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Laughing Man 2009-06-06 01:40

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
So I tried using my existing GStreet database file with the new URL but it won't work.. (anyone else get that working?)

munky261 2009-06-06 18:34

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
It seems satellite maps on google maps homepage isnt even working...can anyone confirm this?

bunanson 2009-06-07 02:48

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
URL from LES.. works, I just checked,

This google map is very uptodate! I occasionally switch to yahoo map because of one segment of highway keeps missing from Google map and is now corrected. Good finding LES..

Want to 2nd guess why Google changing the URL? Too much log in, too little revenue, or just simply want to shake off some Nokia leeches :( ?


munky261 2009-06-07 02:58

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
Bun, that url is for google street maps, Im wanting google satellite.

bunanson 2009-06-07 03:27

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
munky261, hold your horse, i m googling...... The above post is for Laughing Man


sondjata 2009-06-07 03:41

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
Soooo I'm not the only one that is having Google Maps problems in Maemomapper (as in can't finish downloading maps though traffic seems to show up).

GeraldKo 2009-06-07 04:23

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories

Originally Posted by SmokyBG (Post 289773)

Worked for me. Thanks! (I've stuck with the older maemo mapper before sqlite.)

wesgreen 2009-06-07 13:07

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories

Originally Posted by bunanson (Post 294354)
URL from LES.. works, I just checked,

This google map is very uptodate! I occasionally switch to yahoo map because of one segment of highway keeps missing from Google map and is now corrected. Good finding LES..

Want to 2nd guess why Google changing the URL? Too much log in, too little revenue, or just simply want to shake off some Nokia leeches :( ?


URL from LES.. works, I just checked,

hi bunanson, where do i put this url into the m.mapper dialogue (to be able to download street maps again)? btw., thank you so much for this amazing application!

sondjata 2009-06-07 13:23

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
Still with the stalls this morning. Got to switch to open maps and because of how they color in highways I'm going to have to change my default route and track colors.

bunanson 2009-06-07 16:16

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories

Originally Posted by wesgreen (Post 294430)
URL from LES.. works, I just checked,

hi bunanson, where do i put this url into the m.mapper dialogue (to be able to download street maps again)? btw., thank you so much for this amazing application!

MaemoMapper>Menu>Maps>Manage Repositories...>New... Put a name, say newgoogle> enter the link to URL Format>OK

Menu>Maps select the above map newgoogle and click Auto-Download



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