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les_garten 2010-01-22 18:04

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser

Originally Posted by netoak (Post 475138)
Yeah that would be could and also the possibility to attach the episodes in the calendar of N900 to track the new episodes.

I don't know if I'm requesting some thing really difficut to do, but would be cool. If it's really difficult then when you open the app could show you the episodes that will be done the present week.

Exactly! I have mine entered in my Calendar, but integrations would be killer! Original air date and future air dates! Wake me up!

CoccoBill 2010-02-12 13:33

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser

Originally Posted by Exca (Post 489104)
Instead of adding airdates to the calendar, I'd like to see something like

Name of series
4 seasons | 2(4) episodes not watched | Next episode airs 12.12.2010

Where the 2 means that there has been already 2 aired episodes that you have missed. And 4 would tell how many you have unticked (as it is now)

I like this, seeing the next airdate for each show is exactly what I'm looking for. Adding the dates to calendar should be optional, I don't want them to spam my (already cluttered) calendar.

Great app, thanks.

kamishly 2010-02-27 00:08

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser

Originally Posted by pelago (Post 414782)
Joaquim Rocha has written a nice app for N900/Maemo 5 called SeriesFinale, which uses data from to allow you to browse episode guides for TV series. See his blog post at

Cant find seriesfinale in extras but when i tried to download from the authors site, it tells me some components are missing??

Any steps and links on how to get this working on my N900??

jrocha 2010-02-27 17:42

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser

You can install SeriesFinale from the Application Manager is you have the "extras-devel" catalog enabled.

Here is a guide on how to add a catalog:


kamishly 2010-02-27 18:24

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser

Originally Posted by jrocha (Post 549033)

You can install SeriesFinale from the Application Manager is you have the "extras-devel" catalog enabled.

Here is a guide on how to add a catalog:


I got it and downloaded it I also added some shows, but then what? How do we watch the shows??

A how to guide could be helpful!!


les_garten 2010-02-27 18:30

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser

Originally Posted by kamishly (Post 549075)
I got it and downloaded it I also added some shows, but then what? How do we watch the shows??

5 Simple steps will eanble you to watch TV, Please do these in the strict order shown below

1) Buy a TV
2) Turn it on
3) Tune to the desired channel
4) POP some Popcorn
5) Enjoy!

jrocha 2010-02-27 18:32

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser
Kamishly, SeriesFinale is not suppose to let you watch the shows but keep track of the episodes, etc.
Such feature would be kind of illegal, don't you think?

Taomyn 2010-03-30 13:15

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser

How do I edit/zap the database for this? I upgraded to 0.5.1 and I have one program stuck at the top which won't delete or even get an image - it seems to update though.

Have tried uninstalling and an "apt-get remove --purge" and the data keeps coming back when I reinstall.


**Update** found the db in .osso so I renamed it and I can now start again. annoying as i had quite a few shows added, but i couldn't get rid of the entry nor update properly :(

**Update2** Damn it, adding the show that was "bad" before first worked, but then when I added a second show the first one became "bad" again. It's called "Bang goes the Theory" if you want to try it.

attila77 2010-03-30 13:51

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser
I'd be happy with just an option to sort by air date (or filter series with no air dates = i.e. finished, on hiatus, etc) :)

jrocha 2010-03-30 14:02

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser
Hi Taomyn, but you mean that you deleted that show, the next time you open the application it would be there again? Or it would be back when you update it?

I'll see what I can do based on your answer.

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