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ralphb 2009-10-01 14:56

Re: 1930 mah battery...

Originally Posted by ysss (Post 337490)
No, if you can verify that they truly have a higher rating and comes from reputable producer.

And you can be sure that Nokia won't start doing the same evil tricks that Panasonic are pulling ... ?

Quindor 2009-10-01 15:03

Re: 1930 mah battery...
In theory it should work just fine. Just two problems with it.

A: Will it be rated capacity, or not? Nobody knows, hard to test subjectivly

B: It's not a nokia battery, there have been cases in the past where there was a lot of fuss about using a 3rd party battery in a nokia device, losing warrenty, broken devices and especially getting very hot or even burning.

My personal opinion is to just try it. See if it gives you better battery life then before doing your tasks and it if lasts longer, great! Share the experience! :)

I have a Canon Powershot S60 with a factory battery and a cheap alternative battery which is suposed to have about 350 mAh more. I think they lasted the same in the beginning and over the years the cheaper one has lasted less and less long while the factory one remained strong. But hey, it only costed 1/3rd too.

ysss 2009-10-01 15:20

Re: 1930 mah battery...

Originally Posted by ralphb (Post 337492)
And you can be sure that Nokia won't start doing the same evil tricks that Panasonic are pulling ... ?


But unless they have some kind of smart (non copy-able) chip on the battery, they'll have to do their battery verification by measuring the electrical properties from the opensource device :D

Well ok, let's hope there's no locked down proprietary binary blobs around it.

toratoko 2009-10-01 15:20

Re: 1930 mah battery...
I wholeheartedly agree with you sir. I had one of those extended batteries and after a few months I started to notice the back of my phone swell and there it was, a slowly expanding battery doomed to explode in my pocket.


Originally Posted by TA-t3 (Post 337486)
When li-ion/li-poly batteries go bad they go extremely (violently) bad. So, I tend to trust vendor-original batteries more than unknown ones. Some 3party batteries don't have the very important built-in protection circuit, for example. So, without knowing for certain, I won't trust them. But that's just me

zkyevolved 2009-10-01 15:54

Re: 1930 mah battery...

Originally Posted by toratoko (Post 337514)
I wholeheartedly agree with you sir. I had one of those extended batteries and after a few months I started to notice the back of my phone swell and there it was, a slowly expanding battery doomed to explode in my pocket.

Well, that's just scary. Lol. I've seen that happen on my OEM blackberry battery. But I've had the berry for 3 years :P I'm surprised the battery has lasted me as long as it lasted! Lol. Oh well.

Well, regarding the larger capacity, I've seen applications (for Windows Mobile) that actually tell you the mAh expended in real time. So I kept that app open, and watched movies until the battery died. That was my test. usually +- 20 mAh is acceptable to me. But since this is Maemo, and I've never seen this OS at all or have looked for apps available as they're in repositories, I can't really check. But it's strange to find an app to monitory mAh consumption.

Regardless, it's all about trial and error. Since that battery is listed to be compatible with a 5800, would anyone dare to try it out? I would, but I don't have a 5800 :( Otherwise I would do it.

I'm soo pumped about the N900, I'm already buying backup batteries :P. This is going to be a great phone, as long as the keyboard is decent. And I'm going to need to get some decent battery life as well, even if I have to put it in GPRS/EDGE mode. On my Blackberry Bold I can't get a full day out of 3G. I doubt the N900 will be able to on a larger screen & with 3G on. So that's why I'm planing on getting the spare batteries. I'm thinking about buying this 1930 mAh battery. It's a really low investment :P until seidio comes out with one (doubt it, but they make EXCELLENT extended batteries).

TooMuchMoney 2009-10-01 16:14

Re: 1930 mah battery...
I have used plenty of aftermarket batteries. Do yourself a favour and don't bother with them especially the ones on eBay.

They lie about their actual capacity.

They are unreliable over time. They tend to lose capacity a lot quicker.

They tend to cut corners and are not safe... I've experienced one which exploded and another which bulged.

The big corps tries to source the best battery cells. They want to make their devices as small as possible and do not cut corners with safety. Some aftermarket entity doesn't have the same resources nor are they going to be better...

The only aftermarket batteries that has lasted longer are those with bigger dimensions and comes with its own custom battery/back cover. Mugem seems to make quality batteries. Just search for feedbacks/reviews

zkyevolved 2009-10-01 16:24

Re: 1930 mah battery...

Originally Posted by TooMuchMoney (Post 337565)
The only aftermarket batteries that has lasted longer are those with bigger dimensions and comes with its own custom battery/back cover. Mugem seems to make quality batteries. Just search for feedbacks/reviews

I've seen them, but they're HUGE and they usually take a long time to develop batteries for them. But I imagine if they have one for the 5800, then it'll work for the N900, and all you'd need is a DIYS Nokia Battery Door Kit! Home Depot anyone? Lol. Someone get out the easy bake oven and some clay! We're making an extended battery cover :D

shadowjk 2009-10-01 18:32

Re: 1930 mah battery...

Originally Posted by Matan (Post 337460)
NiMH AA batteries are available with capacities from 1500 mAh to 3200 mAh, so I expect that Li-Ion batteries may have some variance in capacity per cubed millimetre as well.

In practice there's only about 3 makes of 2700mAh batteries that actually get close to 2700. Sanyo and Titanium brands for example. Everything above, and indeed most 2700mAh AA batteries are inflation by marketing ;) Since most consumers are unable to test, and since most consumers probably torture their old batteries to near-death before buying new ones anyway, they always notice an improvement...

Even the mugen batteries, which seem to be highly regarded here, have inflated claims and don't come close to their stated capacity. The big ones with new cover have better capacity than Nokia original though :)

That ebay battery claiming to be made in Japan... Is that chinese text on it in Japanese font or what?:D

Lord Raiden 2009-10-01 19:24

Re: 1930 mah battery...

Originally Posted by ralphb (Post 337492)
And you can be sure that Nokia won't start doing the same evil tricks that Panasonic are pulling ... ?

Well, given how much money that OEM's make off of aftermarket stuff, and given that all the printer companies have done this to lock out competitors to this rather lucrative cash cow market, forcing the previous 3rd party vendors to switch to remanufacturing, it's not hard to believe that the other companies will do the exact same thing. Of course, a little hack and patch and you're back to 100% again with a 3rd party battery. The only thing that'd stop them from selling the battery is if the OEM made it a DMCA offense to hack the firmware or fake who you really are.

As for the question of battery capacity, your total number of cells determines your top end charge capabilities. For smart batteries with smart circuits, and a unified cell design, you simply control the maximum charge by changing the cell firmware. So by rights, a 1200mah battery and a 2500mah battery of the same size and form factor are identical (assuming the unified cell design), save for the cell firmware.

Now as for the 1930mah battery, I call fake on that. It's got too much that cries fowl about it.

allnameswereout 2009-10-01 19:28

Re: 1930 mah battery...
Gold battery, lol. Type BL-5J clearly meant to sound genuine.


Originally Posted by TA-t3 (Post 337486)
When li-ion/li-poly batteries go bad they go extremely (violently) bad. So, I tend to trust vendor-original batteries more than unknown ones.

Also, by using what majority uses, when these batteries are known to go bad they are recalled. Well, except in case of one certain corporation...


Some 3party batteries don't have the very important built-in protection circuit, for example. So, without knowing for certain, I won't trust them. But that's just me
Yup. Using any third party battery voids your warranty.

Although sometimes you need to resort to unofficial solutions like I'd not do this with new device under warranty with a good battery. Instead, buy a second official battery, or buy a 3rd party battery when your primary battery has gone bad, or wait for a battery with a brand name and good track record (and therefore good name to defend) such as Mugen.

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