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Mohjive 2014-02-03 21:57

Re: [WIP] Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
I meant the assembly, not PCB printing (I cannot do PCB-printing either).

Have you looked at ? They seem to be able to do 0.3mm details with ABS. And they have a lot of interesting materials, like alumide and resin (and even titanium)

Mohjive 2014-02-03 21:58

Re: [WIP] Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
And I do understand you caring for your baby. I'm just fascinated and curious. :)

kimmoli 2014-02-03 22:13

Re: [WIP] Jolla OtherHalf OLED display

Originally Posted by Mohjive (Post 1410744)
Have you looked at ? They seem to be able to do 0.3mm details with ABS.

It is not the details, it is the wall thickness,
ABS Minimum wall thickness 1 mm (no good)

minimos 2014-02-04 06:20

Re: [WIP] Jolla OtherHalf OLED display

Originally Posted by kimmoli (Post 1410750)
It is not the details, it is the wall thickness,
ABS Minimum wall thickness 1 mm (no good)

You need to up the ante and go for 'OLED display - titanium edition' :D

tuXer 2014-02-05 07:58

Re: [WIP] Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
I'd like to order this. Am I too late, vote's been closed already?

kimmoli 2014-02-06 11:35

Re: [WIP] Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
some photos of first sample. (I have to work on the support-bars as the material is translucent)

Mohjive 2014-02-06 23:07

Re: [WIP] Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
Noticed that you don't have a cover detection "rib". Is that only used for NFC reading or general cover detection?

kimmoli 2014-02-07 05:15

Re: [WIP] Jolla OtherHalf OLED display

Originally Posted by Mohjive (Post 1411435)
Noticed that you don't have a cover detection "rib". Is that only used for NFC reading or general cover detection?

Nice spotting... it is still missing from these prototypes, but should be there in next version.

It triggers NFC and eeprom read.

egnat69 2014-02-07 07:57

Re: [WIP] Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
for future iterations (like when kimmoli starts to make his living only by selling TOHs ;D) it would be a nice feature to have an nfc-tag that installs/autostarts the engine for the oled-display... does anyone have experience with that stuff?

kimmoli 2014-02-07 08:09

Re: [WIP] Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
atm it is planned that the oled toh will use nfc for such purpose, there might be even special derp-ambience... am i promising too much :p

(There might be some issues if the oled toh daemon rpm needs also pass harbour-rules)

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