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hypnotik 2009-12-07 18:13

Re: How is YOUR Desktop set up?

Originally Posted by mmurfin87 (Post 412180)
Personally I'm using the following setup:

"Contacts" panel:

"Media" panel:

"Web" panel:

"Utility" panel:

The Web panel and the Utility panel are probably going to go through some revisions because i'm not quite happy about the separation of functionality. I'd really prefer to have a Web panel, Utility panel, and a kind of PIM panel, but then I'd be over the 4 panel limit.

How is your battery life with all those widgets and what not?

Zelig87 2009-12-08 00:51

Show your N900 Desktops
I'm interested to see how people are using their 4 desktops on the N900.

I'm looking for inspiration....... for now, my main desktop looks like this:-

I can fit another row of Contacts (with slight overlap), so that will give me 6 Contact shortcuts on my main desktop.
Eventually, I will get people's photos (not big on Facebook, so Hermes cant help me).

Haven't done much with the other three..... one looks like this so far:-

Another one will probably just be Contact shortcuts for work people.

Please post your screenshots here.

That One Guy 2009-12-08 03:24

Re: Show your N900 Desktops
3 Attachment(s)
I'm only running 3 desktops. Don't really need 4. I could even condess everything into two, I suppose.

Edit: Condense. I really noe haw to spel guud... ugh.

Zelig87 2009-12-08 09:40

Re: Show your N900 Desktops
That's not a bad idea. I might stick to 3 desktops until I have a need for the 4th.

Ovek 2009-12-08 10:12

Re: Show your N900 Desktops
1 Attachment(s)
Only one desktop for me...

On that note, thanks for letting me switch off my unused desktops! :)

thinh 2009-12-08 10:22

Re: Show your N900 Desktops
3 Attachment(s)
i'm currently using just 3 also....

Attachment 4917

Attachment 4918

Attachment 4919

Tiptronic 2009-12-08 10:22

Re: Show your N900 Desktops
The original one is the most exciting and the zoomed gun looks very cool:D the mushroomwatercloud looks also very fun :D

Neegs 2009-12-08 10:25

Re: Show your N900 Desktops
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh more more people im interested to see what you can cram in. although interesting to see that people are not using all four screens yet

fletchem 2009-12-08 10:30

Re: Show your N900 Desktops
How do you add the "no new messages" window?

Don't worry - found the widget download. :D

peio 2009-12-08 11:02

Re: Show your N900 Desktops
My unique desktop (I disabled the 3 others)

I don't like shortcuts and prefer access apps through the main menu :)

By the way, the fm transmitter is really ugly, I would muck prefer a direct access to fm transmitter through the status bar option, like for bluetooth. Is there already somewhere I can vote for that enhancement?

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