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fms 2009-12-09 11:13

Re: Vulture\'s Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing

Originally Posted by qwerty12 (Post 418508)
Why upload the binary package to non-free, but the source to the autobuilder? You\'ll end up with it [\"it\" being the binary package, too] being in free, as well as non-free.

'cause source package is not autobuildable yet (and it is 29MB). Javispedro is working on it though. Once the source autobuilds, you will simply see a slightly newer version of VE in -free.

sadfist 2009-12-10 17:34

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing
Got a few minutes to try this out, pretty cool. The white on light grey marble text is a little hard to read. Game hung when I hit cancel during character creation ( or I couldn't figure out how to restart the character creation. Saving didnt work for me either, resulted in hang.

Lazarpandar 2009-12-10 21:15

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing
Sorry if this is a newb question but it says I need libsdl-ttf2.0-0, where do i get that?

go1dfish 2009-12-10 23:25

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing
After updating Vulture's Eye today, the app no longer runs.

Running from the cli I'm told /opt/vultures doesnt exist, not sure if it existed before.

Going to try a remove/re-add to see if that will fix things.

go1dfish 2009-12-10 23:38

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing

Originally Posted by go1dfish (Post 421836)
After updating Vulture's Eye today, the app no longer runs.

Running from the cli I'm told /opt/vultures doesnt exist, not sure if it existed before.

Going to try a remove/re-add to see if that will fix things.

After a removal/re-add through the Application Manager Vulture's Eye runs once more, but I did lose my game save :( oh well I was still only lvl 1-2 anyway.

Addison 2009-12-11 03:25

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing
It's threads like this that should display a big middle finger for us N8x0 users. :D

I'm not sure how long I can hold out upgrading to the newer tablet with a release such as this.

Nice to see Clive is still programming, that guy has some awesome talent going back several years.

Thanks fms!

fms 2009-12-11 06:11

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing

Originally Posted by sadfist (Post 421240)
Got a few minutes to try this out, pretty cool. The white on light grey marble text is a little hard to read. Game hung when I hit cancel during character creation ( or I couldn't figure out how to restart the character creation. Saving didnt work for me either, resulted in hang.

Thanks. I will check what is going on.

fms 2009-12-11 06:11

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing

Originally Posted by go1dfish (Post 421850)
After a removal/re-add through the Application Manager Vulture's Eye runs once more, but I did lose my game save :( oh well I was still only lvl 1-2 anyway.

This is weird, but I am going to check what happens on updates.

fms 2009-12-11 06:12

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing

Originally Posted by Addison (Post 422056)
It's threads like this that should display a big middle finger for us N8x0 users. :D

It should not be a problem to package VE for Maemo4. Just needs some more of my time.

FatalZero 2009-12-11 07:38

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing
Jollygood! I'm currently commuting to my work and was bored as usual. So I read about vultures eye. I'm downloading it right now. Will test it as soon as I possibly can. Diablo on a N900: It's madness. :)

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