (Post 406762)
So it seems that i have to enable extras-devel then. It's faster than i thought :) Maybe possible to install from deb?

It's possible, but you also need some dependencies etc. I wouldn't recommend it. Instead turn on extras-devel. Install conboy-unstable. And then deactivate extras-devel again. If the phone offers you updates while extras-devel is activated, ignore them.
Also you need to uninstall conboy before you can install conboy-unstable. And to be on the save side, create a backup before you start :)

If that sounds too scary, then wait a bit. I'm hoping to push the new version to extras-testing quite soon. Maybe even on the weekend. It depends how much work I get done in Barcelona :)

Sangheili 2009-12-06 04:03

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
I've been enjoying Conboy but I have a question.

I used to use a note taking app on Android called 3banana. They have a website where you edit your notes/add new ones/etc - it functions very similar to Google Notebook. When you edit a note on the Android client it then syncs to the website. This was very handy to have notes always accessible.

Is there any similar functionality with Conboy? I primarily use Windows PC's and would love the ability to sync/view my notes online.

Edit: Just discovered the Ubuntu one service and integration. Testing it out right now :-)

Edit2: Couldn't get it to Authenticate. Browser just ends up showing me a blank white page after I add the device to - Logging out from desktop and N900 didn't help. Closing and relaunching Conboy didn't help.

jukey 2009-12-06 19:37

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)

Originally Posted by Sangheili (Post 412500)
Edit2: Couldn't get it to Authenticate. Browser just ends up showing me a blank white page after I add the device to - Logging out from desktop and N900 didn't help. Closing and relaunching Conboy didn't help.

Hi, there are bugs at the moment. The first bug is the problem that microb does not work as part of the authentication process. As workaround you can use fennec/firefox. But there is a second bug: It seems to be a problem to synchronize the first time conboy and ubuntu one. Conny, the author of conboy is aware of both bugs.

Ciao jukey

conny 2009-12-11 09:49

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
Sorry for not replying earlier. I was in Barcelona, first for the Maemo Hackfest, then for holidays :)

As Jukey said, there are still a couple of bugs. Most on my side, but also some on Ubuntus side. I'll try to fix those as soon as I can, but unfortunately I'm currently also busy with "normal life" stuff.
Watch this thread. I'll announce everything here :)

fpp 2009-12-12 17:39

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
Any news on the "Evernote" front ?

It seems that the standard Maemo5 approach is to have a standard "share" icon in the app's toolbar. That icon pulls up a menu of "sharing services" (like Evernote) and sends whatever the app is doing to whichever service is selected.

Looks like it's one-way (push). Would such a scheme work for Conboy ?

conny 2009-12-13 15:20

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
Pushing like this through the sharing plugins should be possible. But before we send the note we need to convert it to something other services will understand. Probably HTML would be best? Does anybody know which formats evernote accepts via this its Maemo5 plugin?

qwerty12 2009-12-13 15:40

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)

Originally Posted by conny (Post 425705)
Does anybody know which formats evernote accepts via this its Maemo5 plugin?

I know it supports PDF (Anidel linked me to one uploaded from his N900 after showing him the dlopen trick...).

I uploaded an HTML file (saved from the Maemo Browser) using Petrovich, and I get:

Not sure what to make of the above...

tomchiverton 2009-12-13 15:44

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
Is spell checking going to be added to this (or another app) at any point, does anyone know ?

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