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vasvlad 2008-08-17 09:19

Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks

Originally Posted by danramos (Post 214340)
Wowzers! .

HUGE thanks for here!! Is there any way we can reciprocate for your excellent work? Donation? Wishlist on Amazon or Think Geek or something?

We are trying to create PayPal account for donation. I will inform you when it will be done ;)


qwerty12 2008-08-17 09:40

Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
Any ideas why I get:

Instead of:

Not a serious problem but the gradient looks pretty :)

Edit, sorry, pictures should now load.

vasvlad 2008-08-17 11:22

Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
The first picture is only model of our designer Andrew Zhilin. The arrows around city name will be available in version 0.21.1 in September. Gradient will be made later.

wazd 2008-08-17 11:30

Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
Well, more to say, my mockup will totally suck in compare with september release :)

lottirj 2008-08-17 22:20

Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
Excellent work guys, thank you. I love the new look of omweather 0.21. One minor problem, I noticed that if you select inHg for displaying the barometric pressure, it will read 0.03.

brianjdoherty 2008-08-17 23:47

Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
It seems to me that the "Show wind" check box has no effect. Wind info is shown regardless. Is this a bug, or am I missing something?

Laughing Man 2008-08-18 01:15

Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
Hmm installing this from testing extras and the station .db results in nothing showing up. I had to uninstall and revert back to the previous version in extras.

scuba04 2008-08-18 02:16

Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
Wow! Absolutely sets the benchmark for other apps. Well done guys!

jjstewart 2008-08-18 02:41

Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
great update. wind works fine for me (it just displays the wind direction under the temperature on the deskop). However, one issue I have noticed is sunrise/sunset times are not accurate.

mooler 2008-08-18 04:18

Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
cant seem to update. still showing 0.20.6. any ideas

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