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miind 2008-06-11 10:54

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
Are you guys running diablo getting regular updates from the repositorys? How stable is it and are there any speculations on when nokia is about to release? Q2 is about to end...

Bundyo 2008-06-11 11:27

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
Every week.
Not stable enough for mass release.
Dunno. Probably not this month.

maillaxa 2008-06-11 23:30

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
Not this month ? Dude what the F....

Bundyo 2008-06-12 05:14

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
I said probably - i don't work for Nokia and i'll love if they prove me wrong :)

jhoff80 2008-06-12 07:41

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
Honestly, I'd have to agree with Bundyo, it just doesn't seem in a nearly ready enough state yet. (I'm having a bunch of issues with Microb, probably as someone mentioned before a result of spreading the browser out to multiple processes.)

GeneralAntilles 2008-06-12 07:44

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by jhoff80 (Post 191252)
(I'm having a bunch of issues with Microb, probably as someone mentioned before a result of spreading the browser out to multiple processes.)

Remember to file bugs! These things aren't gonna stand a chance of getting fixed anytime soon after it ships.

Bundyo 2008-06-12 07:46

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
Mainly focus loosing issues.

GeneralAntilles 2008-06-12 07:51

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by Bundyo (Post 191255)
Mainly focus loosing issues.

From MicroB or to MicroB?

Assuming the later, see bug #2430.

Bundyo 2008-06-12 08:57

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
No, i meant the first fullscreen issue and the not working back/forward buttons right after stylus drag scroll.

GeneralAntilles 2008-06-12 09:17

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by Bundyo (Post 191268)
No, i meant the first fullscreen issue and the not working back/forward buttons right after stylus drag scroll.

File bugs yet? :p

jhoff80 2008-06-12 18:21

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
I'm not really sure how to describe this one issue that I had, and it hasn't happened since... I had a couple browser windows open, before one of them crashed. The other one worked fine so I continued to browse there. Then, when I finished browsing and closed it, there was another window that had been hidden below that that was showing the contents of the first page that had crashed, except without any of the browser options (menus, buttons, etc) and didn't have a task switcher entry either. Its almost like the page viewing process got separated from the actual browser core, or something like that.

I haven't filed it to Bugzilla because I'm not entirely sure what happened and it hasn't happened since, though if it does, I'll definitely do that.

Honestly having multiple browser windows open right now seems to be a recipe for disaster. I've also seen the whole losing focus thing when in a second window of the browser.... as in I'd click a link to open in a new window, go back to the first window to put a new address in, and in the middle of doing that, lose focus to the second window, and when I went back to the first window, the address bar had disappeared, until I went to the second window and back again, then it came back.

Benson 2008-06-12 19:37

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
You keeping up with updates? I haven't seen anything that wierd in quite a while.

jhoff80 2008-06-12 20:37

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by Benson (Post 191436)
You keeping up with updates? I haven't seen anything that wierd in quite a while.

I just installed Diablo on Tuesday I think it was, so I haven't seen any updates yet. However, the flash-and-reboot command didn't do anything because of the size of the file, as I'm sure you know, and so I just ignored it. I did see that some people on here attempted modding the initfs, so I don't know if that has anything to do with it.

Benson 2008-06-12 21:22

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
Shouldn't be related to initfs... maybe I'm just used to it.

maillaxa 2008-06-12 21:38

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
How can I install diablo onto my tablet ? I have tried reading this thread but it is just too long just to find out.


Bundyo 2008-06-12 22:06

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
That's the price you have to pay... and follow the clues ;)

Bundyo 2008-06-12 22:09

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by GeneralAntilles (Post 191272)
File bugs yet? :p

I remember Texrat said that he will get them to know about the first resize bug. Dunno if he did it.

As for the second - its not a new one and easy to spot, so it should have been filed long ago, although i can't seem to find it there.

GeneralAntilles 2008-06-13 00:57

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by Bundyo (Post 191477)
As for the second - its not a new one and easy to spot, so it should have been filed long ago, although i can't seem to find it there.

Should isn't the same thing as has. ;)

tso 2008-06-13 04:33

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
and if one is the only one to file it, it may be left in some corner with the label "unconfirmed" on it...

GeneralAntilles 2008-06-13 04:47

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by tso (Post 191561)
and if one is the only one to file it, it may be left in some corner with the label "unconfirmed" on it...

That's my job.* :)

If you have any particular bugs sitting around that you'd like looked at, let me know. But, generally speaking, if a bug is unconfirmed, it's usually because there's not enough information for other people to reproduce it. :)

There are currently 390 UNCONFIRMED bugs. I, personally, have been through most of them and confirmed the ones that I was able to reproduce, and andre has been slowly working his way through all of the old bugs (more than 3000). The existing ones either don't have enough information from the submitter (this constitutes a large number of them, these have been partially tagged with 'moreinfo'), are edge cases that are hard to reproduce, or simply aren't great bugs. There aren't a whole lot of them that have really fallen under the radar.

Anyway, if you have something specific ones you want looked at, again, let me know.

*This statement should not to be taken that I am employeed at or by Nokia or (I am not currently, nor have I ever been), only that one of the things I currently do is community bug triaging, which gives me just a bit of power to confirm and edit bugs to help prepare them for the developers.

qwerty12 2008-06-13 05:52

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by jhoff80 (Post 191459)
I just installed Diablo on Tuesday I think it was, so I haven't seen any updates yet. However, the flash-and-reboot command didn't do anything because of the size of the file, as I'm sure you know, and so I just ignored it. I did see that some people on here attempted modding the initfs, so I don't know if that has anything to do with it.

Initfs version has nothing to do with your browser problems. It's the crappy browserd daemon crashing on a heavy site (believe me, I've seen it too much times now).

(I'm not bothering to keep on updating my modded diablo initfs, I think I'm still using diablo 2008-21 with the mods I shoved in)

lma 2008-06-13 07:29

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by GeneralAntilles (Post 191562)
Anyway, if you have something specific ones you want looked at, again, let me know.

Some input method ones: #2467, #2501, #2742, #2899.

#3094 has bit me more than once :-(

Also, #2770 looks like it may have security implications.


GeneralAntilles 2008-06-13 08:04

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by lma (Post 191587)
Some input method ones: #2467, #2501, #2742, #2899.

OK, I've actually looked at all of these and tried to find somebody with an N810 to reproduce #2501 and #2742, but was unsuccessful in doing so.

Bug #2467 and #2899 are easy, get 3 people to vote on each (it's particularly important to vote on enhancement requests). ;)


Originally Posted by lma (Post 191587)
#3094 has bit me more than once :-(

Mmm, thanks for reminding me. That was on my list to test for Diablo. Will do.


Originally Posted by lma (Post 191587)
Also, #2770 looks like it may have security implications.

Well, I've tagged it for now. Will poke andre or somebody about it later.


luca 2008-06-13 13:18

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
Could you please take a look at 2049?
(or at least tell me if it has been fixed in diablo, but I doubt that this kind of bug magically heal themselves)

gnuite 2008-06-13 13:21

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
Looks like another SSU was pushed out today....

lardman 2008-06-15 17:40

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
Hmm, after installing the upgrade package thing (~15Mb, I can't remember the name off the top of my head) and it rebooting, I'm in a non-booting state (same as I saw when I flashed the OS2008 kernel last time, so perhaps it did this).

gnuite 2008-06-16 18:54

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
lardman, the update will attempt to flash-and-reboot automatically, so that is likely the problem. If you're using an N810, you'll have to re-flash the old (chinook) kernel. You can do this without losing your current install and settings, but you need the linux-based (or OSX-based?) flasher program and an image of the old kernel (which you can extract using flasher from the chinook fiasco image).

Bundyo 2008-06-16 18:59

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
I also had problems with the last update. dpkg said that some symlinks in rc.2 are "dangling", and i was forced to delete them in order to install the update. The problem afterward was that dpkg forgot to recreate them, so after reboot I was in a non-booting state. Copied them from rc.3 and I was back in business.

lardman 2008-06-17 14:13

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

lardman, the update will attempt to flash-and-reboot automatically, so that is likely the problem. If you're using an N810, you'll have to re-flash the old (chinook) kernel. You can do this without losing your current install and settings, but you need the linux-based (or OSX-based?) flasher program and an image of the old kernel (which you can extract using flasher from the chinook fiasco image).
Yep, that's what I did - serves me right for "just doing a quick update" before I wanted to use the device :).


GeneralAntilles 2008-06-17 14:20

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by gnuite (Post 192627)
(or OSX-based?)

Yes, flasher-2.0.macosx will work just fine.

Mutiny32 2008-06-21 22:43

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
Just a clarification, aGPS won't work unless you have a N810w. The "a" is for assisted, like.....cell tower assisted.

Mutiny32 2008-06-21 22:45

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
...but I just use my LD-4W anyway, it gets a lock in nothing flat where I've only gotten a lock with the built-in GPS twice...ever.

GeneralAntilles 2008-06-21 22:46

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by Mutiny32 (Post 194179)
Just a clarification, aGPS won't work unless you have a N810w. The "a" is for assisted, like.....cell tower assisted.

No, this isn't a clarification. ;) agps-ui uses two things, IP-based locationing for when you're connected to the internet and tap-on-the-big-map locationing for when you're offline.

It does not require an N810W.

mikkov 2008-06-21 23:27

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
i thought that A-GPS always needs to download information from internet. does it really work when you are offline?

Mutiny32 2008-06-22 01:48

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by GeneralAntilles (Post 194181)
No, this isn't a clarification. ;) agps-ui uses two things, IP-based locationing for when you're connected to the internet and tap-on-the-big-map locationing for when you're offline.

It does not require an N810W.

Thanks for the clarification. Forgot about the geolocation.

Mara 2008-06-22 15:52

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by mikkov (Post 194190)
i thought that A-GPS always needs to download information from internet. does it really work when you are offline?

That's what I thought too... and here is my (uninformed?) reasoning:

When you point your location on the map, you're just telling the software where you are (roughly). Based on that information the app connects to dedicated A-GPS server that tells back what satellites are visible at that given date/time. The benefit of A-GPS is that GPS itself doesn't need to search for satellites. It already knows what satellites are there. Now the GPS only needs to receive satellite signal and calculate fix.

I just used my N810 GPS yesterday after about two weeks pause. When I was still home I had my WiFi connected, did go outside and fired up MaemoMapper. Immediately the GPS status was showing ~10 visible satellites... but calculating fix took another 2 minutes. Without A-GPS searching satellites alone takes ~1-2 minutes...

Benson 2008-06-22 22:24

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
Exactly, except for the bit about an "A-GPS server"; those calculations are easily done from a fixed database of orbits, so there's no need to query an external server. Telling the GPS where it is is sufficient.

Mara 2008-06-23 01:47

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by Benson (Post 194411)
Exactly, except for the bit about an "A-GPS server"; those calculations are easily done from a fixed database of orbits, so there's no need to query an external server. Telling the GPS where it is is sufficient.

I think this is the piece of information I'm missing: If it is enough that the GPS "knows" where it is... why the A-GPS needs internet connection? What data does the N810 get from the internet? If it is only the fixed database... why don't we just download the database and save it to the tablet once... and that's it? :confused:

Benson 2008-06-23 03:57

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
The database of orbits and the current time is sufficient to tell you where the satellites are in an absolute sense, but what's needed is a relative position, so you also need (an estimate of) your current location; if you have an internet connection, it can use the SSID of the access point to look up the location of the AP (if that's known) in an on-line database of APs; this is probably a better estimate of your position than clicking on a map, but either one helps...

lardman 2008-06-23 08:19

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
hmm, are we sure about this. Afaiu agps-ui allows you to tap on the map and send the lat/long to a supl server which will work out the ephemeris data for that location.

It might be possible to calculate Almanac data on-device (though I've not seen any sign of this) and I think this data contains more than a simple geometric projection of the satellite locations knowing a prior position, but I think Ephemeris data would be rather time consuming (and would require outside assistance - to obtain corrections supplied by someone as to the ionosperic conditions and satellite path variances).

Therefore, afaik, to use AGPS you require some sort of connection - this can be in the form of a wifi connection (in which case you tap on the map and the lat/long are used to give you an approximate set of Ephemeris data) or via your mobile phone, which should be able to automatically tell the supl server which base tower it's connected to (which is more accurate than tapping on a map).

Just my thoughts of course,



P.S. Regarding using SSIDs to work out positions, this is probably the next step - to use GeoClue (in with whatever backend) rather than agps-ui. I hope so anyway

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