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Re: The latest MediaBox
This regular freezing reported by fms seems to be a real show stopper. Does it still happen with the new version, and are other people experiencing the freezing, too?
Re: The latest MediaBox
The latest version has also got a lot of UI problems when the UI gets into some screwed up state where some features no longer work (restart fixes it though). And I could not get media indexing to work :( Anyways, I understand that the peculiar UI is one of the main highlights of MediaBox but still suggest that you review and simplify the UI. The dumber it is, the less state information it requires, the better. |
Re: The latest MediaBox
pycage, any chance you'll offer some documentation for users (a user's guide)? Call me a dope, but I can't, for example, figure out how to make a playlist. And that's just one example. I gave up on it, but I know it has real fans and suspect I'd be one if I could just get the hang of it.
Re: The latest MediaBox
Wow Pycage. It's a lot lot faster than it used to be.
Cannot figure out how to quickly play randomly from my entire library though, and I assume last.fm scrobbling is though maemoscrobbler? Thanks Gaz |
Re: The latest MediaBox
I plan on doing some step-by-step walkthrough tutorials for the more advanced features that are not obvious.
The community is also invited to write up tutorials, documentation, and maybe videos of how to use MediaBox. I can't do this all alone, so naturally, documentation is always lagging behind. How to make a playlist: The items that can be added to a playlist have a button with three lines (looking like a list of items), and in MediaBox 0.96.5 the label "Playlist". When pressing this button, MediaBox appends the item to the currently selected playlist. You can select and create new playlists in the playlist viewer (second icon from the left on the menu panel). There you can also change the order of the items by dragging with your thumb (there's a grip area to the left of the playlist items). If you press the "Playlist" button on a directory or album, all items within that directory get appended to the playlist at once. Playlists are saved automatically, so you don't have to worry about that. |
Re: The latest MediaBox
There's no scrobbler plugin yet, because I'm not scrobbling. |
Re: The latest MediaBox
Every release is a good step to perfection :)
This release is awesome. I have never met any visible GUI freezes. But traditionally I have some polish-needed places to be mentioned. 1. It would be really nice to add "Play" to Playlist menu... Now it has only "Remove" and "Open", so some more taps to start playing are needed. 2. When I open Playlist, switch to Player view and tap Next, no Play/Pause and time progressbar are shown, I guess it's a bug ;) 3. When changing volume (via buttons or onscreen control) there could a level info stuff, e.g. like letters when using right-side finger-friendly scrollbar. 4. Icon for genres under Genres List. 5. No Local Audio is confusing me a bit, 'cause Artists, Albums, Genres and Music Folders are different by nature from e.g. Internet Radio (oh, my strange mind ;)) 6. Please, add some infobanner (the best is stylized like current letters when scrolling), so there will be no need for me to check, if I really had added item(s) to Playlist. 7. And I still think shuffling is not working properly... It's pure IMO. I got used to songs being played once in shuffle and only then repeated in next round, e.g. before any song could be repeated all the others should be played. |
Re: The latest MediaBox
A couple of quick questions:
How do the lyrics work? I have a file "Song.mp3" and a lyrics file "Song.lrc" in the same directory, but MediaBox tells me no lyrics file found. How do I change the directories that MediaBox searches for music, videos and images. I used to be able to do that, but I don't know how anymore. Thanks, Jay |
Re: The latest MediaBox
Well, now the lyrics are working. I don't know what I saw before, but forget my questions about lyrics.
Sorry, Jay |
Re: The latest MediaBox
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