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itpastorn 2010-09-11 11:23

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by gazza_d (Post 813288)
i cannot get witter to work at all. I have setup my account, and managed to get an oauth number fro twitter and enter it into witter, but the app just does not pull any information in at all.

I can't even enter the oauth number.

I press the "Configire Oauth" button in "Edit Account", I get the web page and authorize Witter. Having written down the number I return to the Witter app, but then there is no way to enter the number!

I've done this, because Witter has been broken for a few weeks. It just hangs as soon as I start using it. So I deleted all .witter* folders in $HOME and thought I'd start over.

Why can't I enter the oauth number?!

BTW, neither Tweego or Mauku works. The latter just says "Rate limit exceeded" no matter what I do. (And I really think Witter is a far superior app anyway.)

Tweego refuses to log me in.

(Bonus rant: I wish all apps would keep their settings in a subdirectory to $HOME/.config/ and not pollute $HOME even if it's a hidden directory.)

itpastorn 2010-09-11 11:31

Re: witter - a python twitter client
Just a quick note. It must sound like I'm not appreciating the hard labor done on the apps for my n900. I am! Please do not take my post above as an indication to the contrary. I am just a bit frustrated that a favourite app stopped working. I would not care if I did not like it.

dwould 2010-09-11 22:30

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by gazza_d (Post 813288)
i cannot get witter to work at all. I have setup my account, and managed to get an oauth number fro twitter and enter it into witter, but the app just does not pull any information in at all.

i have been through this thread, and have deleted the folders in /home/user and started again, but still at square1.

~ $ python2.5 /opt/witter/
no text colour setting
no text colour setting
no location setting
no service setting
No refresh_interval section
No refresh_interval section
end of file, probably no token
No users section, failed loading user accounts

did you configure an account, then save then restart to get that log? or did you start, configure and fail to get tweets in that time?
it shows that witter didn't load any user account. there is no indication of configuring and account or requesting a refresh of the timeline.

dwould 2010-09-11 22:32

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by itpastorn (Post 813354)
I can't even enter the oauth number.

I press the "Configire Oauth" button in "Edit Account", I get the web page and authorize Witter. Having written down the number I return to the Witter app, but then there is no way to enter the number!

I've done this, because Witter has been broken for a few weeks. It just hangs as soon as I start using it. So I deleted all .witter* folders in $HOME and thought I'd start over.

Why can't I enter the oauth number?!

BTW, neither Tweego or Mauku works. The latter just says "Rate limit exceeded" no matter what I do. (And I really think Witter is a far superior app anyway.)

Tweego refuses to log me in.

(Bonus rant: I wish all apps would keep their settings in a subdirectory to $HOME/.config/ and not pollute $HOME even if it's a hidden directory.)

please take a screen shot of what you see on witter when you say there is no way to enter the oauth number. i'm assuming this is the development version you are using?

Uxi 2010-09-13 22:38

Re: witter - a python twitter client
I've seen before where if the entry popup for oauth is there and I use the task switcher to go back to the browser, I can't get it to come back without exiting and reopening Witter...

hotzigetty 2010-09-21 11:50

Re: witter - a python twitter client
@Dwould: New error with the last few versions of Witter. (I just updated to the newest version, still same problem)..

It loads all DMs and mentions, but only loads the latest 3 tweets from the timeline! ... Attached the log below:

"tweet with location disabled
no service setting
clear search results on new search disabled
No more users to load
Establishing api for Twitter using basic auth
Establishing api for Twitter using oauth
Connection working ok
Failed to load cached timeline
Failed to load cached timeline
Failed to load cached timeline
/opt/witter/ui/ GtkWarning: gtk_container_child_set_property: assertion `child->parent == GTK_WIDGET (container)' failed
UI elements loaded from file
signals connected to buttons
Loading Theme Icons
pixbufs loaded for default theme
defining ui buttons
define portrait keyboard objects
define general window
adding button to panned area
time to show the window
pixbufs loaded for Monochrome theme
pixbufs loaded for Monochrome theme
running tasks: 1
getting tweets with Raghukannan
base url =
base url of api object =
refreshing since25102359306
fetching tweets from
running tasks: 2
getting dms
refreshing since25095580271
running tasks: 3
getting mentions
refreshing since25095580271
end refresh setup
setting never rotate
trigger landscape orientation
getting profile info
lat = 22.000000, long = 82.600000
lat = 22.000000, long = 82.600000
running tasks: 2
reply to RaghuKannan
formatting tweet
getting saved search terms
offset hours = +0
2010-09-21 16:12:34
running tasks: 1
reply to clintonjeff
offset hours = +0
2010-09-21 17:07:34
Exception in thread Thread-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.5/", line 486, in __bootstrap_inner
File "/usr/lib/python2.5/", line 446, in run
self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
File "/home/user/src/witter/fremantle/src/opt/witter/witter/", line 44, in _start
File "/opt/witter/", line 921, in getTweetsWrapper
self.activeAccount.getTweets(auto=autoval, older=get_older, get_count=more)
File "/home/user/src/witter/fremantle/src/opt/witter/account/", line 322, in getTweets
File "/opt/witter/", line 1079, in expandBitlyUrls
longurl = bitlyapi.expand(word)
File "/home/user/src/witter/fremantle/src/opt/witter/", line 83, in expand
File "/home/user/src/witter/fremantle/src/opt/witter/", line 167, in _CheckForError
for key in data['results']:
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable"

dwould 2010-09-21 18:54

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by hotzigetty (Post 822247)
@Dwould: New error with the last few versions of Witter. (I just updated to the newest version, still same problem)..

It loads all DMs and mentions, but only loads the latest 3 tweets from the timeline! ... Attached the log below:
"File "/opt/witter/", line 1079, in expandBitlyUrls
longurl = bitlyapi.expand(word)
File "/home/user/src/witter/fremantle/src/opt/witter/", line 83, in expand
File "/home/user/src/witter/fremantle/src/opt/witter/", line 167, in _CheckForError
for key in data['results']:
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable"

Is this a persistant error? it happens every time? This looks like bitly gave some bad/empty response and the bitly library didn't handle it, attempting to look for information in a null object. That hasn't changed in several releases, so it's not a new problem. I'm inclined to believe that bitly is at fault for a bad response. I could try to add guard code here, that would just not expand the URL in the event of a similar error, but I would expect the problem to go away on it;s own.

hotzigetty 2010-09-22 07:03

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by dwould (Post 822642)
Is this a persistant error? it happens every time? This looks like bitly gave some bad/empty response and the bitly library didn't handle it, attempting to look for information in a null object. That hasn't changed in several releases, so it's not a new problem. I'm inclined to believe that bitly is at fault for a bad response. I could try to add guard code here, that would just not expand the URL in the event of a similar error, but I would expect the problem to go away on it;s own.

Yup.. just cleared bitly api key and tried on the latest version of witter.. still loads only newest 3 tweets.. some cache error (with the older cached tweets)??

dwould 2010-09-25 08:46

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by hotzigetty (Post 823090)
Yup.. just cleared bitly api key and tried on the latest version of witter.. still loads only newest 3 tweets.. some cache error (with the older cached tweets)??

could be, what is the new error? the previous was a bitly error, if you deleted those details and restarted witter, you would have had a new error, could still be due to similar root, maybe a weird char in a url causing probs? no idea without a new log

hotzigetty 2010-09-27 09:09

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by dwould (Post 825886)
could be, what is the new error? the previous was a bitly error, if you deleted those details and restarted witter, you would have had a new error, could still be due to similar root, maybe a weird char in a url causing probs? no idea without a new log

PM'd the Log.. Along with some new stuff that came up for the first time! (Had to send as two pm's so it's truncated)..

dwould 2010-09-27 15:18

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by hotzigetty (Post 827230)
PM'd the Log.. Along with some new stuff that came up for the first time! (Had to send as two pm's so it's truncated)..

I only got 1, the first one. Sadly it seems to be truncated before any errors are reported. you could try again, or just use pastebin and link.

hotzigetty 2010-09-28 19:22

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by dwould (Post 827516)
I only got 1, the first one. Sadly it seems to be truncated before any errors are reported. you could try again, or just use pastebin and link.

Oops.. Sent again..

PS: How's married life? :)

dwould 2010-09-29 15:18

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by hotzigetty (Post 828641)
Oops.. Sent again..

PS: How's married life? :)

Sorry, not sure if it's the private message feature cropping things, but that seemed to be just the json response to a list request.

try using to paste the whole thing.

extras-devel seems to have swallowed 0.3.6-8, at least it hadn't gone through as of yesterday, I haven't checked today.

Married life is great ;-) A shame to be back at work after Honeymoon though, having taken 3 weeks off work, it was not easy returning to real life.

hotzigetty 2010-09-30 11:59

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by dwould (Post 829353)
Sorry, not sure if it's the private message feature cropping things, but that seemed to be just the json response to a list request.

try using to paste the whole thing.

extras-devel seems to have swallowed 0.3.6-8, at least it hadn't gone through as of yesterday, I haven't checked today.

Married life is great ;-) A shame to be back at work after Honeymoon though, having taken 3 weeks off work, it was not easy returning to real life.

My phone crashed. I reset everything.. And now witter is working! Weird but awesome!!

I can't imagine going back to work.. although i'm bored of the break now!

atulril 2010-10-03 09:39

Re: witter - a python twitter client
1 Attachment(s)
hi m newbee in dis forum..
m getting unkown error.could smone rectify d bug..
attached here with is screen shot of d bug...while acessing witter

dwould 2010-10-03 11:48

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by atulril (Post 832080)
hi m newbee in dis forum..
m getting unkown error.could smone rectify d bug..
attached here with is screen shot of d bug...while acessing witter

that isn't a bug, it's an error telling you it can't find twitter. most likely a temporary network problem. are you getting this all the time? and only mentions? is this a regular twitter account or some compatible service?

planetf1 2010-10-06 23:24

Re: witter - a python twitter client
Thanks for continuing to support witter.

I've had an ongoing issue for many revisions (> month) with the timeline refresh never completing. I finally sat down to capture log and it's the same issue mentioned above - same exception

Once I unconfigured (blanked) my configuration in witter timeline updates started working correctly :-)

I also have a couple of less significant issues - hopefully constructive

- when new messages arrive the backlight is switched on. if I leave witter running the phone may be in my pocket etc, and enabling the light is an unnecessary power drain. It ca nalso be distracting if left on table. The "n tweets received" in particular causes this
- gestures are useful to switch "view", but I tend to find them a little over-sensitive, though haven't turned them off yet. Perhaps a little more tolerance (not looked at code)
- notifications don't appear to "stack, so I frequently end up with 9+ yellow notifications with a variety of messages about new replies or DMs - whilst with email/SMS a count is updated in the existing notification only so it keeps the number under control
- if witter is exited notifications aren't removed (arguably this is intentional, just more frustrating due to above)
- If I'm scrolling up/down the timeline when new tweets come in (occurs frequently) the timeline jumps & the current position (tweet I'm reading) gets lost.
- At times (when busy/updating?) the timeline etc scroll is quite inconsistent even with nothing else running. At these times the "kinetic" scroll pretty much fails, only moving an article or two rather than 5+ a normal "flick" manages
- When reading it would sometimes be useful to use slightly more screen estate - optionally loosing the status bar & perhaps even removing the text entry field until a character was pressed (or at least reducing to one line) [more like old style?]

prawin1111 2010-10-08 10:53

Re: witter - a python twitter client
I am able to configure OAUTH successfully and after that I returned to main page and clicked on timeline and refresh the tweets are not getting updated. I tried tweet my self. On the title bar Witter(username)-timeline continuously loading. it doesnt stop at all. I ran through command line also and got the following debug on console.

closed timeline view
building stacked window with timeline view
defined stackable win
setting up treeview
setting cell wrap to 720
calling showall
running tasks: 2
sending tweet
reply to
Tweeting with location info
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/witter/", line 267, in enterPressed
result = self.activeAccount.newTweet(tweet, reply_to_name=self.reply_to_name, reply_to_id=self.reply_to)
File "/home/user/src/witter/fremantle/src/opt/witter/account/", line 1045, in newTweet
File "/opt/witter/", line 1683, in PostUpdate
raise TwitterError("The twitter.Api instance must be authenticated.")
twitter.TwitterError: The twitter.Api instance must be authenticated.

dwould 2010-10-08 13:48

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by prawin1111 (Post 836241)
I am able to configure OAUTH successfully and after that I returned to main page and clicked on timeline and refresh the tweets are not getting updated. I tried tweet my self. On the title bar Witter(username)-timeline continuously loading. it doesnt stop at all. I ran through command line also and got the following debug on console.

closed timeline view
building stacked window with timeline view
defined stackable win
setting up treeview
setting cell wrap to 720
calling showall
running tasks: 2
sending tweet
reply to
Tweeting with location info
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/witter/", line 267, in enterPressed
result = self.activeAccount.newTweet(tweet, reply_to_name=self.reply_to_name, reply_to_id=self.reply_to)
File "/home/user/src/witter/fremantle/src/opt/witter/account/", line 1045, in newTweet
File "/opt/witter/", line 1683, in PostUpdate
raise TwitterError("The twitter.Api instance must be authenticated.")
twitter.TwitterError: The twitter.Api instance must be authenticated.

You're missing the beginning of that log, the bit that would show whether witter thinks it created an authenticated api instance, and what it was using.
it looks like for some reason it hasn't picked up your account, can you confirm that when you re-start witter, it still shows your account details and shows it as a) active, and b) with oauth configured.

dwould 2010-10-08 14:06

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by planetf1 (Post 835169)
Thanks for continuing to support witter.

I've had an ongoing issue for many revisions (> month) with the timeline refresh never completing. I finally sat down to capture log and it's the same issue mentioned above - same exception

Once I unconfigured (blanked) my configuration in witter timeline updates started working correctly :-)

ok, I haven't gotten around to updating the library I'm using, maybe they've fixed this, or maybe I just need to fix it myself.


Originally Posted by planetf1 (Post 835169)
I also have a couple of less significant issues - hopefully constructive

- when new messages arrive the backlight is switched on. if I leave witter running the phone may be in my pocket etc, and enabling the light is an unnecessary power drain. It ca nalso be distracting if left on table. The "n tweets received" in particular causes this

hmm, so transient notifications wake the screen? can't say I'd noticed. Are you saying that you never want these notifications for automatic refresh? or that you want me to some how figure out the screen is locked and to not issue them. (It would be nice if maemo just did 'the right thing' for me)

Originally Posted by planetf1 (Post 835169)

- gestures are useful to switch "view", but I tend to find them a little over-sensitive, though haven't turned them off yet. Perhaps a little more tolerance (not looked at code)

it's been a long time since I wrote that code, can't remember if I can set the threshold on how much of a move is considered a swipe. if I remember next time I'm in that area I'll see if it's possible to adjust sensitivity

Originally Posted by planetf1 (Post 835169)
- notifications don't appear to "stack, so I frequently end up with 9+ yellow notifications with a variety of messages about new replies or DMs - whilst with email/SMS a count is updated in the existing notification only so it keeps the number under control

I've love to know how to fix this, I foolishly assumed that maemo would automatically stack notifications of the same type from the same application. I've found no documentation to indicate how to make it do so, but if anyone wants to tell me how it's done, I'll happily fix this problem

Originally Posted by planetf1 (Post 835169)

- if witter is exited notifications aren't removed (arguably this is intentional, just more frustrating due to above)

It's not intentional, I have no idea how to do any different. again I would have assumed maemo would ditch notifications associated with an app when it closes, but perhaps it expects me to maintain some central list of them so that I can close them. Maybe (guessing) it expects me to keep a handle to notifications, and use that to update them if they still exist when I want to send another....which would be a rubbish way to do it.

Originally Posted by planetf1 (Post 835169)
- If I'm scrolling up/down the timeline when new tweets come in (occurs frequently) the timeline jumps & the current position (tweet I'm reading) gets lost.

this seems to be the nature of treeviews in pannable areas. I have no control over this, I didn't write any code to make it behave this way, it's just how the widget responds to getting new data added.
If you have the tweet you're reading selected, then you can use the up/down arrow to scroll and the timeline will scroll back to that point. I always select the top tweet before I refresh the timeline manually, so that I can easily scoll to the oldest of the new tweets by pressing arrow-up

Originally Posted by planetf1 (Post 835169)
- At times (when busy/updating?) the timeline etc scroll is quite inconsistent even with nothing else running. At these times the "kinetic" scroll pretty much fails, only moving an article or two rather than 5+ a normal "flick" manages

again, I have zero control over this behaviour, I get the exact same problem with kinetic scrolling in every built in app, including e-mail etc. perhaps it is more pronounced in longer lists, but basically built in kinetic scrolling is inconsistent. I have no reason to believe that me re-writing it from scratch would be any better. IT would be nice if nokia would put out updates that would make all the built in widgets perform better.

Originally Posted by planetf1 (Post 835169)
- When reading it would sometimes be useful to use slightly more screen estate - optionally loosing the status bar & perhaps even removing the text entry field until a character was pressed (or at least reducing to one line) [more like old style?]

I guess, maybe I could re-introduce full screen buttons, they got lost in the last major ui rejig. I found it was a pain to maintain the right state for what should be visible/maximized etc when you're switching between windows and views.
again it would be nice if there was just a system wide standard way of maximising/minimising apps.

leojab 2010-10-08 14:49

Re: witter - a python twitter client
Hi dwould,

Could you please introduce the feature of adding multiple search texts which reloads at set frequency. And also an option to cache it as i di not get internet often.
I love this app and it is becoming my main twitter app on n900

dwould 2010-10-08 16:01

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by leojab (Post 836455)
Hi dwould,

Could you please introduce the feature of adding multiple search texts which reloads at set frequency. And also an option to cache it as i di not get internet often.
I love this app and it is becoming my main twitter app on n900

If you go to the search view, and enter multiple search terms in the input field, separated by commas, then hit refresh. IT will do a search for each of those terms and present the combined results.
If you set a refresh interval for the search view in the preferences, it will reload it at that frequency.

Is that what you wanted? or is there some specific difference in your requirement?

prawin1111 2010-10-09 06:05

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by dwould (Post 836403)
You're missing the beginning of that log, the bit that would show whether witter thinks it created an authenticated api instance, and what it was using.
it looks like for some reason it hasn't picked up your account, can you confirm that when you re-start witter, it still shows your account details and shows it as a) active, and b) with oauth configured.

As you ssuspected, restarting witter doesnt store my account details. everytime I need to enter the login credentials & configure the OAUTH. Please find the complete log when I run witter on my N900. /opt/witter/
no text colour setting
no text colour setting
no location setting
no service setting
No refresh_interval section
No refresh_interval section
No filters section
end of file, probably no token
No users section, failed loading user accounts
Failed to establish api for Twitter
Failed to establish api for Twitter
Failed to load cached timeline
Failed to load cached timeline
Failed to load cached timeline
/opt/witter/ui/ GtkWarning: gtk_container_child_set_property: assertion `child->parent == GTK_WIDGET (container)' failed
UI elements loaded from file
signals connected to buttons
Loading Theme Icons
pixbufs loaded for default theme
defining ui buttons
define portrait keyboard objects
define general window
adding button to panned area
time to show the window
pixbufs loaded for default theme
pixbufs loaded for default theme
running tasks: 1
Failed to establish api for Twitter
running tasks: 0
running tasks: 1
running tasks: 2
Failed to establish api for Twitter
running tasks: 1
Failed to establish api for Twitter
running tasks: 0
location sharing enabled
start location tracking
end refresh setup
setting never rotate
trigger landscape orientation
getting profile info
Failed to load profile info
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'GetUser'
location error: 0... quitting

When I do "witter-timeline" --> "Account Setup" --> "New" and entered the credentials:
Establishing api for Twitter using basic auth
Connection working ok
obtained oauth request_token
requesting auth url
authorization url is

After entering the login credentials, I tried to configure OAUTH as it is displaying OAUTH not configured newt to "Configure OAUTH" button in "Account Setup" Menu --> "New" Tab:
User pressed 'OK' button'
oauth_token_secret=uxiXwt0UywHjKF1dhxu2HsWgUGUiPum IcEUSNQer9c&oauth_token=196515767-NxQ93BurTqQaaFhAq43RaakjhpYOfi4OkjvScAgT

It opened maemo browser and entered twitter page and gave a pin, I entered that pin in Witter and clicked OK
Now come back to "Accounts" there is an entry my username. I pressed "set Active". the log is

Failed to establish api for Twitter
switching active account to npapd123
switching active account to npapd123

Now comeback to "Witter-timeline" window and clicked on "Timeline" icon and clicking refresh button. The log is:
building stacked window with timeline view
defined stackable win
setting up treeview
setting cell wrap to 720
/opt/witter/ui/ GtkWarning: gtk_box_pack: assertion `child->parent == NULL' failed
/opt/witter/ui/ GtkWarning: gtk_box_pack: assertion `child->parent == NULL' failed
/opt/witter/ui/ GtkWarning: gtk_box_pack: assertion `child->parent == NULL' failed
calling showall

refreshing view
running tasks: 1
getting tweets with npapd123
base url =
base url of api object =
Exception in thread Thread-6:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.5/", line 486, in __bootstrap_inner
File "/usr/lib/python2.5/", line 446, in run
self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
File "/home/user/src/witter/fremantle/src/opt/witter/witter/", line 80, in _refresh
File "/opt/witter/", line 955, in getTweetsWrapper
self.activeAccount.getTweets(auto=autoval, older=get_older, get_count=more)
File "/home/user/src/witter/fremantle/src/opt/witter/account/", line 278, in getTweets
File "/home/user/src/witter/fremantle/src/opt/witter/", line 1450, in GetFriendsTimeline
raise TwitterError("User must be specified if API is not authenticated.")
TwitterError: User must be specified if API is not authenticated.

Here it is continuously loading and never came back and no updates. I cameback one window i.e witter mainwindow and again clicked on timeline and this time i typed "Hi" and pressed "tweet" icon: The log is:
closed timeline view
building stacked window with timeline view
defined stackable win
setting up treeview
setting cell wrap to 720
calling showall

running tasks: 2
sending tweet
reply to
Tweeting with location info
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/witter/", line 267, in enterPressed
result = self.activeAccount.newTweet(tweet, reply_to_name=self.reply_to_name, reply_to_id=self.reply_to)
File "/home/user/src/witter/fremantle/src/opt/witter/account/", line 1045, in newTweet
File "/opt/witter/", line 1683, in PostUpdate
raise TwitterError("The twitter.Api instance must be authenticated.")
twitter.TwitterError: The twitter.Api instance must be authenticated.

dwould 2010-10-16 10:34

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by prawin1111 (Post 836930)
As you ssuspected, restarting witter doesnt store my account details. everytime I need to enter the login credentials & configure the OAUTH. Please find the complete log when I run witter on my N900.

sorry for the slow response, it's been a manic week.

could you check the contents of a file in your home directory.
from xterm:

more /home/user/.witter


more /home/user/.witterUser

these should contain saved content.
if you just load witter from fresh (delete the above files to reset witter to initial state) then configure an account. don't set it active, just enter the pin, then exit witter and go look at the above files again.
also the log from shutting down may reveal a problem with storing credentials.

digittante 2010-10-29 19:58

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Thanks as always for all your hard work on Witter.

I flashed PR1.3 and then re-installed Witter from Extras Testing, and I've noticed one error. When the 'use my location' feature is turned on, Witter start-up causes the GPS device to activate.

When Witter is closed, the GPS device remains active.

I imagine there may be a 'stop' signal Witter sends to the GPS device that's getting interrupted in PR1.3?


geneven 2010-10-29 20:04

Re: witter - a python twitter client
I have always loved Witter, but lately I have reduced my list of acceptable Twitter clients on the N900 to zero. I like the Witter client on my N810 better than this one.

I hate going to the screen with two options at the beginning; then I basically choose between Tweet and Search.

And Witter has STILL not figured out a way to keep saved searches. Even Twitter proper has that.

I will keep watching Witter; hopefully it will pull out of its slump or I will start liking it more...

dwould 2010-10-30 17:11

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by geneven (Post 857047)
I have always loved Witter, but lately I have reduced my list of acceptable Twitter clients on the N900 to zero. I like the Witter client on my N810 better than this one.

I hate going to the screen with two options at the beginning; then I basically choose between Tweet and Search.

And Witter has STILL not figured out a way to keep saved searches. Even Twitter proper has that.

I will keep watching Witter; hopefully it will pull out of its slump or I will start liking it more...

feel free to write your own better one.

At this point it is looking unlikely to change much since my n900 seems to have died today, it will no longer boot.
I was thinking of replacing it soon anyway, and I won't be staying with Nokia devices.

ikirk 2010-10-31 09:20

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by dwould (Post 857676)
At this point it is looking unlikely to change much since my n900 seems to have died today, it will no longer boot.
I was thinking of replacing it soon anyway, and I won't be staying with Nokia devices.

Sad to hear that Daniel, as IMO you have been a great developer for Maemo OS and witter IS an excellent twitter client. Should this be the last you worked on it I can safely say it is in very good condition for day to day use, and I'd like to say a massive thanks for your work on it.

dwould 2010-10-31 19:03

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by ikirk (Post 858219)
Sad to hear that Daniel, as IMO you have been a great developer for Maemo OS and witter IS an excellent twitter client. Should this be the last you worked on it I can safely say it is in very good condition for day to day use, and I'd like to say a massive thanks for your work on it.

As it happens my n900 is still covered by warranty. So I'll send it off and see what happens. I can't really afford to replace it right now if I don't need to.

chx 2010-11-07 23:13

Re: witter - a python twitter client
I have tested many other clients, they all suck. But witter just works! It's awesome. I am indoors so location was funny, after killing it from the config file, it works well. Congratulations and hope your N900 will be replaced quickly.

richwhite 2010-11-09 20:04

Re: witter - a python twitter client
I love this app. Any chance of it having an accompanying widget too? One thing i'm sorely missing is a twitter widget, i installed the Ovi one but it doesn't have any settings so it's just constantly updating in the background and sucking battery. Mauku didn't update and wiped the widgets from my desktop.

geneven 2010-11-09 20:22

Re: witter - a python twitter client
I prefer the much older Witter that runs on my N810. Unfortunately, I can no longer stand Witter on my N900. Sorry to learn that you're leaving Nokia devices. I am too, but not until my N900 dies, which I don't expect for some time.

planetf1 2010-11-10 07:30

Re: witter - a python twitter client
understand. Thanks for the effort you put in.

I've "bricked" my N900 a number of times, but found flash restore successful each time -- if you need any tips etc to do the flash feel free to ping.

But like you at this point it wouldn't surprise me if the next device for me isn't maemo/meego.

dwould 2010-11-10 16:02

Re: witter - a python twitter client
Well since i'm sat here typing on my new htc desire z (which is awesome) it's pretty unlikely i'm going to feel the urge to keep modifying witter. At somepoint i'll update various places with info on where the source is etc.

richwhite 2010-11-10 16:21

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by dwould (Post 869327)
Well since i'm sat here typing on my new htc desire z (which is awesome) it's pretty unlikely i'm going to feel the urge to keep modifying witter. At somepoint i'll update various places with info on where the source is etc.

Anything you miss about the N900 compared to the Desire?

dwould 2010-11-10 16:46

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by richwhite (Post 869344)
Anything you miss about the N900 compared to the Desire?

Not yet, but to be fair i've only had it for about 5 hours. So far everything is better. Will no doubt blog about it after i've had time to fully assess.

richwhite 2010-11-10 17:00

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by dwould (Post 869380)
Not yet, but to be fair i've only had it for about 5 hours. So far everything is better. Will no doubt blog about it after i've had time to fully assess.

Not the right thread for this post i know, but i'm asking because i have mixed feelings. Part of me thinks 'get another n900 in case this one breaks' because i love it so much, but part of me is lured to the faster processors etc. I just know that i'll miss the media capabilities etc, but i also want some of those apps and widgets. When i really think about it though, i know i can't get on with a phone that has a capacitive screen and every app i install says 'this has access to your gmail and your whole life' (that's not verbatim, obviously). Plus the app ads, oh how i loathe those damn things.

SpandexBob 2010-11-12 13:14

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by dwould (Post 869327)
Well since i'm sat here typing on my new htc desire z (which is awesome) it's pretty unlikely i'm going to feel the urge to keep modifying witter. At somepoint i'll update various places with info on where the source is etc.

Please do update where we can get latest source for witter. I'd be happy to take over maintaining witter :D and hopefully developing it further in time.

Is anyone else out there interesting in teaming up to keep witter alive and moving forward? maybe we can get a small group working to keep it going?

geneven 2010-11-12 13:36

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by SpandexBob (Post 871475)

Is anyone else out there interesting in teaming up to keep witter alive and moving forward? maybe we can get a small group working to keep it going?

I will keep trying new versions of Witter but won't be of use on the development side of things.

richwhite 2010-11-12 13:36

Re: witter - a python twitter client
i can't think of what else it 'needs' from a functionality perspective. All i'd like to see is a slightly improved UI, along the lines of TweeGo or TwimGo

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