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figaro 2011-03-13 13:39

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Originally Posted by f2thak (Post 966768)
i cant seem to set my own ringtone since i changed to this from Tweakr............ always plays nokia default tone

could you try this? and see whether it results on expected ringtone

dbus-send --session --type=method_call --print-reply /com/nokia/profiled string:"general" string:"ringing.alert.tone"

happened to me once, and apparently caused by profilex not saving my assigned tone properly

or you can manually assign it using

dbus-send --session --type=method_call --print-reply /com/nokia/profiled string:"general" string:"ringing.alert.tone" string:"/home/user/MyDocs/.sounds/myringtone.mp3"

Bratag 2011-03-15 15:36

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
App seems to work very well for me. One request however. Would you be able to add the ability to turn on bluetooth and perhaps turn off/on wifi.

When I jump in my car I like to have BT switch on when I change my profile in order to sync up with the handsfree etc but there is no need for wifi.

jhwan 2011-03-19 07:49

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
5 Attachment(s)
Thanks nicolai for such a great program! I modified some icons I found online for use with different profile settings. There are two icons for a "Vibration" profile and two for an "Outdoor" profile (trees and a picnic table). I thought I'd share them here if anyone wanted to use them.

F2thaK 2011-03-20 02:37

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Originally Posted by figaro (Post 966835)
could you try this? and see whether it results on expected ringtone......

id made 3 custom profiles. just tested them and one worked.
deleted the 2 that didnt work, re-created them, now they seem to work.

iscio 2011-03-26 20:35

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Originally Posted by iscio (Post 966675)
and now a last request: is it possible to implement also custom profile in power menu?

thank you

any news about this request?

nicolai 2011-03-26 23:38

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
No, and the power menu is a totally different thing.
The profile buttons are controlled by the /etc/systemui/systemui.xml
file and it works as follows.
This entry controls the "silent" profile button:

<menuitem priority="300" name="powerup_memainmenu_silent" visible="general">
<keyfile>/home/user/.profiled/current</keyfile> <icon>statusarea_silent</icon> <return>8</return>
<callback service="" path="/com/nokia/profiled" interface="" method="set_profile" bus="session" autostart="true">
<argument type="string">silent</argument>


This button is visible, when the "visible" condition holds.
The value for this visible condition is read from the keyfile
/home/user/.profiled/current. When you change your profile,
the name of the new profile is written in this file.
The action for this button is the dbus call which changes to
silent profile.
So, that means, the "silent" profile button is visible when the
contents of your /home/user/.profiled/current is:
And the dbus-command is send when you press this button.
A similiar entry exists for the general profile button.

You can add extra entries for your own profiles,
but this is impractical if you use many profiles.

For example, you have a third profile "home" and you want to
have this in your power menu when the current profile is "silent",
then you need to add this entry:

<menuitem priority="200" name="home" visible="silent">
<callback service="" path="/com/nokia/profiled" interface="" method="set_profile" bus="session" autostart="true">
<argument type="string">home</argument>

And if you want to have a button for your home profile when
the current profile is "general", you need to add another one:

<menuitem priority="200" name="home" visible="general">
<callback service="" path="/com/nokia/profiled" interface="" method="set_profile" bus="session" autostart="true">
<argument type="string">home</argument>

And if you want to have the "silent" profile button when the
current one is "home":
<menuitem priority="200" name="powerup_memainmenu_silent" visible="home">
<callback service="" path="/com/nokia/profiled" interface="" method="set_profile" bus="session" autostart="true">
<argument type="string">silent</argument>

And for the "general" profile button.
<menuitem priority="200" name="powerup_memainmenu_general" visible="home">
<callback service="" path="/com/nokia/profiled" interface="" method="set_profile" bus="session" autostart="true">
<argument type="string">general</argument>

And of course for every additional profile you have to
even more entries, this grows quadratic.
n*(n-1) entries, where n is the number of profiles :-)


Bratag 2011-03-26 23:47

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
Oh one more request and. Would it be possible perhaps to make a profiles widget which would show say 4 selected profiles. My dropdown is very crowded and its sometimes a pain to try find the profiles entry. Having something I could put on my desktop and quick change between profiles would be awesome.

nicolai 2011-03-27 00:01

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
Maybe there are already "queen beecon" or "desktop execution command"

Bratag 2011-03-28 02:21

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Originally Posted by nicolai (Post 976283)
Maybe there are already "queen beecon" or "desktop execution command"

I would be happy to write up some quickwidget qml for it. Does the app respond to dbus signals?

x61 2011-03-28 02:45

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Originally Posted by jhwan (Post 970794)
Thanks nicolai for such a great program! I modified some icons I found online for use with different profile settings. There are two icons for a "Vibration" profile and two for an "Outdoor" profile (trees and a picnic table). I thought I'd share them here if anyone wanted to use them.

How did you get your desktop to look like that...icons all orderly aligned vertically... oh is the bottom bar a battery life indicator? and what calendar are you using?

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