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vaporeso 2011-06-25 08:11

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers and shut down WLAN complitely [0.2.2]
im having this problem and y cant get past it, when trying to load the drivers i get the following error:
Error while loading kernel modules
ifconfig: SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device
Error while starting wlan0 interface
Drivers were not loaded
im on kernel power 46, and ive redownloaded the drivers with the applet just to be sure the drivers are not the problem, any idea? the stock drivers are working ok
thanks for this app, its really a great idea, ive stopped ussing this drivers some time ago due to the power consumption problem but if i get this to work it would be the perfect solution!

laasonen 2011-06-25 13:19

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers and shut down WLAN complitely [0.2.2]

Originally Posted by vaporeso (Post 1038623)
im having this problem and y cant get past it, when trying to load the drivers i get the following error:
Error while loading kernel modules
ifconfig: SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device
Error while starting wlan0 interface
Drivers were not loaded
im on kernel power 46, and ive redownloaded the drivers with the applet just to be sure the drivers are not the problem, any idea? the stock drivers are working ok
thanks for this app, its really a great idea, ive stopped ussing this drivers some time ago due to the power consumption problem but if i get this to work it would be the perfect solution!

Are you using the original kernel-power v46 or the lxp's modified one? It will only work with the lxp's modified v46 and the newest v47.

Saturn 2011-06-26 16:33

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers and shut down WLAN complitely [0.2.2]
Hi all,

Few pages back there was several people having problem connecting again to the network after unloading the drivers. Haven't read the complete thread and it might be the case that it has been corrected/found.

In the case it hasn't, the problem comes from the way the mac address is stored when in monitor mode.
i.e. 0C-2B-34-... instead of OC:2B:34...
therefore the script fails to read the mac and put it back later.

The solution is easy.

In the script, the line:

MACADDR="`ifconfig wlan0 | sed -n 's/.*HWaddr \([0-9A-Fa-f:]\+\).*/\1/p'`"
needs to replaced with:

MACADDR="`ifconfig wlan0 | grep wlan0 | awk -F"addr " '{print $2}' | awk -F"-" 'BEGIN {OFS = ":"}; {print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6}'| awk -F" " '{print $1}'`"
Hope it is useful.

laasonen 2011-06-26 19:39

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers and shut down WLAN complitely [0.2.2]
I think that I got the mac issue fixed a week ago. At least no-one hasn't complained about it and my mac isn't changing.

The project is currently on hold, because my n900's usb port got broken Thursday :( I'm going to return it tomorrow.

laasonen 2011-06-27 06:14

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers and shut down WLAN complitely [0.2.2]
Its now on Nokia Care. They said that it will take 2 weeks and if they can't fix it, they will give a N8 :mad: So I'll have to sell it and buy a N900, if don't manage to get the N950 before it :/

Estel 2011-06-27 09:13

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers and shut down WLAN complitely [0.2.2]
:/ Definitelly not a good news, sorry for You laasonen.I really feel sorry for You, and i hope they'll be able to fix it.

Anyway, one guy in other thread said, that Nokia Care wasn't able to fix his N900, so they've given him refund - 500£. Be sure to check if You may have choose - usually it's better to get direct refund.

Also, if you encounter problems finding N900 in good c condition ondition for good price, I'll be glad to help You. Here in Poland You can buy one really cheap - I've bought mine in perfect condition (screen protector applied from 1st day, never overclocked or even kernel flashed - first owner wasn't geek at all), for 150$-180$. Of course i "hunted" for it, but normally You can buy one for 200$-220$ without problems.

laasonen 2011-06-27 11:13

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers and shut down WLAN complitely [0.2.2]

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1039873)
:/ Definitelly not a good news, sorry for You laasonen.I really feel sorry for You, and i hope they'll be able to fix it.

Anyway, one guy in other thread said, that Nokia Care wasn't able to fix his N900, so they've given him refund - 500£. Be sure to check if You may have choose - usually it's better to get direct refund.

Also, if you encounter problems finding N900 in good c condition ondition for good price, I'll be glad to help You. Here in Poland You can buy one really cheap - I've bought mine in perfect condition (screen protector applied from 1st day, never overclocked or even kernel flashed - first owner wasn't geek at all), for 150$-180$. Of course i "hunted" for it, but normally You can buy one for 200$-220$ without problems.

500€ back sounds sweet. I'll have to ask, if I can get a refund, if they can't fix it.

I have seen n900s sold for less than 100€ in here Finland :D I'm tempted to buy another one while waiting for the old one, but I think I'll wait and see how it goes.

skricciolo1981 2011-06-28 17:59

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers and shut down WLAN complitely [0.2.2]
error while loading kernel modules ifconfig:SIOCGIFFLAGS:no such device error while starting wlan0 interface drivers were not loaded....
i have kernel v46
what's about lxp's modified v46??
sorry my english

laasonen 2011-06-28 18:56

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers and shut down WLAN complitely [0.2.2]

Originally Posted by skricciolo1981 (Post 1040953)
error while loading kernel modules ifconfig:SIOCGIFFLAGS:no such device error while starting wlan0 interface drivers were not loaded....
i have kernel v46
what's about lxp's modified v46??
sorry my english

Try installing the version from David's Blog (v46-wl1) or install the new v47 from extras-devel.

skricciolo1981 2011-06-29 06:17

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers and shut down WLAN complitely [0.2.2]
kernel v46-wl1 took my boot, but I need because I Meego on SD ....
In fact if I go to install the applet because it gives me error because of uboot ...

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