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Pinatz 2009-04-02 15:35

Re: Mumble Voice-Chat on Maemo
Thanks to both of you. Yesterday in the evening I noticed by myself that I had to update the packagelist :)
It starts and as qole says it does not record my sound because as you said its not using alsa :|
I'm going to install the teamspeak client now (:


Originally Posted by qole
EDIT4: If mumble looks like a no-go, try the "teamspeak-client" package.

the teamspeak-client is only in i386 and amd64 compiled in the debian repository. When I search with my tablet I don't find the package :|

daveb70 2009-09-12 04:11

Re: Mumble Voice-Chat on Maemo
I know, it's unwise to raise the dead [thread] but someone may still be able to breathe life back into this, at least in a Maemo 5 version.

Mumble is still being developed and improved upon, and they are using QT to boot! Although they use Speex, (now included in Maemo 5) in current releases, the plan is to also eventually offer the CELT codec for higher bandwidth connections- I wonder if the CELT dependency could be ripped out for a Maemo 5 build, or maybe someone can just port CELT once it is finally stable and actually released.

Per Qole's investigation, yes Mumble uses OpenGL. Near as I see it, this is to create an overlay for games which offers up realtime info about who is connected to the server and what game they may be playing. AFAIK, Maemo 5 includes an OpenGL ES API base for 3D rendering.(someone correct me if hardware support of the API doesn't necessarily imply full O/S support of the same) - how far off is this from the OpenGL implementation utilized in Mumble? Is it that difficult to transition that part of the code to take advantage of the ES version included in Maemo 5? Hmmm, after reading a bit I suppose if the Mumble calls don't point to components not included in ES, it should be doable. As I read it, ES retains subsets of the standard desktop OpenGL API, so not everything.

Still, OpenGL ES is certainly going to open many exciting doors as devs find ways to make use of it on the N900. If overlay or alpha channel type layering is possible to implement, who says you can't have fade in/fade out previews of say emails while you're in the browser, or while texting, or while thumbing through pictures or your music collection? Maybe allow one to click on the semi-transparent preview item which then opens itself solely over the top of the current app, blurring it beneath it as is fairly common in Maemo 5? Truly a frilly/eye-candy type of feature that isn't essential, but if the system doesn't get bogged down by it, why not? I wonder who could answer/confirm this type of ability will be readily possible with ES on the N900? Sorry, a bit off-topic.

As for why I would like Mumble - No, it isn't because I'll be playing the same games on my future N900 as I do on my PC, but rather because my friends and I do chat in Ventrilo currently even if we're not in-game. Sometimes we're doing work, sometimes homework, sometimes just surfing the web. Why can't I get into a voice-chat server which is geared towards gaming even if I'm not gaming and heckle my friends or see how they're doing? Likewise, after games end we often refer back to our Ventrilo dialogues, rehashing the previous events. The plan is to move to Murmur soon. I suppose if one solely uses Skype, they wouldn't understand why people would rather use Vent, and there's a bit of vice versa there as well.

I've wanted a Ventrilo-style or Murmur client on my tablet for awhile. Heck, I want a basic Steam (plus Steam Friends and Chat) client for my tablet too. I don't expect a Murmur port to come around for my N800, but the N900 certainly looks to have the means and makes more sense as a platform to offer it, providing a dev has need/interest. I don't know how Telepathy ties into all of this, maybe it can, maybe it can't. I certainly believe in not reinventing the wheel. It's still too early to see what the likelihood of a Murmur port is, but perhaps in time as programmers become more familiar and comfortable with Maemo 5 and have real hardware in their hands we'll see more projects not only get started at the garage, but perhaps completed.

Are you tired of reading? Good- I'm tired of writing. :)

mookie_black 2009-12-15 16:31

Re: Mumble Voice-Chat on Maemo
I would like a mumble client as well. Talk is pretty neat to search before you make a comment so you can find threads.

logantn 2010-01-09 00:48

Re: Mumble Voice-Chat on Maemo
Would love a Mumble or Ventrilo client.

AltarCrystal 2010-01-09 01:00

Re: Mumble Voice-Chat on Maemo
Something else to check out if we'd like a vent client, there is a project called Mangler that is actually quite good. I used it on my linux machines, however afaik they don't have any packages compiled for anything octher than x86 and x64 platforms.

I actually one weekend started an attempt to port it the the N900, however there was a mess-load of dependency issues and, oddly enough, an error that was rising wit the GtkBuilder they use for the GUI. We'd probably like to remake the GUI anyways, as it's not exactly what I'd call mobile friendly.

If anyone's interested, their site is
I'll probably take another stab at this if I get bored enough tonight.

AapoRantalainen 2010-01-28 10:49

Re: Mumble Voice-Chat on Maemo
In Fremantle there are not all packages which mumble are using. They must be ported first, or modify mumble's source code to not use these.


Check under crosscompiler
PHP Code:

apt-cache show qt4-dev-tools libqt4-dev libspeex1 libspeex-dev  libboost-dev libasound2-dev libxevie-dev libxevie1 libssl-dev g++ libspeechd-dev libzeroc-ice-dev libpulse-dev slice2cpp libcap-dev libspeexdsp-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libboost1.37-dev libogg-dev libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev libsndfile1-dev libg15daemon-client-dev grep Unable 

This is output:

W: Unable to locate package libxevie-dev
W: Unable to locate package libxevie1
W: Unable to locate package libspeechd-dev
W: Unable to locate package libzeroc-ice-dev
W: Unable to locate package slice2cpp
W: Unable to locate package libprotobuf-dev
W: Unable to locate package protobuf-compiler
W: Unable to locate package libg15daemon-client-dev

(Additionally there might be some other issues, like in fremantle there are libboost1.38-dev not 1.37.)

This might be one starting point to look after these missing packages:

So when you got some of these libraries ported report it here.

AapoRantalainen 2010-01-28 12:18

Re: Mumble Voice-Chat on Maemo
I got very first version (proof of concept) working.
This is ugly hack using debian's package, but it shows mumble is possible on N900.

Instructions: (I think this is safe, but you make your decisions)

step 1) Install some dependencies
PHP Code:

apt-get install libavahi-client3 libavahi-common3 libavahi-compat-libdnssd1 libgl1  libspeechd2 libspeex1  libcelt0-0 lsb-release libqt4-core libqt4-gui 

step 2) Download missing libraries from debian armel, do not install them, but open them and put actual library files in one directory.
This is list of needed:

step 3) Download mumble from debian, take only binary.

And then start with
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./mumble

If you are lazy, and just only test is this working or not you can use my tarball (do step 1 still):

tar zvxf mumble_debian.tar.gz
cd mumble_debian/
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./mumble

When you first time start it you can use wizard to test microphone and speakers. All these windows are too big to fit on screen. Just skip or start PC version of Mumble same time and read from there.

What works:
Connecting to server
speaking (another participant can hear you)
listening (what another is speaking)
sending text message
receiving text message

What is not working:
Audio Wizard (doesn't fit the screen)

luiquri 2010-04-11 14:13

Re: Mumble Voice-Chat on Maemo
I have just few minutes ago tested mumble, and it works fine for me :). Hopefully someone makes it work better. It's not fitting perfectly in screen. Otherwise it works enough good :p. THANX for the tarball

BeQuis 2010-05-14 22:36

Re: Mumble Voice-Chat on Maemo
Would be awesome to get this really working on N900.

AapoRantalainen 2010-05-15 06:50

Re: Mumble Voice-Chat on Maemo
Updated missing dependencies list:

W: Unable to locate package libxevie-dev
W: Unable to locate package libxevie1
W: Unable to locate package libzeroc-ice-dev
W: Unable to locate package slice2cpp
W: Unable to locate package libg15daemon-client-dev

I think this is easier way than dropping features from mumble.

If I got this in compilable state who will make needed UI changes?

libxevie is in. (it needed x11proto-evie-dev)
libg15daemon-client-dev is for logitech keyboards with LCD (dropped)
libzeroc-ice-dev and slice2cpp are same. And optionally.

libboost is still issue

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