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ysss 2009-09-28 11:33

Re: Brainstorm: MMS Support
This is a matter of PRIDE too! For all the "mms-less iphone" comments thrown out there...

lcuk 2009-09-28 13:03

Re: Brainstorm: MMS Support

this morning a conversation took place in #maemo which begun to discuss the specifics of implementing MMS in the n900
I have posted the conversation onto the wiki, but it requires extensive weeding and cleanup and converting into an outline and spec

please get involved and have a go at getting rid of the extra stuff or attempt to fill in any blanks or problems.

users ab and astorm were the key guys in this discussion and it would be really good to follow up on this :)


frals 2009-09-28 20:47

Re: Brainstorm: MMS Support
Added a new wiki page for the problems/solutions:

benny1967 2009-09-28 21:42

Re: Brainstorm: MMS Support
Just to make sure I'm on the right track here:

The fact that all of this community activity is happening - does this mean Nokia clearly stated meanwhile they would not bring MMS to Maemo 5? Not now and not in a future upgrade (within a reasonable timeline, read "before Maemo 6")?

The reason I'm asking is that - from what I read so far - I was under the impression that MMS was one of the things omitted from the initial release because there was not enough time/resources to do it... and that, of course, Nokians basically acknowledge the need for it and will bring it to the platform later as an update.

Now if they'd plan to do so, they wouldn't let this community work happen without at least stating clearly that it's doubling work already ongoing within Nokia, would they? They would tell us that whatever the outcome of a community led solution is, it would always be second best compared to a fully integrated MMS-solution by Nokia.

So because now we have this thread and wiki pages and the brainstorm entry... and nobody commented along the lines of "hey, you know we're working on it, too"... may I safely assume there's a final decision within Nokia not to support MMS on M5 via a future SSU?

frals 2009-09-28 21:48

Re: Brainstorm: MMS Support
I wouldn't make any such assumptions to be honest.

They way I see it, by doing this (possible) double work we show that the community is working towards a solution of this problem - and really wants the feature.

I'll keep working on this until there's an official release note of a SSU where it says its added ;) (Unless I stop, for whatever reason ;))

The situation was somewhat similar on the first iPhones - there were 3rd party apps implementing (somewhat limited from my understanding) MMS support on the phone until Apple released their official implementation of it.

In closing - either we implement it as a community, or Nokia does it with a future SSU. Regardless, I'd say we win in the end ;)

lcuk 2009-09-28 22:00

Re: Brainstorm: MMS Support
I do not see a fixed line between Nokia and the community.

there was a reply today from the -dev mailing list entry I posted which indicated a nokia engineer had discussed the matter with ab (from the original irc convo) which means the right people are at the very least talking.

connections are made, the rest will happen as it does.
nobody expects miracles and instant fixes.

x61 2009-09-28 22:04

Re: Brainstorm: MMS Support
Since this is an open source device, the solution to this problem will come soon... eg.

sudo apt-get install maemo-mms

nMIK-3 2009-09-28 22:15

Re: Brainstorm: MMS Support

Originally Posted by chemist (Post 335205)
ASAP? I still know a lot of guys who never used it and never will (/me included). BTW you are in wrong topic this is brainstorm...

chemist, this is you and your needs. In the other hand I know a lot of people that are using MMS A LOT. I even know a person that is not getting the N900 just because the lack of MMS.
I know exactly the purpose of this threat. I just comment on the MMS situation, no need to create this to a VS or anything but if you have not interest on MMS as you said then you are the one in the wrong thread. Even if you never use the service is good to have it and not using it than not having it at all.

MMS and vertical operation is by far the two most important complains the N900 suffers. Knowing Nokia sooner or later they will address those issues.

allnameswereout 2009-09-28 23:53

Re: Brainstorm: MMS Support
I can only speak for my own telco, Vodafone NL. It seems they have different APNs because there are different connections configured (there are 4, in fact). But that is not the case. They have the same APN name which you can see in details: with username vodafone and password vodafone. The only difference is the default homepage. For MMS, it is so at least in my case there is no need for a seperate ppp1 please verify in your phone settings about your case. YMMV.

frals 2009-09-29 00:01

Re: Brainstorm: MMS Support

Originally Posted by allnameswereout (Post 335714)
I can only speak for my own telco, Vodafone NL. It seems they have different APNs because there are different connections configured (there are 4, in fact). But that is not the case. They have the same APN name which you can see in details: with username vodafone and password vodafone. The only difference is the default homepage. For MMS, it is so at least in my case there is no need for a seperate ppp1 please verify in your phone settings about your case. YMMV.

Same here, Tele2 Sweden. Only difference between my Internet settings and the MMS is the starting page;

EDIT: My bad, they actually use different proxyservers. for MMS and for GPRS

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