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danramos 2012-02-25 09:01

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat

jalyst 2012-03-23 03:59

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat
Dan, this is the thread you should be ranting in.
Not the "Would you buy a N9 successor?" one.
This is the unofficial "soap-box" thread... :D

captainofiron 2012-04-04 15:22

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat
Where is this App for the N9?

qorax 2012-07-31 15:10

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat
Nokia Blundered & Plundered!

If anyone of us haven't yet read the "Sane CEO Vs. Insane CEO" blog, read it now... it's hilarious to soul-searching to a plausible salvaging talkathon. A MUST READ.


calosteward 2014-12-23 08:04

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat

Originally Posted by myrjola (Post 1140096)
Couple of nice new apps (available from Nokia Store):

MeeScan, application for scanning 1-d and 2-d barcodes, such as UPC, QR, and Data Matrix code.

CutePress, a WordPress app.

Most people are now using iphone or android phones. But my Nokia N9 is of great quality, so sometimes I will also use it, thank you for sharing this app, it's refreshing it support my phone now.:)

jalyst 2014-12-23 12:41

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat
^Now THAT's a massive necro if there ever was one...

Just took a trip down memory lane by quickly skim-reading through much of this thread.

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