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sicelo 2024-09-27 18:36

Re: Settings -app crash, when pressing "Text Input"

Originally Posted by phoohb (Post 1576248)
I wonder if "postmarketOs" is anything to hope for?

You are welcome to use postmarketOS. I have personally found that in general, linux is linux, i.e. distro-hopping isn't really useful.


Originally Posted by phoohb (Post 1576248)
I tested a pre-built n900 image, desktop "sxmo-de-dwm". But it seamed buggy, went into some hybernation/sleep loop and drained battery

On my installation, I disabled suspend, so I did not experience that problem

touch /home/user/.cache/sxmo/sxmo.nosuspend
Anyway, the postmarketOS issue tracker is the best place to report those issues. I've scaled down my postmarketOS work, but if you open issues there, I will look at them when I have some free time. (yes, I am the maintainer for N900 packaging in postmarketOS)

Arno_11 2024-10-12 18:08

Re: Settings -app crash, when pressing "Text Input"

Originally Posted by phoohb (Post 1576255)
Maybe I attempt with another (newer sdxc) card, another day, dono.

The sdxc seems not the problem, i tried a fresh install with last img and i got quite the same errors/bugs (slowness, keyboard symbols not working and input settings crashing).
Something seems wrong with dbus and gconf2 on last imgs.
As a workaround you could maybe download an old stable img from dec 2023 for example and dist-upgrade to very last stuff. (I'll try tomorrow)

phoohb 2024-10-22 20:56

Re: Settings -app crash, when pressing "Text Input"
Oki, so I downloaded & tested a older version from 20231224, now the keyboard symbols and input-settings work. But, now I have other issues:
1. "App. manager" can't update anything, it had multiple sources (of same apparent Devuan? name) that could not be change from its menu, and "apt upgrade" never stops (over a 1000 packages tobe updated, 5 hours wait atm, and only done 50%, oki still on a micro-SDHC).
2. "Mypaint app" is still very slow.


Originally Posted by sicelo (Post 1576259)
You are welcome to use postmarketOS. I have personally found that in general, linux is linux, i.e. distro-hopping isn't really useful.

Nah, Im just want; shttp for web to work, and good if "Mypaint" works as for Freemantle.


Originally Posted by sicelo (Post 1576259)
On my installation, I disabled suspend, so I did not experience that problem

touch /home/user/.cache/sxmo/sxmo.nosuspend
Anyway, the postmarketOS issue tracker is the best place to report those issues. I've scaled down my postmarketOS work, but if you open issues there, I will look at them when I have some free time. (yes, I am the maintainer for N900 packaging in postmarketOS)

I giving up on "sxmo" (too quirky), -need tobe recompiled to configured. I will try "i3wm" version of postmarketOS next, similar tilting wm.

Arno_11 2024-10-23 06:43

Re: Settings -app crash, when pressing "Text Input"

Originally Posted by phoohb (Post 1576288)
Oki, so I downloaded & tested a older version from 20231224, now the keyboard symbols and input-settings work. But, now I have other issues:
1. "App. manager" can't update anything, it had multiple sources (of same apparent Devuan? name) that could not be change from its menu, and "apt upgrade" never stops (over a 1000 packages tobe updated, 5 hours wait atm, and only done 50%, oki still on a micro-SDHC).
2. "Mypaint app" is still very slow.

Well, i recommend you to wait for the next stable image (depending of Wizzup spare time).

sicelo 2024-10-23 07:34

Re: Settings -app crash, when pressing "Text Input"

Originally Posted by phoohb (Post 1576288)
2. "Mypaint app" is still very slow.

You can try overclocking the device. Even under Fremantle, MyPaint worked best when overclocked


Originally Posted by phoohb (Post 1576288)
I giving up on "sxmo" (too quirky), -need tobe recompiled to configured. I will try "i3wm" version of postmarketOS next, similar tilting wm.

You absolutely do not need to recompile anything for sxmo. As I already said before, if you have issues with sxmo on N900, report them in the sxmo IRC channel, the postmarketOS Matrix chat, or their gitlab instance. I can help you there. This forum is for and about Maemo only.

Arno_11 2024-10-23 16:41

Re: Settings -app crash, when pressing "Text Input"

Originally Posted by phoohb (Post 1576288)
2. "Mypaint app" is still very slow.

If your device is still very slow (meaning something is really wrong since Leste on N900 is quite fast now when updates are ok), i doubt overclock could help at the moment.
I think you should wait to get a clean and fast install before running Mypaint and overclock.

BTW i tried to install Mypaint on my device, it took around 2 minutes but something is wrong with icons and i can't run the app. Any tips to get it working ?

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