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Addison 2012-02-12 12:00

Re: [Announce] gpSP
Thanks!!! :)

TheLongshot 2012-02-13 15:52

Re: [Announce] gpSP
It has been a month, and it seems there is some activity again here, so maybe someone can go back and answer my question.


Originally Posted by TheLongshot (Post 1148913)
Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but how do I get the emulator to stick in the roms directory? Every time I start it up, it starts where the GBA rom is and I have to keep backing out and going to where my rom directory is.

bonapart 2012-02-13 16:24

Re: [Announce] gpSP
can you describe bug more expanded ?
btw. check ownership\permissions at /home/user/.config/Team16 , config is there

AlekMX 2012-02-15 00:46

Re: [Announce] gpSP
@The Longshot

Try this solution provided by Bazza:


Originally Posted by Bazza (Post 1139226)
just read bonaparts reply to pannkaksfest and that sorted the no rom error

1. Through x terminal if you type gpspmgui the application should start up then click back on to x terminal and see if it shows 'cant create cfg dir, permission error'

2. To fix it open up x terminal under root type:-

mkdir -P /home/user/.config/Team16/gpsp/

then press enter

3. Then open up gpsp-gui and set up GUI config ( rom directory and copy bios)

4. Close gpsp then open up again and you should see your roms.

It should work.

TheLongshot 2012-02-15 02:50

Re: [Announce] gpSP

Originally Posted by AlekMX (Post 1165198)
@The Longshot

Try this solution provided by Bazza:

It should work.

Capital P is an invalid command option. Lower case p still gives me a permission denied even using gainroot.

AlekMX 2012-02-16 02:59

Re: [Announce] gpSP

Then try this:


sudo gainroot
chmod 777 /opt/maemo/usr/games
chown user /opt/maemo/usr/games
chown -R user:users /home/user/.config/Team16

Remember to set up your ROM and BIOS directory again after running these commands.

TheLongshot 2012-02-21 03:38

Re: [Announce] gpSP
Well, it did allow me to make the changes, but I can't launch the emulator. I press "start" and nothing happens.

Acidspunk 2012-02-21 03:53

Re: [Announce] gpSP
are you sure you have the right version of the emulator installed? try uninstalling and reinstalling. worked for me.

AlekMX 2012-02-22 02:52

Re: [Announce] gpSP

Originally Posted by TheLongshot (Post 1167618)
Well, it did allow me to make the changes, but I can't launch the emulator. I press "start" and nothing happens.

The settings will not work out of the box, you need to go to "Configure", then, set a scale (triple scale is full screen) and then change the last option (preferably to 1024 bytes). Also if you want better speed change Frameskip to "Auto".

TheLongshot 2012-02-22 15:24

Re: [Announce] gpSP

Originally Posted by AlekMX (Post 1168114)
The settings will not work out of the box, you need to go to "Configure", then, set a scale (triple scale is full screen) and then change the last option (preferably to 1024 bytes). Also if you want better speed change Frameskip to "Auto".

Well, I had to figure that out for myself.

As a software engineer, I find the settings screen somewhat embarassing. No explanation about what each setting is, and the default settings don't work for anything. The previous version I was working with (pre-gui) was slower, but at least it was a setting that could run games. The default gives you a tiny screen and very slow performance. Not good if you are coming in cold.

Also, the help option should send you someplace that actually gives you, well, help. Like the wiki page which actually has a description of what all the options actually do.

That being said, the emulator itself, once properly set up, is pretty damn smooth. It is nice to actually be able to play Fire Emblem with full screen and at full speed. Thanks for all the work.

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