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zeez 2008-03-14 15:29

Re: The noBounds Project
Isn't Bochum the place NOKIA is shutting down ??

sondjata 2008-03-14 15:33

Re: The noBounds Project
hmmmm interesting. What's with the Windows XP window bounds?

acevid 2008-03-14 15:34

Re: The noBounds Project
I made a "no-No" in my pants while watching this...


stelchio 2008-03-14 15:42

Re: The noBounds Project
this is just amazing. germany rules.

Picklesworth 2008-03-14 15:42

Re: The noBounds Project
*Gasp*! I saw that OpenGL ES logo, too. Odd they would so subtly mention that.

Neat little demo. Even I am pleased by it, and I rarely must do presentations of any sort. I bet people who must haul around laptops to present slideshows will find this fascinating.

It's nice to see Nokia taking the one direction the competition doesn't. There's no way the ITs will be outed by Apple and co. if they keep working like that.

(Would be nice if the N8*0 tablets had a real USB A host port, though, so we didn't need horrifically complex cables / collections of cables to plug things in).

Mara 2008-03-14 15:46

Re: The noBounds Project
Darn! They stole my idea!!! :mad:

Texrat 2008-03-14 15:53

Re: The noBounds Project


Do you guys know how long I've been holding that in???

Benson 2008-03-14 15:53

Re: The noBounds Project

Originally Posted by Picklesworth (Post 155054)
*Gasp*! I saw that OpenGL ES logo, too. Odd they would so subtly mention that.

Neat little demo. Even I am pleased by it, and I rarely must do presentations of any sort. I bet people who must haul around laptops to present slideshows will find this fascinating.

It's nice to see Nokia taking the one direction the competition doesn't. There's no way the ITs will be outed by Apple and co. if they keep working like that.

(Would be nice if the N8*0 tablets had a real USB A host port, though, so we didn't need horrifically complex cables / collections of cables to plug things in).

The N800 takes just one little adapter, available from jolouis. The N810 is a pain at present, because such adapters aren't available yet; but the 770 is the only one that needs complex stuff. And they said wlan, too.

Benson 2008-03-14 15:57

Re: The noBounds Project

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 155060)


Do you guys know how long I've been holding that in???


anidel 2008-03-14 16:01

Re: The noBounds Project

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 155060)


Do you guys know how long I've been holding that in???

Wasn't this an "Open Souce" project ?!?
So Open Idea.. you should have shared it with us all!
Shame on you!

Request: "I Hate You" button, please :-p

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