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badger 2009-09-07 11:45

Re: N900: Support for Google Calendar and Contacts?
The device will sync with Nokia PC Suite via USB so its possible to Sync Calendar that way but not contacts...

I was hoping that the Conduit port would come back to life and be complied for Meamo 5 with Contacts and calendar support.

bAxon 2009-09-07 12:04

Re: N900: Support for Google Calendar and Contacts?
PC Suite..hmm.. I was hoping for something over the air

ragnar 2009-09-07 12:11

Re: N900: Support for Google Calendar and Contacts?

Well, the Mail for Exchange sync is over the air. Of course not everyone is using Exchange. I haven't tried the PC suite solution myself.

peterjb31 2009-09-07 12:20

Re: N900: Support for Google Calendar and Contacts?

Originally Posted by ragnar (Post 323121)

Well, the Mail for Exchange sync is over the air. Of course not everyone is using Exchange. I haven't tried the PC suite solution myself.

In this specific instance (ie sync with google), then Exchange sync is suitable as Google supports synchronising with an Exchange client.

korbé 2009-09-07 12:21

Re: N900: Support for Google Calendar and Contacts?

Originally Posted by badger (Post 323109)
The device will sync with Nokia PC Suite via USB so its possible to Sync Calendar that way but not contacts...

I was hoping that the Conduit port would come back to life and be complied for Meamo 5 with Contacts and calendar support.

Ho Ho, a port of Conduit?

Why Nokia dont'k make and include this port in Maemo 5?

Jaffa 2009-09-07 13:40

Re: N900: Support for Google Calendar and Contacts?

Originally Posted by korbé (Post 323128)
Why Nokia dont'k make and include this port in Maemo 5?

Because if Nokia did everything, there'd be no development community?

dneary 2009-10-12 16:21

Re: N900: Support for Google Calendar and Contacts?
Mail for Exchange does indeed seem like the solution. For some reason I can't get it working myself. For those who want to try, instructions are here:


ewan 2009-10-12 16:23

Re: N900: Support for Google Calendar and Contacts?
Do we know whether the N900 can support multiple Exchange type accounts? It would be useful to be able to sync with both Google and a real Exchange server.

dneary 2009-10-12 16:30

Re: N900: Support for Google Calendar and Contacts?
There's one way to find out... I don't have "a real Exchange server" handy right now. I could try with Zimbra, I suppose...


dneary 2009-10-12 16:32

Re: N900: Support for Google Calendar and Contacts?

Originally Posted by debernardis (Post 322100)
Also another interesting question (could deserve a thread): will the n900 be able to import calendar, contacts, todo list, notes and whatever from symbian phones?

Device to device sync over bluetooth works perfectly - I did it today with my trusty old N82 to the N900, using the normal Bluetooth "sync with another terminal" option.


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