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christexaport 2009-12-01 03:35

Re: Member location
i don't support mandatory specific location info, especially not coordinates, but at least a country or province/state. If N900 becomes a hit, I'd like to know which members live closest to me to arrange meetups or discuss locally pertinent info. I mainly want it for users to relate to each other. I want to know who is from the major tech centers, etc. If an attack goes down in UK, I want to know which members to contact or be concerned.

phreck 2009-12-01 03:41

Re: Member location
Start local meets via the forums then. Spam other local resources as well. Dont need to know where i hail from to do that. Ask and you shall receive. Seek, and you will find.

I understand what your'e getting at on a convenience stance, however i believe that info should be completely optional to divulge, and should be held close to the chest at very least. Too many stupid people give out info and get taken advantage of, so from a social responsibility/security standpoint im not for it. Sorry, we will just have to agree to disagree on this one brother =P

code177 2009-12-01 03:47

Re: Member location

Originally Posted by noobmonkey (Post 401863)
"worthing, england"

In west sussex? I'm from Shoreham! :D

Texrat 2009-12-01 04:09

Re: Member location

Originally Posted by phreck (Post 402021)
Yea, sorry been around too long. Seen what happens when people know what city you live in.

Yeeears ago I was a moderator for AOL (ducks rotten fruit and rocks). One member was a detective and by cues left by others he started figuring out who they were and posted personal info in forums to taunt them. Scary. One of my first indicators of what was to come...

phreck 2009-12-01 04:19

Re: Member location

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 402049)
Yeeears ago I was a moderator for AOL (ducks rotten fruit and rocks). One member was a detective and by cues left by others he started figuring out who they were and posted personal info in forums to taunt them. Scary. One of my first indicators of what was to come...



bergie 2009-12-01 07:13

Re: Member location

Originally Posted by ARJWright (Post 401870)
Wouldn't it be cool if was a social network, and therefore one's Maemo (N810 or N900 at the moment) device could give the live location, fed right from the device's GPS...

We had some plans on something like that. Maybe good time to bring it up in the sprint meetings?

bergie 2009-12-01 07:15

Re: Member location

Originally Posted by christexaport (Post 402027)
i don't support mandatory specific location info, especially not coordinates, but at least a country or province/state.

Here's how we did it for Qaiku.

RevdKathy 2009-12-01 08:31

Re: Member location
Would a minimum requirement of 'continent' really breach anyone's confidentiality? It would at least resolve the TMOUk v TMUSA issues. Besides which, most of us give that much away by our spelling...

(Ducks comments about those who may be incontinent)

noobmonkey 2009-12-01 08:34

Re: Member location

Originally Posted by RevdKathy (Post 402263)
Would a minimum requirement of 'continent' really breach anyone's confidentiality? It would at least resolve the TMOUk v TMUSA issues. Besides which, most of us give that much away by our spelling...

(Ducks comments about those who may be incontinent)

Tmo-UK-vTmo-France, etc? :P

RevdKathy 2009-12-01 08:38

Re: Member location
Tmo-France (or Orange-France) are not that far from the other variants on the same continent. The USA versions are... different.

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