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MrGrim 2009-11-05 10:50

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken
They're doing what i did a few months ago (but slower): find something about n900, look deeper, decide they like it, come here

drm 2009-11-05 11:22

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken
It would be nice to involve this new folks that just registered on the talk to also sign for the community, like brainstorming, reporting bugs and specially finding good designers for the graphics of the applications, I thing that is really missing in some applications.

NvyUs 2009-11-05 15:31

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken
yesterday's peak time was at 9:30PM GMT, there is already 760 users logged in today with still 6 hours to go until we hit prime-time
i think today could be another record breaking day

DaveP1 2009-11-05 15:48

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken

Originally Posted by drm (Post 366167)
It would be nice to involve this new folks that just registered on the talk to also sign for the community, like brainstorming, reporting bugs and specially finding good designers for the graphics of the applications, I thing that is really missing in some applications.

Before we ask new users to start contributing, the powers that be might consider adding a prominent New User Survey button to the site and ask new users what they would like to see.

Texrat 2009-11-05 17:22

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken
drm and DaveP1:

As you may have seen, there has been a flurry of work lately to accomodate newcomers. I personally think the Maemo Greeters program (in pilot) has huge potential to make sure newcomers are assisted and engaged.

Correlating with this is a great deal of work to fix up the wiki, and I know I speak for everyone when I say hats off to those, including some very new members, who have stepped up to contribute!

More to come, and ideas always welcome.

NvyUs 2009-11-05 19:35

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken
record stands at 842 now, just a matter of time before we see the magic 1000 barrier broke

Reggie 2009-11-05 19:37

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken
Yup, close to 700 guests browsing. Crazy. :)

Faz 2009-11-05 23:06

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken

Most users ever online was 854, Today at 10:08 PM.

Currently Active Users: 734 (165 members and 569 guests)
There was 100+ viewing N900 shipping delayed a moment ago.

DaveP1 2009-11-06 14:57

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken

Originally Posted by Faz (Post 366860)
There was 100+ viewing N900 shipping delayed a moment ago.

131 when I went through New Posts this morning.

Of course, reading the shipping delay thread may not be the best introduction for new members.

Reggie 2009-11-06 18:17

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken
New record again -- now 875!

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