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onhiatus 2008-08-12 21:08

Re: New rDesktop (with new frontend)
Any chance at auto reconnect? That's the one issue that is keeping this from being the perfect solution in my my home automation.

In my setup (stock 770) rdesktop stays connected from 2 - 35 hours (right around 12 is probably average). Having it automatically try to reconnect would be a lifesaver.

TrueJournals 2008-08-12 23:45

Re: New rDesktop (with new frontend)

Originally Posted by Underscore (Post 212917)
*points to screenshot* Huh? Is sound working remotely?

YES! Sound isn't to shabby remotely, surprisingly. I tried it via my local connection and it was a bit choppy, but not that bad. Would I use it for listening to music? No, but it does work OK...

Sparks 2008-08-13 17:28

Re: New rDesktop (with new frontend)
When I try to run /usr/local/bin/ manually, I get the following: /usr/local/bin/rdesktop-cli:error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

sds910 2008-08-13 19:21

Re: New rDesktop (with new frontend)
What I'm desperately looking for is a version that will pass the console mode option (-0)... it's the only way to interact with a running session on a Windows 2003 Server box.

Oh, pleez, pleez, pleez? :D

Benson 2008-08-13 21:08

Re: New rDesktop (with new frontend)
A suggestion:

For implementation details, have a look at kciconsbox -- it's even in python!

The need to minimize and handle multiple sessions suggests (to me) a possible interface for multiple sessions. Have one window with a listbox: one line per defined session, and one labeled "New session". One of the following schemes will be used:
  1. Each normal line has
    • checkbox, which is checked when a connection (and hence an rdesktop client window) exists
    • label, which uniconifies the client window when clicked
    When switching to the control window, all client windows are minimized.
  2. Each normal line has
    • Connect/Disconnect toggling button
    • Checkbox for window/icon status
    • Label; when clicked, switches to that window.
    When switching to the control window, all client windows are left alone.
Or some other variations...

The "New session" line is different, and provides a quick way to start a new session; clicking on the label pops up a screen much like the current one, with options of connect, save, and cancel. Connect will connect (showing up in the control window's list as "Unnamed session 1", with 1 incrementing, (or perhaps with the hostname?) and disappears as soon as it's disconnected. Save saves into the list, and cancel cancels...

Hmmm... I'm not seeing where editing/removing existing connections fits though; this concept needs some work there.

TrueJournals 2008-08-13 23:45

Re: New rDesktop (with new frontend)

Originally Posted by Sparks (Post 213345)
When I try to run /usr/local/bin/ manually, I get the following: /usr/local/bin/rdesktop-cli:error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Hmm, guess I missed a dependency. Try installing rdesktop from the chinook extras repository, and see if that fixes everything. If not, let me know and I'll take a look at it next week.

Benson: Thanks for the suggestions, I'll look into that. I have some ideas of the implementation, and I'll try to post a concept UI sometime late this week/early next week.

Sparks 2008-08-14 02:11

Re: New rDesktop (with new frontend)

Originally Posted by TrueJournals (Post 213511)
Hmm, guess I missed a dependency. Try installing rdesktop from the chinook extras repository, and see if that fixes everything. If not, let me know and I'll take a look at it next week.

I actually already had it installed. But I uninstalled it and installed it again with the same issue. The rdesktop I was installing is version 0.4...correct?

TrueJournals 2008-08-14 06:30

Re: New rDesktop (with new frontend)
Sparks: what OS are you running? I also have rdesktop version 0.4 installed (0.4-diablo1), however, I compiled a new version of rdesktop, which is included in this package, and it's compiled against the diablo libraries, not the chinook ones.

Sparks 2008-08-14 17:29

Re: New rDesktop (with new frontend)

Originally Posted by TrueJournals (Post 213593)
Sparks: what OS are you running? I also have rdesktop version 0.4 installed (0.4-diablo1), however, I compiled a new version of rdesktop, which is included in this package, and it's compiled against the diablo libraries, not the chinook ones.

I'm running OS2008. Is there something else I should try?

disq 2008-08-14 22:46

Re: New rDesktop (with new frontend)
Looking good, I can give you access to the garage rdesktop project if you want :)

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