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rotoflex 2011-03-02 15:09

Re: Printing with N900
Congratulations, Mase!

It prints from leafpad & abiword to a network printer.

So now, I guess I should purge your next-to-last cups packages & install your latest.

leetnoob 2011-03-02 15:59

Re: Printing with N900
2 Attachment(s)
I think porting stuff to maemo /opt is noble. However all the easy debian apps (word processor, spreadsheet, email etc) support printing. Here are some screenshots of cups running on easy debian (but viewed with maemo microb browser) with "add printer" button intact. Along with abiword and gnumeric complete with print buttons. The way I look at it, is if I want to print I use easy debian.

mase 2011-03-02 19:30

Re: Printing with N900
I am a Debian lover. I use Debian at home. But EasyDebian is not my
choice on the N900. I think, adding printing support directly to the device
is the better way.

I think, you should only install libgtk2.0, libgtk2.0-bin and libgtk2.0-common.
Leave the other packages as they are. They are only in the archive, because
I have build the whole gtk2.0 packages. On the other side, they should not
make any problems, because I did not modify anything else. I only recompiled
them. But now libcups2 is found and printing in gtk is enabled. Your install
problems must have an other reason. On my device I only installed the above
3 packages.
If there are no more problems with the cups packages, please vote! Maybe the
maintainer of gtk can rebuild the packages against libcups2. But before, they
must make it into testing or even stable. The things I did with gtk, leafpad and
abiword are only a workaround. Unexperienced users could scratch up their
whole installation, because libgtk2.0 is a very critical package. Nearly all
packages depend on it. Let's try to make it official!

sbock 2011-03-03 20:46

Re: Printing with N900
Nicely done, mase. I managed to print with our companies network printer via server, console and modified leafpad.

There seem to be little problem in my cups installation. I only can see "Raw" printer in the dialog when I use the "add printer" function. The other default drivers like HP/generic are missing since the last version.
It's no real problem at the moment, our HP printer can use RAW mode. It also works with a ppd from the cups web page.
But, any clue what went wrong here?

I have no success with my private Canon MG5250 yet.

BTW, Is bluez-cups compatible to the recent changes? With the unoptified cups version I got at least a connection but with this version the printer is not found using "search new printer".

mase 2011-03-03 20:53

Re: Printing with N900
No, do not use bluez-cups and cups-pdf with this cups packages. They will
mess up you cups installation. I will make a repack of them.
The issue of your missing printers is, that there are no driver packages yet.
But you can use a ppd file from your linux installation, or even from turboprint.
Maybe I will package gutenprint to solve this. But when printing over a network
cups server, you don't need any drivers.
PS: Did you only install the modified leafpad or abiword? No gtk2.0 packages?

peterleinchen 2011-03-03 21:47

Re: Printing with N900
Hey mase and rotoflex.
Very good work. Thanks to You maybe all N900 lovers will be able to print. A feature I expected from N95, but did not see until today on any (of my) phones.

Back to that "Add printer" thing: it is adflashblock-css blocking the button to show up in MicroB. I checked it twice.

You do not need Debian lxde. A terminal started with "debbie" is sufficient. From within this terminal I can start leafpad (evince is needed also to be installed) and I can print directly to my home wlan HP (raw) printer and also on a company network huge Canon printer (needs some pdd) via Samba. Great :)
You can also use lp command manually.
Starting leafpad from Maemo terminal will not show any installed printer. So, keep on mase. And once more thanks to You.

mase 2011-03-03 21:53

Re: Printing with N900
You have to install the modified libgtk2.0 packages ( libgtk2.0, libgtk2.0-bin and
libgtk2.0-common). Then the modified leafpad or abiword. The you will see
your installed printer.

sbock 2011-03-04 06:23

Re: Printing with N900

Originally Posted by mase (Post 959982)
No, do not use bluez-cups and cups-pdf with this cups packages. They will
mess up you cups installation. I will make a repack of them.
The issue of your missing printers is, that there are no driver packages yet.
But you can use a ppd file from your linux installation, or even from turboprint.
Maybe I will package gutenprint to solve this. But when printing over a network
cups server, you don't need any drivers.
PS: Did you only install the modified leafpad or abiword? No gtk2.0 packages?

Thanks for this infos.
I installed the 3 GTK packages you recommended. There were some missing dependencies on my system I had to solve with apt-get -f install.

sbock 2011-03-07 11:18

Re: Printing with N900
I tried printing with Firefox 1.1 and it works for pages with integrated printing function just as stated earlier in this thread. Very nice.
It would be great if we see some more aplications with printing support in the future. An e-mail client with printing support would be a dream..

mase 2011-03-07 11:27

Re: Printing with N900

Originally Posted by sbock (Post 962398)
I tried printing with Firefox 1.1 and it works for pages with integrated printing function just as stated earlier in this thread. Very nice.
It would be great if we see some more aplications with printing support in the future. An e-mail client with printing support would be a dream..

First the cups packages have to become official. Then gtk has to be build
against libcups2. Then all gtk applications can get printing support.
I am still waiting for the responce of the site administrators. Sees that they
are less active by now.

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