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RenaldoTT 2010-11-19 10:24

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by Ikari (Post 877760)
Hello, I've got a little problem getting Asphalt 5 to run properly. It start out okay but when I try to start a race it will crash. I've already try to create the webos/gamesave/ folder in /home/user/ and already symlinked that to /media/internal/ already did chown -R user:root internal/ and webos/ and already did chmod -R 755 internal/ and webos/

MAIN START  ./Asphalt5
SDLGL: called sdl_init with flags = 0x100230
X11: PID is 3662
PDL: Init: Service name is com.javispedro.preenv.Asphalt5
PDL: Screen dimming prevention ON
PDL: Switch orientation to 3
SDLGL: Requested GL major version 1
SDLGL: SDL_GLES initialized (res=0)
SDLGL: Ignoring doublebuffer preference
SDLGL: Requested GL minor version 1 (ignored)
SDLGL: Called SetVideoMode(320, 480, 0, 0x80000002)
SDLGL: Requested OpenGL video mode
SDLGL: Asked if video mode 800x480x16 (0x90000000) is ok
ACCEL: Opening accelerometer
PDL: Music is playing
m_recorderReplay.Init(MAX_SIZE_REPLAY_RECORD_SIZE, false, NULL);
Load VIDEO .
CINEMA: Init; window xid is 0x420000c
CINEMA: Will play "file://./A5_Ultimate_VNFS_2.m4v"
CINEMA: Start playing now
CINEMA: Stop playing now
PDL: Music is playing

 SetMusicVolume (0.850000)
 SetSfxVolume (0.700000)
 SetMusicVolume (1.000000)
 SetMusicVolume (0.850000)
 SetMusicVolume (1.000000)
 SetMusicVolume (0.850000)
 SetSfxVolume (0.700000)
 SetEngineVolume (0.480000)touch

LoadGame-----------Total For time : 87Segmentation fault

Could anyone help me out here?

Edit: Seems to work after data.sav file was deleted from the game folder. Haven't played much but seems like save is working. Just gotta make a shortcut tomorrow and I'll be good.

k.version 1.1.4 is the one u wana use btw

Vintrc 2010-11-19 10:27

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
Hi, please..
All of instructions for install Webos games to MyDocs are for .ipk files, right?
Is there solution for .deb files? Only increase the /home/ partition?!
Thanks :)

AgogData 2010-11-19 10:38

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
what Vintrc said + how do you open .deb games by PC to extract the folder ?

Schturman 2010-11-19 10:51

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list - for extracting the .ipk files - for extracting the .deb files

Vintrc 2010-11-19 11:40

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
that's answer for: All of instructions for install Webos games to MyDocs are for .ipk files, right?
Is there solution for .deb files? Only increase the /home/ partition?!

Schturman 2010-11-19 12:21

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
It's the same...
extract the games folders from the deb or ipk file to your PC, and use the game folder named or with this method...

Vintrc 2010-11-19 12:31

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
mmm..i'll try it :)

RenaldoTT 2010-11-19 18:25

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
.deb files install directly into /home/opt/preenv/usr/palm/applications

why do you want to extract?

to install a .deb file perform in root dpkg -i *filename* NB not asterix

AgogData 2010-11-19 19:41

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by RenaldoTT (Post 878178)
.deb files install directly into /home/opt/preenv/usr/palm/applications

why do you want to extract?

to install a .deb file perform in root dpkg -i *filename* NB not asterix

i want to extract the .deb file cuz there is no space in my /opt and im trying to play it via MyDocs but didn't figure out how yet

Ikari 2010-11-19 20:57

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
I'm pretty sure I have version 1.14 for Asphalt, however when I try to do


desktopgen /home/user/games/Asphalt5/Asphalt5/appinfo.json

I would get


/home/user/games/Asphalt5/Asphalt5/Asphalt5/Asphalt5 is not executable
I don't understand why there are 4 Asphalt5 in that path.
I'm pretty sure the path to the Asphalt5 executable is just /home/user/games/Asphalt5/Asphalt5/Asphalt5
If I do ./Asphalt5 once I'm in the /home/user/games/Asphalt5/Asphalt5 directory it will works fine.

RenaldoTT 2010-11-20 02:04

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
Just move any large files from in the game folders to a place in MyDocs and create a symlink using FileBox to where each file is. Note don't move files like the save files and the one's that actually execute the game. like Asphaly5 for Asphalt5 and little files can stay in opt or where ever you got your ganes files like videos for games can be either moved or deleted. I don't see them as important so I delete them. Sound folders take up a lot of space so I would move those and level packs as well.

Then when you're done enable extra devel and get tracker-cgf

then add the folder where you put all these folders from opt to MyDocs in the "NoWatchList" and run this command in X Term: tracker-processess -r and wait till you media player database is recreated.

Ikari 2010-11-20 02:34

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
Ummm assuming that post up there was meant for me, I don't see how doing any of that would help me get desktopgen to work. I already have my games in MyDocs and symlink it to a game folder in /home/user/

My problem was stated in the previous post, not sure why the file path is /home/user/games/Asphalt5/Asphalt5/Asphalt5/Asphalt5 when I only symlink the folder to /home/user/games/Asphalt5/Asphalt5

RenaldoTT 2010-11-20 02:43

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
I didn't see your post but why did you symlink a folder to a folder with the exact name as another folder? Should of used at least one letter different. I think you should start all over

keljuk 2010-11-20 04:05

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
This might be a little OT, but where I can obtain these legally since hp-palm's website doesn't sell this s**t to Finland?

Ikari 2010-11-20 04:13

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
That's what I was told to do using maxximuscool's guide

It's the part in blue towards the bottom of the first post.

AgogData 2010-11-20 13:16

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
i tried alot to play driver via MyDocs but didn't work cuz i think appinfo.json can't be executed from MyDocs so i moved it and the icon to the /home/user/applications/com.gameloft.driver (where its symlinked) and chmod-ed both Mydocs driver and /applications driver and tried desktopgen in /applications but i got permission denied,,
thats where i'm stuck at right now

RenaldoTT 2010-11-20 18:26

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
I have a better way of saving space and I said it before. Just move the large files in the game folder that don't need to be there like level packs, sounds, textures and videos to a folder in MyDocs leave the executionable file and save file, create symlinks and voila. I did it to all my games. Got 1.2gigs free now.

m4h38008 2010-11-20 18:37

Preenv webOS games compatibility list
any one help me abt savegame of asphalt5
coz i m noob in X terminal
pls explain me in details

AgogData 2010-11-20 19:29

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by RenaldoTT (Post 878925)
I have a better way of saving space and I said it before. Just move the large files in the game folder that don't need to be there like level packs, sounds, textures and videos to a folder in MyDocs leave the executionable file and save file, create symlinks and voila. I did it to all my games. Got 1.2gigs free now.

the problem with driver is i dont know what are the exec. files are..the main folder contains many subfolders and files

Ikari 2010-11-20 19:41

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
*sigh* I've already started over like 3 times with Asphalt5 and got a little bit further each time but I suppose I'll do it over once more when I have some time.

SakkeMO 2010-11-20 20:13

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
Might be a little off topic here.
Is there a way to take advantage of the N900 keyboard in games like N.O.V.A since n900 doesnt have multitouch screen?

Or does this come to simulating touchscreen actions, there was somewhere a topic about that already.

Ikari 2010-11-20 21:26

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
There's no way to utilize the keyboards as of now, maybe in future updates.

MINKIN2 2010-11-21 00:04

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
Ground Effect Pro works well. This even supports the old school 3D very nicely.

The accelerometer does not work so Joystick control has to be used and the Vehical Select screen is somewhat blocky. Apart from that the game plays fine :)

Not sure if this has been mentioned already, the Wiki does not have it listed.

jedi 2010-11-21 18:49

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
Some updates for games I've been trying...

"Giant Robots" v9.5.0.
Loads, but is unplayable due to bad scaling problems etc. I think I just about started a game, but didn't get any further.

"Skater" 1.0.7
Unplayable - bad scaling and bad/missing graphics

"Family Guy Uncensored" v1.0.0
Not working - black screen on startup

"Wacky Worlds Mini Golf" 1.0.0
Blue background with animated stars is shown, cannot continue.

I've updated the wiki (like a good maemoer ;) )

RenaldoTT 2010-11-21 23:53

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by AgogData (Post 878952)
the problem with driver is i dont know what are the exec. files are..the main folder contains many subfolders and files

move the music files and stuff the first set of folders and leave the driver file. I thought by now the executionable files are named after the game with no extentions :) but yea they are for future reference.

experiment my friend :)

jedi 2010-11-22 08:45

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by AgogData (Post 878952)
the problem with driver is i dont know what are the exec. files are..the main folder contains many subfolders and files

A sure way to find the executable file is to look at the entry for "main" in appinfo.json file - you can use grep to help you...

For example, I'm in the directory for "Driver":
Code: $ grep main appinfo.json shows me:

    "main": "driver/driver",
Which means my executable file is:


AgogData 2010-11-22 12:31

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
@RenaldoTT : im gonna give it a try but there is data folder and res and other folders i dont know if its important to stay in /applications or not

@jedi : thanks man, so you are saying / should stay in /applications with appinfo.json ?

RenaldoTT 2010-11-22 12:40

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
yes /driver/driver should stay and about the res folders I don't see any folders in Driver with that name or is this for NFSUC? If it's the res_nfsuc then it can be moved stangely enough the make of nfsuc allows it to be launched from MyDocs because the executable file "nfsuc" is in the location with appinfo.json so you can move everything else with that game and it'll work

jedi 2010-11-22 12:48

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by AgogData (Post 880208)
@jedi : thanks man, so you are saying / should stay in /applications with appinfo.json ?

I'm not saying what files should stay where - I provided an easy method for discovering the executable binary file.

Personally I wouldn't selectively move folders/symlink etc. I've got a 8gb mini-sd card installed and formatted with ext2 (which allows for files to be set with the exec permission), then all my WebOS games are stored on there.

MINKIN2 2010-11-23 13:34

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
1 Attachment(s)
Has anyone had any luck with Backbreaker Football?

The Game

The game will launch with a series of GL errors that asks to tap to continue but then loads the developers flash screens but crashes before the menu screens load.

The Crash log

HTML Code:

Airplay Crashlog

System Information:

  Airplay Version: 4.3.0beta [238639] (S3E ABI v4.25.1)
  OS            : WEBOS (20)
  OS Version    : q (4.5)
  Device ID      : pre (0xb889e6c)
  Device Class  : WEBOS (5002)
  Phone Number  :

Crash Information:

Memory exception (11) attempting to access: (nil) [ip=0x40d9a8b0]

The Screenie
Attachment 15824

Seems like a pretty decent NFL game. I'm not a big fan of American football (Hand-Egg to us Brits ;)) games but this has caught my eye and looks fun.

Any advice?

RenaldoTT 2010-11-23 13:53

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
American football seems like the female version of rugby to me but I would play the video game just to make them crash :)

MaddogG 2010-11-23 13:57

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by RenaldoTT (Post 881112)
American football seems like the female version of rugby to me

I agree! :D

zikmir 2010-11-23 14:15

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
hey one question. i installed need for speed by looking the instruction from utube and it worked :D but if i want to remove the game from device, how do i do that ? i mean i copied it to some folder through some midnight manager....?

MINKIN2 2010-11-23 14:28

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by zikmir (Post 881127)
hey one question. i installed need for speed by looking the instruction from utube and it worked :D but if i want to remove the game from device, how do i do that ? i mean i copied it to some folder through some midnight manager....?

Did you use the installer? If so you should be able to uninstall the installer with APP Manager then delete the game file itself with Midnight commander.

If you used the manual installation the check here

impeham 2010-11-24 06:35

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
not a word about the development for some time now... is there a new version coming out soon?

travla 2010-11-25 01:31

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by impeham (Post 881804)
not a word about the development for some time now... is there a new version coming out soon?

I saw a 0.1.2 version in Gitorious:

Not sure if we will see it in Extras->Devel any time soon, it has been very quiet on the home front.

TimusEravan 2010-11-25 04:06

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
I am getting a strange problem when playing Lets Golf. I play the game for 5-10 mins, close it and then lock the n900. After some time, the phone has shut down and I cannot restart it. I have to remove the battery, keep it out for 4-5 mins and only then the phone starts. This does not happen for other pre games, only Lets Golf and that do not always.
Anyone have any ideas?

Cobra 2010-11-25 14:04

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
I got Assassins creed to work yay. except it requires you to move and jump and the only controlls are on the screen :(

AgogData 2010-11-25 17:38

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by TimusEravan (Post 882634)
I am getting a strange problem when playing Lets Golf. I play the game for 5-10 mins, close it and then lock the n900. After some time, the phone has shut down and I cannot restart it. I have to remove the battery, keep it out for 4-5 mins and only then the phone starts. This does not happen for other pre games, only Lets Golf and that do not always.
Anyone have any ideas?

maybe it is still playing in background ? try htop after closing lets golf and before locking the phone,,the best solution is to get rid of that game its silly :D

Schturman 2010-11-26 16:44

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
I finished the NFS ! This is the COOL game !


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