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bunanson 2008-05-24 17:55

Re: What is you're in a hurry?

Originally Posted by lud666 (Post 185492)
What about partial charges? If you don't have time to charge the tablet to 100% is it best not to at all? I somehow got the idea it's a really bad idea to stop Lithium batteries charging before they're full.

This may help,


Karel Jansens 2008-05-24 18:22

Re: What is you're in a hurry?

Originally Posted by lud666 (Post 185492)
What about partial charges? If you don't have time to charge the tablet to 100% is it best not to at all? I somehow got the idea it's a really bad idea to stop Lithium batteries charging before they're full.

Like tricle-charging, partially recharging a LiIon battery has no ill effect whatsoever, the reason being the "clever" charging circuitry built in.

Deep discharges (until the cutoff point of the device) are very harmful though if done repeatedly, although some people advize to let a LiIon discharge completely occasionally(again: only until the device it's in shuts down!). Apparently it helps on keeping an accurate battery gauge. LiIon battery gauges are software-based and said to not cope well with partial discharging (which is the best way of using a LiIon battery, ironically), so they need a "reset" ever so often.

Sources say this should be done every 30 full charge cycles (or the rough equivalent of partial cycles). Personally I don't bother, as I never let my batteries run dry anyway.

(FYI, my 770 and N800's batteries show no noticeable decay as to date. I've had my 770 since early 2006 and it's still used almost daily as a dedicated ebook reader)

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